Vidyasagar Talks on KNOW YOURSELF
Ego is necessary to know yourself, without ego you cannot know. This ego is nothing but a bundle of thoughts with which you are made up and registered in your brain. The purpose or quality of ego is to gain true knowledge so that it can disappear. But the knowledge you possess are about the outer world and people and not about your own self. Be a witness even to your own talk. You are a witness to the talking, but you are not the talk. Seeing, hearing, feeling creates the illusion of the world or objects. This happens because of sensory organs which are nothing but thoughts. The experiences of the senses have to be translated into thoughts. Otherwise you cannot express anything. As long as these sensory objects are not understood I will see myself only as an object as a mere form body. You are witnessing the seeing, hearing, feeling etc. Why do you think that they are done by the body and identify yourself with it, Drop this thought and become a witness, which you are. You are witnessing the mind which appears as forms. You are not the forms. But the forms are made out of the original ‘You’ by the mind. The mind uses you or ‘What is’ to perceive forms, which are mere shadows of itself.
You see yourself as objects with the help of mind which is ‘What is’, not conscious of this fact. It is not a separate entity to see itself as objects and hence uses thoughts for recognition and identification. Mind can see everything only as forms or objects (which are forms), which has no meaning for it. Thought produces the meaning such as body world etc. due to recognition. It also creates a division as you, me, this, that, etc. Your nature is Samadhi without mind. In the world if you are enlightened you will also be in Samadhi but with perception which you will know as illusions. Actually you are in Samadhi with the mind projecting you as forms or objects which you don’t realize. It is good to be in Samadhi with mind after knowing the mind, to see your own beauty as forms. As long as mind or body perception is there the external duality exists. When the falsity of the mind and body as separate entities is realized, they start losing their individual identification and merge with ‘What is’. Till the merger is complete its external qualities appear to exist. But it is known that they are only appearances without any meaning or cause. You can act in the world without the conditioned thoughts operating. That is, you can be in a state of thoughtlessness and still use thoughts for day to day living. Initially it is the most difficult task. By and by acting or action with few required thoughts happens. That action is just for the love of it and no return is expected.
When the thoughts stop, the mind is cleared of its impurities which are dreams. Always the beginning is known. Creation starts from there, which is creativity. ‘What is’ is beauty. ‘What is’ is silence. ‘What is’ is No thing,’ What is’ is bliss. ‘What is’ is aloneness. All these do not exist as separations. They are absolute. This absoluteness is the whole Truth. Other than this truth all else are not known as passing clouds never to return. The knower which is the known exists in its eternity as formless, nameless. Pure living emptiness.
There is no duality. There is no internal or external. There is no mind, thoughts, and objects internally. The illusory external duality and multiplicity are there but it is known that external is false. Only the internal appears as illusory external. It is not false for the mind as long as the mind feels it is separate from ‘what is’. When the mind is cleaned of this misconception or whatever it is, then the falsity of the external is known to the mind and starts merging with ‘what is’.
The Truth can operate or express itself only in silence. Once the silence is broken the link to the Truth is broken. Whatever comes after that is illusory expression. That is why there are so many books and religions existing to explain the truth but they don’t do it and you are also not interested in knowing it.  The one who knows can teach it to some extent. But the one who hears it cannot understand it but with efforts he can understand. This understanding is beyond the body. Your concept of ‘I am understanding’ is false.  The realized one’s presence can transmit many things which the words cannot. Therefore, truth remains unsaid. This truth is everything and not everything also. This truth is the mind and not the mind. That is the mind is made of Truth and the Truth is not made up of mind. This truth is the word but not the word also. This can happen only when the mind, thought, ego and world merges into oneness. The truth is all this but all this are not the truth. This will never be known to others who use the intellect. Other than the one who knows, however hard he explains, it is beyond his capacity to tell or explain by words to an ignorant one who calls himself an intellectual. He should throw off what all had been thrust upon him.
He should stop operating within the ambit of thoughts. When he is not the mind or thoughts he remains as ‘What is’. He cannot say it. Science philosophy and religion operates from within the known, which is mind and thoughts. Whatever is said is only the reflection of thoughts and not the truth. When mind merges absolutely, knowing happens in absolute silence.
Science experiments from outside to know outside. Spiritualism experiments from inside to know that inside is outside and that inside is a No thing.  You can feel it just by closing your eyes without any thought. Science is stuck outside as it cannot take outside to inside. It has to start from inside to outside. When realization happens who is to understand what. There is nothing to be known, when the knower is known as Itself. As long as mind exists as thought and body, activities happen which appear as burden. This burden is for whom? When there is nothing to hold this burden, the burden also disappears. The activities just simply happen without cause. There is no expectation of anything in return in this activity. It happens just like a mirage. When the quality of this mirage is understood the burden of activity also disappears but the activity remains.
Don’t think you are doing. Just do, that is all. No thought of I am doing. It is always like that for every body but they think they are doing. Without thinking you will find everything going on automatically. This daily happens in your life while driving, cooking etc. There is no doer in anything only doing happens. Body is only an instrument for action. Thinker is not different from thoughts. If there is no seer, what is seen? You are seeing a tree or something that means you are away from the tree. You can see the body so you must be away from the body. Who is this you here?  Not the body because it does not say so. Normal man should understand this basic fact ‘see the seer’. A simple choiceless seeing. You will know something that is Consciousness. Are you not conscious of everything? Unless you are conscious you can’t be conscious of anything.
Everything is floating in Consciousness. Body takes whatever it wants from it. Everything flows automatically to the body. The mind with the help of thoughts and body does everything automatically for the knower to know itself. Man is only a thought producing machine, till he knows himself. If a man gets caught in his own thoughts which is the ego he cannot know who he is. If you appear, the world appears. If you don’t appear, the world is not there. This appearing and disappearing for whom? Nobody is there. Everything is ‘What is’. Thoughts create a separateness of I, me, you, this and that. Just seeing without thoughts you will know the seer is nothing but Consciousness which does not see. Actually you are not seeing or the seer. It is the eye that sees. You are just an instrument like a screwdriver. The job of the mind is to create divisions of forms. The thoughts which were stuffed into you only wrongly identify. The trouble is created only by ego as thoughts. Mind in its purity is divine. There is no individual mind that creates thoughts. Religions say that you are different and god is different. ‘What is’ is not different from ’What is’. Mind remaining in ignorance is knowing itself as Consciousness and not as a separate entity. If not in ignorance it will not know. Both are simultaneous.
The concept of this duality should stop. Ignorance and knowledge should merge as absolute, in this absolute the mind as ignorance disappears. Knowing ignorance is knowledge. Knowing both is absolute. Which is neither knowledge nor ignorance. At this state you will say “Who is to blame whom? What is good what is bad? What is correct? What is incorrect?” If you say something is incorrect, that means you are finding fault with yourself and again get into ignorance. All these should not be understood verbally. It should be known. Otherwise, it becomes an intellectual stuff. It is itself teaching to the ignorant. This teaching alone is the most sanctified of religion. This true teaching will be made as a philosophical concept and will develop into irreligion. The real religion which is to know ‘what is’ disappears and ignorance prevails. Knowing intellectually, one may claim he is a Guru or a ‘swamiyar’. They are only ignorant. But in reality there is no ignorance or knowledge. I am the mind to see myself as the world. Without mind world cannot appear to ‘me’. That and I are same.
Whatever is there is only for my knowing. Otherwise, I am not known. This knowing is the knowledge, the true knowledge. This happens by using the same thoughts and mind. Without mind I am not known. I become the mind to be unknown retaining my original nature. This not known is the knower and known becoming one with the knower when I withdraw as mind and remain as what is. Whatever appears to happen as good, bad, ugly, beauty, is all for knowing. There are activities because of action. The activities are reactions for knowing pain, pleasure, sorrow, happiness for the purpose of knowing which appear through the body which you call ‘me’.
These appearances are for the purpose of knowing Me. The knowing happens to Me. Whatever that appears to think is only Me for the purpose of knowing. I am only ‘What is’. This is the truth. Every knowledge is for knowing Myself. But the false knowledge is trying to know ‘What is or which is knowing’. Once knower is known everything suddenly finds a meaning. This known is No thing and exists as ‘what is’ for ever. There is no end and beginning. How to explain this state? It is something like wheels within wheels. Endless wheels rotating on its own without any causation. Bewildering. What short of miracles? Can there be a miracle more than this truth? I am the truth, the truth is Me.
With the sight object appears. When it is understood they are only appearances, they lose their meaning or importance. There is no sight also, but appears to exist as an illusion. When this is known, the whole idea of whatever is seen loses its value. The second person and third person have no meaning. When their meaning is lost, the purpose of existence is also lost. What is left is only ME. I alone exist. Which and what can understand this? Whatever comes from books loses its meaning.
I see myself as beauty. I see myself as songs and singing. I see my see myself as body.  There is no ego to be seen.  I see myself as love. I am known as objects. What the objects know is not Me. The subject starts knowing the objects as ignorance. When they know me they start knowing themselves. The object is subject in itself, but unknown to mind and thoughts.
Everything is for the knowing of the unknown, which is the truth. It is only the purpose of life and living. Nothing can live without knowing. But the real knowing is missed by the false knower. You as a mind or you as a body is knowing beyond you but also within. The knowing is not a person. Knowing is for the knower which is always. Man thinks “he is knowing”.
Everything will go on its own. The mind goes on its own way. Mind has taken a birth with a plan of knowing itself. Nobody can stop it. This mind will die or merge once Truth is known. Nobody is there as a doer but everything is going on.  We don’t do anything, Where is the need to complain or comment. But we get caught due to an illusory ego and try to escape from reality. The only way is not to get caught by the ego. But it does not mean escapism. People argue that if you remain silent they will feel you are useless. They want gossip to show they are something more than others. If somebody says I am simple this means I am not simple. Be what you are. If you have said you are simple it means comparison. You are always reflected by others. Just be in joy, laugh, sing, dance with no desire or attachment.
Tasting is a sort of prayer not for a person. It is a movement for knowing every sensory action without a knower. Man thinks he is the taster. Such a condition or such a state of tasting alone will be there and not the taster. There is no taste only tasting is there. Similarly every sensory perception as a taster is false. The tasting is also not real, when the reality is known. In knowing that there is nothing to be known by the knower.                               
Remember you are by yourself a world incomparable. You are the world and the world is you. Can there be a world existing for you if you are not there. With you (the body) the world which is seen comes to an end. But you go on imagining that the world will continue for others. You see a dead body and presume that the world is no more for him and it continues for you. You only say this and not the dead man. With death a parallel world has disappeared not for the man but for the mind and it goes on imagining parallel worlds through imaginary bodies.  The same thing applies to universe also. As a matter of fact each man is a world by himself. What is seen through your body as objects are not the same seen through other bodies. But the ego presumes that everyone will also be seeing the same object in the form which it sees. This is false. Because my ego likes something and your ego likes some other things. It is not the same. Your presumption that it is the same is false. How do you know what is seen by you is also seen by me. You can know it only if you become my eye. This is impossible.
Science says that there is only one electron in the whole universe. All the rest are only its illusory manifestations or shadows. This is what the true religion says and I experience the same. There is only one as ‘Oneness’ all the rest are only its illusory manifestations created by the mind which you call I, you, me, it, that, this etc. You here mean the ego. This is false. In reality there is no such thing as you and me. This division of you and me is for the thoughts as ego and the body does not say it. These thoughts form the ego. But you understand ego as some bad quality. The ego is the one which creates the division of you and me and not done by you as a person. A person is simply a body – non sentient or insentient like a dead wood. This is just an illusion created by the mind.
If this fake ego disappears there is no difference between you and me. I am you and you are me. I know this will be very difficult for you to digest. You will know it only when the ego disappears, the false ‘I’ dies. This is the truth. All your observations of multiplicities are done by the mind and not you as a person. Remember this. When the ego disappears all your desires, attachments and comparisons will disappear. You will get rid of your tensions, stress, misery etc. When the false ego or ‘I’ disappears you will find a sudden calmness descending on you. A supreme silence comes. When I see a full moon, I see the moon and the sun together. You may think I have gone mad.         
You have not gone into true religion as yet, therefore, you depend on rituals. You perform these rituals believing all your desires will be fulfilled. Stop here for a moment. If the rituals which you perform mechanically (including the one who makes you to perform them) are going to get you what all you want, then everyone who performs it should also get what all they desire or want. In such a case no one in the world will be poor and unhealthy. No one will die. All their ambitions will materialize. Everyone will lead a contented life forever. Is it happening? You fall sick. You become poor or borrow from a Bank. Whether you like it or not you will die one day. Then what is the meaning of these rituals. Have you ever gone into the meaning of it? No. In a Homa it is said ‘Just like I cannot see heat but I can feel it, You being the God is like that. Therefore, I surrender what all I possess including my ego to the unseeable heat of the fire and I hope it will reach You since You are not seeable and I consider the heat to be You and surrender everything to the heat’. Is this statement which is repeated in several Homas true? Certainly not, because you consider god and think he is somewhere far off. For you god is a name forgetting the ever present pure Consciousness which you know and are aware every moment. Why give a fancy name as god to Consciousness which is always present now and here but you are not aware of it though you know it and feel it every moment. This happens because of your unconscious actions based on desires and conditioned thoughts. Have you ever surrendered your ego which contains everything of you as a person and got relieved of it at the end of these rituals? Can you be honest here and say ‘yes? I have surrendered my ego to the unseeable heat considering it as god’. Touch you heart and say it. If you have surrendered your ego to something, what is it that is left? You will disappear as a person as an individual. Have you disappeared after such rituals? (Not physically). Why have you not thought of it so far? Which ritual to follow? Hindu or Islam or Christianity or Buddhism or Jainism. Everything demands your ego to be surrendered. You are not even aware of it and go on doing it mechanically for material benefit. Is it possible?
Have people belonging to different religions surrendered their ego? Did you find out? First of all have you done it? Then what rubbish you are talking about rituals and go on boasting and recommending to your friends and relatives and make them blind followers of certain procedure which has no meaning at all as far as they are concerned.
Did you ever care to find out who is the sufferer? Who is the one who wants material benefits? From where did he come from? What for? I am just leaving this matter open for you to use your common sense. No Intelligence is required because you do not know what Intelligence is and from where it comes. Just use the ordinary common man’s knowledge.
The rituals you follow appear quite contrary to the rituals followed in other religions. Don’t they suffer and die like you? Which ritual one has to follow? You don’t know. Yet you follow what someone told you. They may be your parents, relatives and friends of your own religion. If the suggestion comes from someone from other religion, you out right reject it or you may do it and think it is meant for them.
Why all these rubbish acts? Can you just now surrender your ego to the Consciousness which you know and feel? But you are not aware. Be aware of your Consciousness. It is here and now. No need to search elsewhere. Just here, right now. Recognize it and surrender to it.
Can you awake at least now and start enquiring? I doubt.
Youngsters should know the fact of life, the reality of Existence. But unfortunately they are so much disillusioned or conditioned. They run after the sophistications of life which could be achieved by something called Education and they do not reach the end point. Aspiring for sophistications of life continues without an end throughout one’s life. In reality what happens is, if they finish their pursuits if they have little time they may use the time on knowing the reality of Existence. But unfortunately, their aim of achieving a goal of sophistications does not give them any spare time. If at all any spare time is spent, they use that time for entertainment purpose which includes shopping, calling a friend and gossiping.
The nature provides them some free time to think about themselves, about the meaning of birth and death. Birth and Death is one. Not separate. But the idea of death creates a fear complex. Therefore, they do not want to analyze what death is and skip it, jump out of the subject and go back to the so called sophistication. As this goes on the youngsters become old, then they may slowly know, some portions of this reality. That is the stage you find elderly people becoming not very active, they may start knowing compassion. They may start knowing the pains and miseries of others. But the point here is what they can do at an old stage. Nothing much would be done.
Therefore youngsters, if they come to know that life is just a dream, they have a vast area before them to feel the pain and miseries of others. But unfortunately the parents and schools do not teach them anything about the realities of Existence. There is no point in blaming them also. So it has become a paradox now. Parents themselves do not know and children also do not know what the reality of Existence is. It is like two blind persons guiding each other in a crowded area.
I am very particular that the youngsters must know the realities of Existence. If they know, which I am very much doubtful, they may be of tremendous help to the society. Forget the society, at least to their friends and relatives. If one young boy could understand this, he can pass on the message to others. So, it should become an exponential communication. But they get caught in these sophistications and fully merged in it, experiencing momentary pleasures but continuously seeking such pleasures and running at a breakneck speed, thinking the momentary pleasure is happiness.  
They will have to study the birth and death together. They should know that the existence is giving them birth, something like fertilized egg, a child is born, and Child grows into a man. He cannot say that the particular egg dies. As a grown up man he cannot say the child died. It is only a continuous change of forms from sperm egg combination till last day. It goes on changing continuously. A sperm gets into an ovum and fertilization takes place. It becomes a child. A child becomes a boy, a boy becomes youth, then middle age then old age and old age disappears. It is only the disappearing of changing forms, not the Real Me. They should know the Real Me.
 If they are made to consider that they existed before birth then, there may be a sudden Awakening. But for this knowledge to be gained one should have a free time. Not to run. Sit in a place and contemplate about this process of your own Birth. The unknown nature of himself prior to birth. The unknown nature of himself after death. But he is afraid, scared to think or talk about Death, because the very thought of death itself may direct his attention towards knowing reality. But they feel life may not have meaning if you go deep into this. He may feel, he is missing life. If life is missed, the sophistication is lost. Then he jumps back into this sophistication. But he is not aware that something is waiting in the form of Death. How is he going to overcome these two? He can, provided, he knows, that it is the form goes on changing at a very rapid speed.
Just now Existence is simultaneously dead and alive. This is said not by me alone. This is said by the great physicist Schrödinger.  To put it in a common language a man is simultaneously dead and alive. Because of this rapid speed the appearance and disappearance happens. But he cannot feel it. The feeler is Mind. Mind also travels at the same speed. How can this rapidity be realized simultaneously - the appearance and disappearance of man.  
You think you are buying an object. It may be a car or a pen. But remember the object is buying you. It buys you by creating a sense of attraction. This attraction is only illusory. Understand it as an attraction and not as an object. As long as you see it as an object, it will be going on buying your temptation. This temptation again is an illusion. This temptation happens on the basis of comparison of what you already saw. You call it cool. This cool is nonsense.
You exist simultaneously in several universes and worlds. This is what Science says today.  No one can understand or accept this, but science has proved by its experimentation. This is exactly the truth. Your yesterday is a dream of today. Your last week is a dream of today. This means the same as what science says but you will have to go deep into it. Your existence yesterday and last week is a dream of today. In other words you simultaneously exist today, yesterday and last week. This is what was said thousands of years ago by our great Saints. But those thousands of years are today’s Existence. This is the reality which took three hundred years for science to find out.
Science says that time does not exist. It also says that there is only one electron in the Universe but appearing as trillions and trillions of its false manifestation. This is the meaning of your existence in several Universes simultaneously. Science is baffled and today’s man will also be baffled. He will believe only the science and not the great Ramana, Buddha etc. Simultaneous appearance and disappearance is the ‘you’ or any objects. These appearances and disappearances over lap each other. But there is no completed next event. Can this be understood? Several so called scientists have gone mad or committed suicide. But a true spiritual man only becomes strong in his heart.
The existence of Buddha or Jesus is only today.  Your dream of today is the existence of Buddha yesterday. Your life is nothing but a dream of today consisting of many yesterdays, weeks, months and years. In actuality you are born today and dream as if you were born some years ago. This is a great wonder. Can anyone give an explanation to this mystery? Your memory of yester years are only a dream of today. Your dream of today comprises your several dreams which you call memory.        
Science says that single electron manifests as many. Your yesterdays are the dreams of a dream now.
There never existed any yesterdays. It is all a dream or thought of now. Your memory is nothing but such dreams in a dream. ‘Now’ alone exists always. Its components are only dreams.
Your thought of yesterday’s activities is dreamt only now which constitutes your present thought.  The falsity of real is due to the sensory perception contained in brain which is again contained in a body is another dream of the mind or Maya.
The body as you presume as a single entity for which you give a name is the mind’s illusion. Is there a single today existing containing only the body? Which one you call the body? All its components appear to you as a single body. Is there any separate entity called the body existing without its components? When you say as ‘I’ what do you mean by it? What does it denote? Nothing. This nothing is creating all the miseries for man as an ego. Who is man but for his ego?
He has to know this nonexistent ego. Is he willing to do that? If he is willing he will find his disappearance into nothing. Therefore, ignorance prevents this knowledge. This ignorance is also the other side of the mind.  When you come to know it you become aware of both sides and stop operating from one side. Unfortunately the ignorance does not allow doing it since it will be its own death. But it does not know that its death is the birth of knowledge, the other side. Death is not an end. It is the beginning of some other thing. But ignorance creates a fear of death which does not exist. It is false. Death is the birth of something which you don’t know. You are afraid of something which you don’t know. What sort of rubbish is this and further you say you are a sane and intelligent person. 
Do you know the meaning of this? You may blabber. I purchased intelligence from a College which gave me a Ph.D. All your degrees are rubbish.  Intelligence and saneness is beyond these, rubbish thoughts created through memories. You have to cross the mind and go beyond. Otherwise you stuck in filth which you call life, sophistication, pleasure etc. All rubbish concepts and ideas of somebody whom you do not know. Earning money only is somebody’s thought which you want to follow for the pleasures. But remember you cannot stop anywhere. You will proceed from power. Money without power becomes meaningless for you. Power cannot come to you without money. After that what is available to you? At that point you may want peace. Why do all these rubbish when it is available now. Know it. But you are blind with the eyes open. You are dreaming with the eyes open. You are sleeping to realities with the eyes open.
Have you ever thought about these realities in your life? How can you when you were running all the time for money and fame? You finally die like a mosquito. This may appear to you as contradictory. No. They are complimentary.
Intellect is not intelligence. The source of intellect is the false I, being the ego. The source of intelligence is from Consciousness. It does not mean Consciousness produce Intelligence just like the leaf fluttering in breeze. It is actual and not false. Intellect comes from your false knowledge obtained from what you have read. It is not your own but borrowed. Almost all inventions come through intellig- ence all of a sudden and it is not planned. One may start on a concept and land elsewhere without his knowledge. What man does is, he changes the concept and thinks through the false I and the false I thinks that it had invented something. 
The intellect is a bundle of acquired thoughts. It is only news and information. Intelligence is borrowed. It is sudden and spontaneous. When all the thoughts stop intelligence arise. The problem gets solved automatically. For this to happen, Intellect should disappear. The false I being the ego has to disappear. 
A child is highly intelligent. The body is highly intelligent. An illiterate mechanic may be intelligent. They are not intellectuals. A Doctor may be an intellect. An Engineer may be an intellect. Both may not be Intelligent. That is why you find useless Doctors and Engineers and other professionals etc. 
The ego, which is the false I, presumes that it has done something out of its own. This is due to ignorance. Ignorance is not Intelligence. Intelligence can never become intellect. Intellect is only a book worm. Intelligence is vast, an ocean in universe. One cannot pinpoint its arrival. It is so sudden. One may be amazed how suddenly such a thought appeared. It is a gift from Existence, but the useless man who is nothing but ego, thinks he is the author or possess this intelligence.
Intelligence cannot be possessed. It cannot be planned and executed, like a strengthless victim escaping from the brutal attack of the enemy sword. Awareness causes intelligence to happen. When the false I disappear, intelligence happens. You cannot make it happen. Egoless people are highly intelligent. Their advices arise out of intelligence. But man wants something in return for what he got from the Existence. He claims ownership foolishly. It is like lightening suddenly appearing. When man discovers he is love, intelligence arises. No effort on his part. Love is intelligence. A sudden unexplainable force. Both are complimentary. It does not mean you can give a mathematical problem to intelligence and ask it to be solved. In your solving the intelligence arises or the solution comes out of intelligence. Man, as an intellect, if honest, will and can say he does not know how he solved the problem. But ego, the false I, wants to take credit of it and seeks fame. What a foolish man he is?
11.   DHARMA
The left hand does not know what the right hand does. This is Dharma. Paying a few rupees to a poor is not Dharma. A spontaneous help arising and rendered to a needy one without any expectation is Dharma. The world or man with full of cunningness expect Dharma by others who have. Those who have, does not know it is the Dharma of Existence which they are enjoying. They think that it is their hard earned money being given as a dole. Dharma is compassion and love. There is no giver but only something appears to take.
On what basis you say that what went to sleep is the same one waking up.  It is the memory which says this. Memory does not exist by itself. It is part of mind and thought.  Moment to moment memory arises and gives a false notion of continuity of objects. This notion of continuity happens only through the mind which also does not exist as a single entity. It arises moment to moment as dreams of the body, the world etc. This momentary appearance and disappearance happens at an unimaginable speed and gives a false perception of a continuous world and body. In fact what you see just now is a dream of the mind and not you as a person who is seeing. In this dream mind dreams of a false past which never existed.
The mind itself is momentary and is not a continuous one.  It appears and disappears at a rapid speed never perceiving anything of the past. It cannot. What it perceives is always new and never a continuity of the past. Because what exists is always the beginning with no end and along with it moment to moment illusory appearance of the mind appears and disappears.
Whatever one perceives through senses is always new and is never a copy of the old perception which does not exist.  All that appears is only a dream. Moment to moment appearance gives a false continuous process.  This is what is called by science as energy. The science is also is in the fold of mind and therefore an illusory process or dream of the mind. It does not exist as an independent entity apart from thoughts; memory and mind, anything that is the product of memory and thought are false and does not exist as a separate entity.
Life is not a continuous process by itself. It is a moment to moment’s dream of mind but perceived as continuous by thoughts because it also appears at the same speed and creates a false recognition through memory which also does not exist.  Man himself is a moment to moment dream of the mind depicting pure Consciousness as objects, moment to moment. Man does not exist as a single and separate entity without thoughts and memory. Senses are the product of mind which are non continuous but perceived by thoughts as a continuous event just like an image projected on a screen at a fast speed creating illusory movement such as a dance sequence.
Nothing exists other than ‘what is’. In this ‘what is, it itself appears as an illusion which is mind, may be what science  calls as dark matter, out of which an illusion of movement arises which is called energy.  All the rest of the cosmos is an illusion of this energy. Man is a small spec of this illusion which arises moment to moment and projects a false I, which is the ego. Out of this ego false senses arise and Consciousness is perceived as objects when in fact there are no objects other than pure Consciousness existing without any name or form or attributes. This Consciousness appears as objects due to a false mind.  When the mind attains its purity it realizes that it is none other than pure Consciousness but dreaming itself as a separate entity and continues with its journey of its dreams of everything till it stops its dream of the body.
Here every book comes to an end and what appeared to have lived as great Saints also disappears as what is.  In fact no such independent Saints ever existed. They are the projection of the mind as objects or Saints through whom truth was revealed.
Considering Saint also as an illusion no Truth has ever flowed. It is as it is. At every level of this dream a false perception of forms appear and the whole cosmos is a dream or illusion of the mind which never existed but appears to exist. For whom is the question?
What more words can be used to explain further? The whole concept of everything crumbles like a pack of cards. A castle made in air out of air and disappears. There is also no question of disappearance. (I know you may go mad here but hold on for a while. Don’t be in a hurry to go mad)
The true Guru is on the pavement and the false guru is on the pedestal. The false has tremendous attraction. A makeup. Like a cinema star. Easily a crowd collects for the false with a great expectation of fulfilment of their desires. The true looks rubbish. It has no attraction and it also never bothers. There is no makeup. The Truth is always simple. The false has a lot of paraphernalia which causes the attraction. One is prepared to invest on this falsity because the false gives hopes and indirectly without one’s knowledge the false fleeces and lives in luxury. This false guru is only ignorant but may have intellectual knowledge. They are like Advocates arguing cases for their own benefit though the client may be a real criminal. You will see in day to day’s life how easily one gets attracted to outward appearances. The glamour with which it appears. The glamour attracts and not its contents. The pavement is just for the feet to use. The body will not use the pavement. The pavement does not fight with the pedestal. It remains very simple taking up the loads thrust on it. The pedestal is free of loads and therefore, puts up a show of freeness. This freeness is just like air or a disappearing cloud. But the cloud looks beautiful only for a short while and it disappears suddenly. The history does not contain these false gurus. It talks about the Buddhas and not about the glamorous pedestals. The glamour is only for a short while and has no place in history. They are in thousands, available everywhere. The true Guru has to be searched for years and even then one may not be successful. He is hard to find. Even if he is found he may not accept the searcher, if the search is false.
Einstein proved matter does not exist. What appears to exist as matter is an illusion caused by energy. This energy itself is a projection of non energy which the science calls as black energy. This energy is nothing but a projection or shadow of Consciousness out of which forms appear. They may be construed as anything by mind or thought. But this perception is doubtful. It may be called as illusion or dream or even real because there is no one to perceive it. There is no meaning in giving a name. The name is a thought, based on sensory experiences. The senses themselves are nothing but a projection of matter. The same name can be given to it as illusion or dream or real.
To give a real name, there should be a real perceiver. In reality there is no perceiver. It may not be acceptable to a cluster of thoughts which are themselves relative and limited and an idea of a false possessor of these thoughts appear for the same thought which is the false I or Me or Mine. They carry no meaning for the Wisdom and Intelligence. The wisdom is covered by conditioned thoughts and the Truth remains unknown.
Matter is a projection of non matter which is formless. It is an illusion of non matter. There is no such thing called matter. At most it can be said as a condensed form of energy. This energy is unknown. Water on condensation looks solid and a name as ice is given to it.
Ice is only water having a form. This form is an illusion of water. There is no such thing called as ice. It is only water having a form. Similarly there is no such thing called matter. Energy appears as matter which is only energy. But the perceiver who is perceiving it as matter is also matter or energy. So it is energy as a form as matter is perceiving itself as another form or object. Unfortunately the one which does not perceive is the man. The senses and thoughts appear to perceive and not man as an independent agent. Energy is mind, formless. Out of which arises thoughts which are also energy which is formless. Something in an active state is energy. The same thing in a passive state is non energy or non matter. In between these perceptions is the Absolute state which we call Consciousness which is part of both. It is neither active nor passive or neither energy nor non energy. Without this Absolute state nothing can be perceived as objects. Therefore, it is the Absolute on which appears non energy and energy or matter or non matter. This cannot be isolated or separated. Just now, this moment, as object which bears a name as man is nothing but the Absolute appearing as form. The perception of the form as a separate object is nothing but the Absolute having an illusory form created by energy. Unfortunately the so called man has divided the oneness as many and starts enquiring about it. In fact the enquirer himself is an illusion. This wholeness appearing as form cannot be examined. Because the examiner himself is part of this wholeness and remains without knowing its source of origin and gets into absolute ignorance and creates its own sorrow and pain.
All that appears to exist as separate objects are only the shadow of the Absolute. But the shadow says it is independent and separate and thinks that the objects are different from it. How to explain this ignorance? The knowledge should be known or we may say that if man starts enquiring about himself to his own core, he will know that he is only having a tiny form which is nothing but a shadow of the Absolute. He will also come to know that he is not a shadow but the Absolute. When the truth or knowledge is known this tiny drop becomes an ocean or knows itself as the ocean similar to a wave which is ocean and not a separate entity.
But who is going to listen to this Truth as long as he thinks he is separate. Even here it is only a thought which says he is separate. He may get into an argument as to why the thoughts should say this. Knowing the thoughts are false or illusions like the form of waves he will come to know himself not as a separate object called a person but only the Absolute appearing as small. Smallness is like the shape of wave. The wave is not a separate entity apart from the water. It is the ocean or the wave is the ocean. You are a drop in reality you are enormous as ocean which is Existence or Absolute.
Today’s religions take the credit of drowning the so called man into deeper ignorance separating him and creating a separate false god. There is no such thing existing as a separate entity called god. There is no god except you or there is no you except god.  But you don’t care to know yourself and get drowned in illusions.
Today’s science accepts this. But not in such clear terms. It says nothing exists. All that appears to exist as forms are only an interplay of energy which is unknown. Every atom ends in nothingness and no thing ness appear as a thing.
The future religion is going to be only science. But it cannot experiment on it unless it gets outside the Universe which is impossible.
Each and every man is a world by himself. So a crowd is a world within worlds. Once science realized this fact it said that there are infinite numbers of universes within universes. But our ancient Saints have known it and taught the truth to the ignorant masses thousands of years ago. But unfortunately the explanations came in a poetical form or metaphorical form which a common man cannot understand. These false religions of today help him in non understanding anything except to depend upon religion.
The religion fails to tell the Truth because it cannot survive.  But this foolishness leads to chaos and killings all over the world. Nothing can stop this chaos unless the Absolute reorganizes itself which amounts to correcting its own shadow not knowing it.
16. EGO
The ego is the false I or Me, It is only a centre of reflection of others and thoughts fed into the brain which causes reaction by another thought and makes the body move.  This will always end in misery and chaos and will result in sufferings. Unless the so called man who is himself a thought (a thought identifying the body) understands the falsity of ego he cannot get over suffering.
The world comes to appearance only after you come. Therefore, the world is born only after you are born or appear. Everyday this you and the world disappear for you in sleep. Again they appear to arise in the morning. There is no continuum. There is a break in sleep. If this is real, you will see the world as new every day. This continuum is an illusion created by the mind because of the ever present Consciousness. That is, a broken event appearing as a continuity. The fact is, the dream and wakefulness is completely erased in the thing called sleep and the mind creates a new event the next day but makes it appear as a continuation of yesterday’s  event which is not there and false. In fact you are born and disappear every day. Every day actually the mind sees only new subject and objects but makes it appear as a continuation of a subject and objects seen earlier. Nothing in the world is old. It is always new. What a wonder and a mystery? You are sleeping without enjoying this beauty with your eyes wide open.
The body is an object. You see everything as objects in comparison with your body. In fact your eye sees everything and thoughts presume as if you as a body are seeing them as objects. For this purpose it has created a false I. If you recognize Consciousness you will come to know what non material is and your journey towards truth starts. Object and non object or material and non material are together, inseparable like two sides of a coin. If you go deep into material you will know it as non material. Science has proved that there is no such thing existing as material and every object is a sort of liquid which cannot be explained by it. Material and non material is a shadow of Consciousness. Consciousness is neither material nor non material. It is in between – neither this nor that. There is no matter or object as such. These are illusions of energy created by mind. Mind, energy, matter are just one illusion appearing and disappearing at a rapid speed. The brain appearing a lump of matter is nothing but the mind creating an illusion of consolidation of energy which itself is a shadow of what is or Consciousness. This may appear as confusing but it is not. The confusion arises because you consider yourself as matter or body. But in reality you are not the body. It is an illusion created by mind as objects. They have no permanency. They appear and disappear with the so called you.
We are hearing, talking seeing etc. These appear to be a continuous process. For understanding, which is the point you are observing or noticing in all these acts. By the time you observe or notice this point, does it continue there for your constant observation? When you start observing does that point of observation continue to remain in that place. Certainly not. When you start explaining do you explain that particular point which you observed. Did it remain there till you finished your observation? What happened and what is that you are explaining. For example I say ABCD. You might have noticed A. By the time you perceive this A, B comes in and it goes on like this and finally you say you have understood ABCD and start explaining. Which is the point of your observation you are explaining? Is your explanation of that point correct? Did any of these alphabets as a single letter stood before you till you finished your observation? You had a fleeting glimpse in general of what was said and there was no time stagnation for you to continue your observation till you understood. When your understanding is not there at any point of event, whatever it may be, how can you explain of a particular point of event when the whole thing was just flowing? In life this is how we understand speeches, feelings etc. and depict a wrong picture to others and they also do the same thing and finally nothing of importance anywhere. This is how life goes on. You can clearly notice that everything is just a flow and you cannot be specific in the observation of anything and science accepts this. A particle may appear anywhere any time and you cannot fix a specific point for it to appear and observe. Therefore, whatever we hear or talk or see cannot be specifically observed and all explanations we give are totally wrong. Great people have said that you cannot take bath in the same river twice. This is not only applicable to river but all that appears and observed. Just a superficial notion not based on any specific observation of any complete event. In reality only this moment alone exists and the problem is you cannot explain it.
You are witnessing the seeing, hearing, feeling. Why do you think that these are done by the body and you are making the body do it? Drop this thought and become a witness, which you are. This is your nature. You are witnessing the mind which appears as forms. But you are not the form. But the forms are made out of you by the mind. The mind uses you or ‘what is’ to create forms which are mere shadows of you. You here means Consciousness. 
You see yourself as ‘what is’ or Consciousness which is the Truth. The mind produces or dreams or imagines the Consciousness as objects. Consciousness cannot see you as object and hence mind creates or dreams of thoughts for recognition and identification. Mind can see you only as forms which give no meaning for it. Thought produces the meaning such as body, world etc. It also creates a division as you, me, this, that etc. 
Inside, in the inner world, if you are in deep meditation you will be without mind. This meditative state has to continue outside also with the mind because you see objects projected by mind. That is mind plus Consciousness together. Outside also meditation leads to Samadhi and if the mind is not there no objects can be perceived, only you as Consciousness will remain. It means physically you disappear for others. Of course this is one of the rarest happenings. It is a wonder to be in Samadhi with mind after knowing the mind, to see your own beauty as forms. Here the mind is helpful.  
Internally duality is not there. There is no mind, thoughts and objects in meditation. Outside duality and multiplicities are there. But it is known that the external is false just an illusion created by mind. Only the internal appears as a shadow, as false external due to mind. It is not false for the mind as long as the mind feels it is separate from ‘what is’. Once the mind is cleared of this misconception or whatever it is, then the falsity of the external is known to the mind and it starts merging with ‘what is’ when the external world is realized as a cinema show or dream. 
As a person you are not the seer and an object seen is just an illusion. The seer and seen are not person and object. Consciousness is alone there. The Consciousness does not know the objects. Forms are dreamt by mind and finally after realization disappear into Consciousness. In reality, Consciousness does not have form but the forms are Consciousness. It simply witnesses mind as Consciousness but the mind perceives itself as objects. It is like you see someone and that some one sees some other objects which you don’t know. 
As long as mind and body perception is there, the external duality exists. When the falsity of the body and mind as separate entities is realized, they start losing their individual identities and merge with what is, mentally. Till the merger is complete the external dualities appear to exist. But it is known that they are only appearances without any reality. 
In the outside world, if you act, thoughts start operating or making you as a body act. You can act in the outside world without the thoughts operating. Initially this is a difficult task. By and by acting or action without thought will happen automatically. That action is just for the love of action and for no return. 
The beauty is to realize that you are Consciousness.
When the thoughts stop, mind is cleared of the screen covering it and from there your journey starts towards Truth. Without thoughts creativity happens. The girl has stopped running and creativity starts. Girl means thoughts.
“What Is” is beauty.
“What Is” is silence.
“What Is” is nothing.
“What Is” is Bliss.
“What Is” is aloneness.
All these do not exist as separate entities. They are one Absoluteness. This Absoluteness is the whole truth. Other than this truth all else are false, just illusions. They are just clouds which passed away never to return. The knower which is the known exists in its eternity as formless, nameless and pure living emptiness.
Science experiments from outside to find out the basic building block. Spiritualism experiments from inside to know the same thing. Spiritualism comes to know that inside is outside. Science is stuck with outside as it cannot take outside to inside. It has to start from inside to outside when it can know what is real. 
As long as mind exists, thoughts and body activities are bound to happen which appears as burden. This burden is for whom? When there is nothing to hold or feel this burden, the burden also disappears. The activities simply happen without cause. For an illusion there is no need for a cause. The activities happen just as a mirage. When the quality of this mirage is understood, the burden of activity also disappears. 
Whatever is there, it is for your knowing. Otherwise you will not know yourself. This knowing is the world and body. This knowing happens because of mind. Without mind you cannot know yourself. You become the mind to be known. This known is the knower and known becoming one, when you withdraw as mind you remain as ‘What Is’. 
What appears to happen as good, bad, ugly, beauty is all for knowing. These are due to reactions. The activities are reactions for knowing. Pain, pleasure, sorrow, happiness is all for knowing which appears to happen through a person. That appearance of the person is you but with a different quality which is Consciousness. The knowing happens to you as mind and thoughts. Whatever that appears to exist is only for you to know yourself. You are only ‘What Is’. This is the Truth. Every knowledge acquired is for knowing yourself. But the knowledge is trying to know through intellect what is or which is knowing and the result is conflict. Once the knower is known everything suddenly finds a meaning. This known is No thing and exists as What Is forever. 
There is no end in explaining the truth. It is a wheel within wheels. Endless wheels rotating on its own without any causation. Bewildering. What sort of Miracles. Can there be a Miracle more than this truth.
With the sight the objects appear. When it is understood they are only appearances, they lose their false reality. When this is known the whole idea of what ever seen becomes a wonder. The second person and third person have no meaning because they are you. What is left is only You. You alone exist. 
You see yourself as beauty. You see yourself as songs and singing. You see yourself as body. You see yourself as love. You are known as subject and object and vice versa. The objects are subjects by themselves but unknown to ‘Itself’. The subject is you, or I. 
In energy, which is mind, there is a rhythmic flow of patterns which make the forms. This pulsating rhythm is Mathematics, language, logic, science etc. There is a pattern in all this. Light and darkness are one. When one is separated, it becomes relative. Similarly all opposites are perceived. In fact they are one.
Similarly mind cannot see itself. So it sees itself as subject and object. The subject is you and the object is the girl you see. There is only seeing. There is no seer and seen. This seeing itself is Consciousness. This does not mean that Consciousness sees. This means there is no you and the girl as two entities. Both are one and that is what you are when you are in love. 
The Consciousness sees the mind as itself. The Consciousness cannot witness itself. It can only be aware of itself. Since it cannot witness itself it sees mind as itself and hence the mind.
The mind which is basically Consciousness cannot see itself as such. Therefore it creates illusions of subjects and objects and does not know what the subject and object perceive. To see itself as subject and object, recognition is required hence thoughts. Like a girl requiring make up for you to look at her. Therefore, the need for a thought producing agency is needed which is the brain housed in a body. Nobody exists as a separate individual. It is only the mind seeing itself as subject and object. The knower to know itself, mind is required. After its knowing everything, it becomes one Wholeness. When the realization takes place the division of subject and object dreamt by the mind which is Consciousness becomes one Wholeness and a No thing. Shunyata as said by Buddha. 
All manifestations through mind are only the Consciousness as it cannot know itself without mind. When the realization takes place the mind becomes pure and merges with the Consciousness. Till then only continuous knowing takes place. Life and the living is a process of knowing the beyond. That is the purpose and meaning of life.
It was already explained that the memory is false. Details of its nature were already explained. It appears as a thought and disappears and then onwards thoughts continue with a false journey. After the so called sleep, the first thing to arise is the mind and it instantaneously starts dreaming of the body as I and through which it perceives the whole world, the stars, moon etc. It never said that the moon is old or the sun is old and it is witnessing an old sun or moon. But when it comes to day to day life it perceives only a certain objects as old, for example my son, my wife, my house etc. This saying as mine is also occasional but it takes for granted that they are the continuation of an earlier one, but does not express. This is the trick or ignorance it plays. It is in reality, sees everything as new but continues with a wrong notion as old, a continuation of the past. In fact this continuation of the past is false.
When it realizes itself, it starts knowing that whatever it perceives is only new. It becomes the memory only with the known ones such as your son, wife, relatives etc. In fact it sees everything which was not cognized as new. Use this quality of the mind as memory only occasionally, only when it is needed. Otherwise see everything as new. Don’t invite trouble by saying that ‘This man insulted me yesterday and I will have to teach him a lesson today’. You see a flower and did you ever comment it is an old flower or did you ever comment that you are seeing an old son of yours. You will do it when your son starts ignoring you as an old fellow. You will start grumbling all sorts of nonsense by saying “I did so much for this fellow from his childhood”. In fact you never did anything to him in a so called past which never existed. Remember only new exists now.
The memory created by thoughts ruins your life. These pre concluded thoughts are your enemy. Examine very deeply, what this pre conclusion is. Can you ever pre conclude any event. This is exactly what you are doing always. “If I do this I will get back something which I want”. ‘I want’ is a pre conclusion arising out of your false memory. You are creating trouble for yourself. If you start seeing everything as new where is the question of enmity or revenge or fight. You are creating all this due to your ignorance of seeing things as a continuous event of the past. You never noticed the great break which is called sleep. Sleep is a marvellous break. Use this break and start seeing everything as new. Most of your problem will be solved.
Science accepts you cannot go back in time. Going back in time is memory. Something you know now of a so called past event which is going back in time. Why don’t you see it as it is without any priory? If this is true, an old man can also become young. But he cannot go back in time. Therefore, the mind has invented a clever thing called memory. The Existence is without a beginning or end. Always new or you may say always the beginning without any end. This Existence alone is perceived by mind as objects. So the objects are always new with no beginning and end. Your thoughts are creating a false end and beginning. Which is the starting and ending points of your body? Which is the start and end of the earth? Whatever that is made to appear by the mind is only like this. When the whole thing is in a great flux and the Truth is always the beginning where is the past or future except this moment? The continuity given by mind is false or an illusion. But this is also required to know yourself. This is a great paradox. A beautiful mystery. See it as such and don’t try to dissect it.
You are bound to ask a question here ‘Without memory how do I do my job’. I can only say ‘Use the memory here’. I don’t want you to go mad by further and detailed explanations by saying ‘You don’t exist at all’. Are you satisfied? Allow me to mention the last sentence ‘This satisfaction itself is based on memory’. I am having a hearty laughter. Join me, if you wish. 
‘Truth’ or Existence or Universe or Consciousness is without beginning and end. (Not the universe talked of by science. Science cannot say there was only one Big Bang. If so where it happened? It needs a space to go bang. Science is stuck here and it can never go forward to the edge of the Universe). It is always the beginning without an end. It is always new and never old. The objects which are seen is appearing and disappearing at a very, very rapid speed and therefore, you are seeing the objects as new always including your body. This speed cannot be perceived. It is faster than the speed of light. This is what Einstein had found out and serious scientists accept. At this speed, what is the point in telling something is old which arises from a memory. This memory itself is traveling at that speed and therefore, it appears constant which is an illusion created by the mind. Memory is just an illusion. The one which is always new and always the beginning can be seen by the mind only as such, even if the mind sees it as objects. The continuity created by the mind is false because the mind itself is false. Even if the mind is a separate entity it can only see itself as new always.
Science accepts one cannot go back in time. Your memory is only going back in time and therefore, it is false. The memory is a thought happening just now and not earlier. Memory means going back in time which is not possible.
The mind can become externally conscious only if there is something external to it.
Otherwise, it will be only conscious of itself. In such a condition there is no need for mind itself.  Therefore, it starts perceiving itself as objects knowing that it is projecting Consciousness as objects. Arising of mind is Maya to project Consciousness as forms for Its own knowing and therefore, mind projects itself as objects remaining as Consciousness. It perceives itself as eye and sees itself as objects. It can see only if it is conscious of seeing but something more is needed or required here for the purpose of identification and hence the ego. This ego at some stage got separated as ‘I’ for whom? No reason can be given. From this ego level one has to become a witness of the thoughts to know his true self. To know the true self, you will have to become a witness to the thoughts. The Self is always a witness but the thoughts cover it and gets lost in its own covering. Therefore, the ego has to know that it is only Consciousness but witnessing the projection of Consciousness as objects for the purpose of knowing created by mind. The true Self need not know itself as it is always aware of itself. Awareness of itself as non manifest to awareness of itself as manifest with the help of Maya which cannot be explained. Only the ego has to know itself that it is not a separate entity but only Consciousness and that it is witnessing Consciousness as objects or forms, being projected by the Universal mind, which are illusions. Just like a thread, which is only cotton but the form of thread is an illusion. You cannot explain this form or any forms. This is a reality which you will hesitate to accept. Please try explaining forms. Man as Self, is nothing, formless like air and light. But he doesn’t know this fact. Just now you are witnessing something to know yourself but think that you are seeing something not knowing that it is the eye which sees and not you as a person. The ego had fallen a prey to this illusion of itself and has strengthened the false ‘I’.
In reality you are not identified by yourself, therefore, you need someone to identify you. Suppose you are alone in your house remaining in your bedroom, do you remain identified to yourself? No. You may feel lonely. You remain as yourself with the thoughts of others identification as ‘so and so, who is this and that’. This loneliness is for whom? Go deep here. You don’t know yourself because you cannot be known by yourself without the conditioned thoughts expressed by others. The mind, body and thoughts are witnessed by you but they cover your real self and prevent you in knowing yourself. Mind and thoughts cannot witness you. You are a witness to them, to know you. This you are the exposure of the Universal mind covered by ego. If you are not a witness you will not know your true self which is ‘what is’. Once the true Mind is discovered you will automatically know that you are That.
In this witnessing you are fully aware of this duality and you don’t get attached to it. You get the true ‘Knowledge’ that everything are nondual but appears as dual only for knowing yourself. Without this duality you cannot know your real self which is no thing with no name or form. You are everything when you are a witness but no thing as self or as true I.
I don’t do anything but yet I do everything as mind, body and thought. A little below Absoluteness. This you can say only when the mind merges in the real you or the Self. But at the same time realizing that I am not the mind, body and thought. I am myself without form. I am a living Emptiness being projected by mind as objective world. Non manifest appearing as manifest. No Thing appearing as things. This true knowledge has to be known and realized. Till then you are nothing but thoughts produced through a body due to a false perception of a non existing individual mind. This manifest and nonmanifest are like two sides of one coin. When this is realized you have realized the Absolute when even one side of the coin cannot be perceived and ‘what is’ remains as ‘what is’.
Energy and non energy exist side by side for the knowing. Two sides of one coin. Once known there is no energy and non energy or the coin has only one side, which you cannot explain because the other side is not known. A coin with one side cannot be explained. Mind is for the knowing. Once known, mind merges with ‘What is’ but continues its illusory projection of the objective world and you become aware of it.
Birth is the knowing. Death is the known. Death is the end of everything. It is here and now. Life and Death are one. There is no division. There are no opposites in anything. Thoughts cannot know anything but also helps in the knowing. This is not a contradiction but a fact. A great paradox for a common man who is knowing.                                                   
Every actions, feelings, emotions, love etc, are meant only for the ego to know itself since it lost its track due to its own wrong perception of objective world without knowing that the mind  is projecting the Consciousness as objects for the purpose of its own knowing. The movement of stars, cosmos etc. are meant only for the knower to know himself as objects which is hidden in you. Here you mean ego and body. There is only a Maya of Universal mind and there is no individual mind as such. You, me, I, this, that everything is for the knowing of one’s real self. When all reactions stop and when there is no work for the thoughts except for remaining conscious of everything without identification, just like a child, it discovers that it is nothing but Consciousness…
30.  SLEEP                                                    
The real I or Self knows the sleep but does not sleep. By knowing the sleep it knows itself. Everything is a catalyst for it to know itself. Through ignorance also the knowing takes place. Therefore, the knowledge and ignorance are one. Not separate. That ignorance has to come to know itself when it becomes the true knowledge and it becomes the knower of truth. Through every action it comes to know itself without giving a name or meaning for it. Just like a child. If you are a witness to actions and reactions you will only be knowing everything but you will not get attached to anything since you don’t recognize.
Tasting is not for a person. It is a movement for knowing. Every sensory action is for knowing but not by the person. It is also by him as Consciousness, till he knows what He Is. Only in such a condition or such a state, tasting alone will be there and not the taster. There is no taste or taster. It is there for knowing tasting and not the taste. Similarly every sensory perception appears as perceived by a perceiver which is not real but an illusion. The tasting is also not real but an illusion. In knowing there is no known. There is no knower. Only knowing continues. Out of tasting or any sensory feelings knowing takes place. There is no taster or nothing is tasted. I know it will be difficult to follow this. This may appear as contradictions or confusions. This will get cleared only when you understand that there is no doer.
In action, which is movement, Truth cannot be known. Because the action itself becomes the knower. This knower cannot know anything because it automatically leads to reaction and becomes dual. This is also an illusion because action and reaction don’t exist as separate entities. Unless the illusory nature of duality is known the Truth is far off from you, though it is very closer to you. Don’t get confused. It is like a wave which is water. If you see it as wave it is a little higher than water and appears as a separate wave. If you see it as water, it is neither high nor low. Only the illusion of duality will be perceived as an imagination of the mind and thoughts. Man lives in such imaginations as ‘I’ which is nothing but a creation of illusory duality by thoughts but at the same time this imagination, its perception; its duality is unknown to the person.
You have the free will to know the beyond and within. There is no separation. But when you get stuck up as the doer, you are lost forever. One has to strive to know this Truth. The ego has to know itself forgetting that it is a separate entity.
If one says it is impossible, it is also known that impossibility is a movement of thought. This movement is known by the knower which is between movement and non movement.
Body is a composition of millions of movements resulting in a single movement which is continuous. These millions of movements are also continuous. This has no beginning and no end. These millions of movements inside are endless. These millions of movements appear as a body. When the combinations change, these movements take different form as various elements or compounds or whatever it is. It goes on endlessly. Man is not a stopping point or an end point.
Man as an appearance is only a passage for the movements. Everything is movement. Energy is a movement which is also the mind. Without this movement, non movement will not be known. When the movement is there knowing takes place between movement and non movement by the knower which is ‘What Is’ or Consciousness or Existence. Without this Consciousness one cannot know movement or non movement. So the prominence is only for the Consciousness and not for either movement or non movement.
Every action, every reaction is only for knowing yourself. There is no man as a separate entity. There is no world as a separate entity. There is no cosmos as a separate entity.  Everything is for knowing your true self appearing as illusion. Only Man has the capacity to know. But unfortunately man thinks he is the doer, which is the ego and goes on endlessly creating misery for himself.
If you have a passion to know yourself, the knowing takes place. Otherwise, there is nothing for you to know. The duality and multiplicity will exist as an imagination of the mind. But this duality is false. It does not exist by itself. It exists as memory leading to identification and recognition. Memory is nothing but a movement in a false movement called mind. By that movement, knowing takes place, when the false doer being the ego disappears. There is no doer as a separate entity. It is a false product of continuous actions and movements which are meant for a continuous knowing and are illusions. There is nothing more than this. Who can understand? Please try. The understander himself is an illusion. That illusion has to know that it is an illusion. Otherwise it is not possible. Books and talks cannot disclose the Truth.
Consciousness which is existence alone is there.  At this level or stage only Consciousness alone is known and nothing else shadows the same.  It is in its absolute purity and in oneness of knowing itself alone.  There is nothing else appears or colours it with various attributes. It is formless, attributeless, with no end or beginning. Out of this absolute purity a shadow arises which is named by words and language as Mind. It is only Consciousness with attributes. This mind cannot maintain its appearance as a separate entity and assumes a formless form which is energy. This energy cannot remain as it is and therefore, assumes the form of matter. This is called matter has its origin in atoms, which has its origin in several “Trons” (Proton, Electron etc.).  The mind allows it to assume several forms which are named as objects.  Everything that appears are only objects of the Mind in manifest form which in turn is only Consciousness.
These objects have no permanency.  They are temporary in its nature and only illusory. The subject is always Consciousness and the rest of cosmos are a mere projection or shadow of mind. The projections appear as multiplicities. In effect these projections are true and untrue simultaneously for the projection itself. These appearances are only mere appearance and there is no permanency in its nature.  They appear and disappear or disintegrate. Such appearances or shadows or true and false together are only Consciousness.  Otherwise nothing can be conscious about anything. These appearances are termed as illusions or Maya.  In effect whatever appears are not there in reality. Thoughts appear in this maze and starts recognizing and identifying Itself with names. Senses and emotions are mere appearance in mind through body and recognized by thoughts with names.
All these dreamy appearances of mind, thoughts etc. disappear in deep sleep. They appear to exist in waking state which is untrue. These objects also don’t have a fixed time of existence.  They are a constant flood appearing and disappearing at a tremendous speed which science calculated as C2.which is 300000 x 300000 x the mass of man of himself. This tremendous speed, which is appearance and disappearance together, is the energy which is again an appearance in mind which is again an appearance in Consciousness. Without this Consciousness such appearance and disappearance cannot happen as a passing scene at such a tremendous speed.  Science accepts such phenomena of Energy and gave an equation as E = MC2.
Ego which is a bundle of thoughts gets entangled in this togetherness (appearance and disappearance) and presumes them to be real and permanent. So far as thought is concerned ego thinks they are true and real for Itself and not beyond. This thought cannot identify or recognize anything if it is not Consciousness. Similarly there cannot be a field of energy in Mind which has no beginning or end without the constant existing background which is Consciousness. In this formless, nameless, attributeless, boundaryless Consciousness appearances happen at a speed of C2 which are not known to the so called “Anybody”.  There is no one who is doing this or knowing this.  What words can be used for this so called appearance and non appearance together.
Man is nothing but an illusory product of the mind with his internal organs and external objects.  These internal organ and external objects are only a ripple in energy.  Energy appears as organs and objects. This energy again is the illusory product of mind which appears and disappears on its own on the base of Consciousness.  It is intertwined in Consciousness beyond separation and remains together. Man appears to see the objects and feel the objects when in fact no such thing happens in reality.  How can language explain such unexplainable phenomena or whatever it is.
Man cannot cognize anything without thought.  Without thought everything will remain as mere forms without name. When there is no name (which is a thought) how words which are thoughts can can give an explanation. Whatever explanation given by using words which are thought is false. Only the knowing or the knowledge of Consciousness alone is True. This Truth cannot be explained using thoughts because Truth is not thoughts. There is also no user who can use thoughts.  When the doer is absent whatever that appeared as done are only false and unexplainable.
The nature of Truth is unexplainable by words using thoughts but can be known.  This knower is not man, since he does not exist apart from mind and thoughts.  A mere illusory appearance of objects including of man cannot be true in itself and offer an explanation of Truth. This is something like water trying to explain itself as water which is inside a tumbler. The water does not know the tumbler or itself as water. Unless this illusion of objects or man which are only Consciousness, tries to understand its root or origin, it is impossible for any book or talk to make them understand. A thoughtless hearing, understanding and knowing which are beyond thoughts and mind are needed. When the mind becomes uncluttered by thoughts, it becomes pure and recognizes itself as Consciousness.  Such ripples of thought have to disappear for the mind to get into its purity when Consciousness is revealed or it knows itself as Consciousness.
There is no God sitting far beyond in a form of man deciding the destiny of the world or man. Man is the world and world is the man, together. They cannot be separated.  But thoughts appear and create an illusion of separateness which is untrue. Without a man appearing the world by itself cannot appear to him. Therefore, man is the world.  Man is the society.  Man is the community.  In the disappearance of the so called single man everything also disappears including the world.  Without the appearance of man objects cannot appear. Therefore, man is the subject and object.  This man is nothing but Consciousness which he does not know.  The knower is not the man but the thought and mind, which are formless and endless.
Mind and thoughts to propagate, a medium is required.  That medium is the body.  Body is nothing but senses and emotion.  The body becomes a factory of producing thoughts through the functions of brain.  All the thoughts that are produced are borrowed.  It comes from outside.  It is thrust on the brain.  No single original thought is produced by the brain.  All thoughts are based on what is known and explained from outside. It only gets modified according to the senses felt. This modification cannot be constrained as a new one. Nothing new can arise out of old.  The old has to give way for the new to appear by its own annihilation.  But seldom has this happened.  Therefore, thoughts remain as it is with a little modification for its own propagation which man thinks that he is progressing.
37.  I AM
I am always as it is.  I am pure Consciousness or existence. I am always knowing myself as Consciousness. Out of me a temporary phenomena arises which is Energy or Mind. The component of this is only Consciousness. This energy which is Consciousness creates an illusion of itself as objects. These objects are not a permanent entity even for a second.  These objects, including atom appears in time and space which is also energy and in turn Consciousness. An illusion of separation of seer, seeing, seen arises in energy. When in reality they are not separated and are one.  This seer, seeing, seen, a single phenomenon is just a passing thing at an unimaginable speed and gives an illusion of permanency.
The appearance of objects is a continuation of the so called sleep.  Sleep which is not knowing anything develops into dream and further strengthens into waking to create an illusion of world.  This illusion is also Consciousness. The seer, seeing, seen which is one, is also Consciousness, appearing as a tiny thing as man to see from ants to sky. In eyeless objects the feeler, feeling, and felt as one is there. This applies to everything from atom to mountain and trees. There is no such thing which is dormant without movement. There is tremendous movement in atom or stone also.
The separation of seer, seeing, seen into separate entities continues as illusory separateness which gives an effect of subject and object. Whatever may be the forms either a subject or object, they are nothing but energy which is Consciousness. Consciousness is the background of all such appearances and finally merging into itself, which is Consciousness. Material or world is nothing but energy appearing as object.  The appearance of the object cannot be perceived by anything unless a subject is there. Therefore, the objects are illusion made out of energy for the subject.  The subject is an illusion for itself as long as it thinks of duality. When the subject understands that it is non dual it realizes itself as Consciousness and remains as the ONE.
It is nothing but appearance and disappearance together, when nothing appears or disappears. This may appear contradictory but not. When time element which is also energy happens, the interval between appearance and disappearance arises as an illusion when in reality there is no interval. This interval is nothing but Consciousness. Consciousness alone exists forever, without time with no beginning or end.  All the rest from Energy to Man or cosmos are only temporary phenomena appearing as real.  In reality they don’t have a permanent existence as forms even for a millionth of second.
What a beauty, what a beauty of this existence.  Nothing can be separated from the whole and given any conclusive knowledge by using words which again is a thought formed out of energy which is in a constant flux at an unimaginable speed of mass x 300000 x 300000.  Every object appears and disappears at this speed.  Therefore, simultaneously both happen without time factor. Man thinks he is a permanent entity.
What an ignorance, what an ignorance?
Everything is always together. There is no separation. Even at Consciousness level the experiencer and the experienced are together. The experiencer is the experienced.  The same continuous even in the physical world. The seer is always the seen. The observer is always the observed.  The knower is the known. To understand such a wonder and realize one’s true nature, one has to simply be still and quiet without any thought.
The appearance of thought is waking and its disappearance is sleep.  There is no person or an entity that sleeps or awakens. It is always the knowledge of the second and third person who themselves don’t exist for the first person but for his own appearance.  Therefore, his APPEARANCE alone creates an illusion of you and me. You and I are always one. The separation is an illusion.  Instead of the Man knowing his reality he has landed in misery due to lack of knowledge of himself which is ignorance. Once he has known himself there is no ignorance.  When knowledge also drops he is the seer and the seer as in the case of a child.
In Nirvikalpam there is no knower and no known.  Therefore, bliss or peace or silence is not known.  In sahaja or normal level, that is wakefulness, the knowledge of peace, silence and bliss is there always. Unattached execution of an action does not lead to misery.  But an artificial separation of I and you is created by thoughts which leads to tension etc.  When you comment which is nothing but comparison this artificial I and you arise as an illusion which does not exist in its separateness.
Materialism is not different from Spiritualism.  It is one and the same.  One is known the other is unknown. Unknown in the sense “Not within the field of all known things which is useless knowledge”.  For material knowledge the reality is unknown.  But can lead to it. Unfortunately man gets stuck with this useless knowledge.  What is the use of material knowledge which is only objective without knowing the subject? But once the subject is known the separation of subject, object drops.  This means the individuality and the personality as a separate I drops. From outside (which is not there) one who is identified with this separation everything looks real just as what he perceived.  But for the one for whom this difference is not there, is looked upon by others on the basis of their own perception.
God is a concept of mind as a thought. Except yourself there is no god. “Aham Brahmasmi”. The mind having forgotten its true identity as pure Consciousness goes on searching itself which is named in Sanskrit as Brahmam which is nothing but Consciousness.  Having failed to know itself, it gives a name and form to itself and calls it God, which is ignorance and gets immersed in forms, without knowing the forms are only its projection. As long as it starts searching itself but gets identified with an external god, it fails. Only when it starts knowing itself as Consciousness or Existence it drops the imaginary word ‘God’ and merges into itself as pure Consciousness which is for ever.
41. MIND
Mind does not exist as a separate entity.  It is composed of only Consciousness. Having got into an illusion of duality such as I and you it goes ahead multiplying this false notion of an illusory ‘I’ and ends up with multiplicities. These multiplicities are only forms of mind itself unrecognized. Therefore, it starts creating a bundle of thoughts for the purpose of identification and recognition of forms. These thought are nothing but extension of the non existing mind as a separate entity. When thoughts start identifying forms it become objects. Man is a form thro’ which this identification process starts. For the continuation of this self identification process the thought itself creates a nonexistent ‘I’ and imagines it is doing everything only for the sake of this false I, which is itself a thought. Further thoughts go on arising with an illusion that it is doing so only for the sake of this false ‘I’ and creates another illusion or dream as world and man.
Man and world are only thoughts arising in Mind.  Having started seeing itself as forms which includes world and man, it creates another illusion that they are real. It does not know its own existence and identifies itself as forms which it considers as true and real with the help of thoughts which identifies them. This wrong identification of a nonexistent mind leads to miseries of the world and gets clogged to it indefinitely till realization takes place.  But all the activities of thoughts only prevent such Realization. When thoughts themselves start examining  itself, it finds that all the identification done by it all along are only illusions and discards such identification leading to merger with the mind when the mind starts throwing its nature slowly and comes to know that it is only Consciousness and nothing apart from it.  It then stops such illusory conclusion as multiplicities and duality.  It takes quite a while for the mind to get settled out of such illusion and starts realizing that it is only pure Consciousness and removes its non-existent separateness.  Everything becomes one whole which is already there and nothing new is acquired by it. 
(Partly from Sufism)
Spirituality is the religion of the heart. In today’s world religions reign regrettably in full authority, over the freedom of spiritual awakening. Buddha was not a Buddhist, Christ was not a Christian, and Mohammed was not a Mohammedan. They spoke only on Spiritualism or Spiritualism came through them.
Through the ages there has been one religion after another, but each one came as a confirmation of the previous one being the Truth. Now, with the development of science and communication, it has become clear that each religion had a special purpose to fulfil at a particular period of human evolution but it had gone astray. For the wise, one can only be really attuned to any religion if one’s heart is open to love and understanding the reality. Unfortunately no one knows Love and they don’t understand what is said if it is not based on their personal ambition and desires.
Wisdom or Truth is not tangible, nor does it have a form of its own. Examples of wisdom might perhaps be described, although wisdom cannot be defined in words. Yet, for the one who is really wise, there is only one wisdom but many different ways of understanding that one wisdom and different forms of expression through which the one and only wisdom is recognized by the wise.
All the preaching of various religions don’t apply any more in our world today, where science has taken over the responsibility of such subjects as health and education, which were originally part of the basic structures of ancient religion. Spirituality does not mean drifting away upon the clouds of illusion, it means having the feet firmly on the ground of reality. It is only then that one can inspire others on the path where honesty in Spirituality is the watchword. Is there any honesty in today’s religions or Gurus? All of us are taken for a ride. A free ride to make people idiots. In Spirituality one refuses to submit to imposed beliefs, and who is conscious that life is not necessarily just what one might think it to be, nor what one is told it to be. Life is not only lived at the level of physical experience, nor only at the level of thought, nor only at the level of feeling, but also, and most importantly, at a still higher level of Consciousness, the Self is no more separating reality from illusion. They merge together. At this level of Consciousness, there are neither limitations nor opposites, nor is there any relationship with pre-conceived ideas, such as those expressed in all dogmatic religious interpretations of Truth.
As soon as one attempts to define abstract concepts, one is taken away into one’s own thoughts that soon break down into speculative descriptions from which one forms stupid ideas. These are then added to the many pre-conceived ideas picked up through one’s education, together with the numerous impressions and influences which came from outside. Then, when one tries to express one’s beliefs and understandings, the words tend to get confused from the original teachings and the result of all this falsehood is presented as truth. The true nature of spirituality is the liberation from dogmas and preconceived ideas.
For the realization of the Truth, the thoughts have to understand itself.  This understanding can only happen when the thoughts are at rest.  By the cluttering of itself, it only postpones the knowledge of understanding. For a simple understanding to happen there should be unbiased listening.  This unbiased listening can happen only when there are no thought or when thoughts are at rest.  But unfortunately it has become the most difficult process for the thoughts to keep quiet or subside or come to rest or come to stand still.
Every method adopted including the meditation is only for the purpose of stilling the movement of thoughts.  Thoughts are only movements in time when no such thing exists. This time itself is an illusion of mind and in turn  thoughts. A simple knowledge of this nonexistent time will make the thoughts also nonexistent. This cannot happen unless a deep analysis is done by the thoughts as I. This false ‘I’ has to enquire into itself about its own nature and existence. This I is the Ego. This false impression in thought is so strong that it seeks easily solvable activities as complicated without knowing that it (ego) further gets deeply established in its falsity.
Man is a falsity imagined, or whatever it be, by thoughts due to its identification with non realities.  So man as a thought, as a false ‘I’ goes on indulging in false actions which are endless.  One day unknowingly thoughts stop this recognition which appears as death to itself or mind, when in fact there is no death.  Death is an illusory stoppage of thoughts created for the nonexistent “I” or “ME” and seen from outside by itself (thoughts as ego) as death. The dropping of the body is an illusion created by mind. Only a form drops and disintegrates into itself. But thoughts recognize this change of form or dropping of a mere form as death and create consecutive endless thoughts of fear. The fear of death. When such a fear is established by thoughts, it becomes easier for itself to propagate into further delusion and misery.
       A BAD MASTER.
I am forced to drag in the name of Buddha. Otherwise people will ask for authority. They don’t have confidence in themselves and seek authority. “If one wants to know himself he has to keep the mind under leash, as a servant. One has to dictate terms to the mind and go ahead unhindered”-Buddha. Otherwise thoughts will over take him and deceive him. To seek yourself and know the true ‘I’ is the end of Wisdom. This is repeatedly emphasized in the Gita. But who cares to read it and dwell deep into it. Man thinks that the innumerable gods will fulfil all his desires and there is no need for him to read subjects relating to true knowledge. One always wants sense satisfaction. For him there is no way of knowing true knowledge. For the one who possesses sensory knowledge will question true knowledge. He will only enjoy mundane sense pleasures which are momentary. This was repeatedly said by Chanakya. But who is bothered about that chap when gods are available dime a dozen.
Man has been wrongly guided by religions that he can reach heaven or hell only after his death depending on his good doings. Does he really believe this? Has he got any faith in his own religion? Does he believe that god is a watcher? If so why so much of chaos and calamities are existing now? Has he become senseless? If everyone has faith in religion and god, can he ever attempt to harm others? Kill others. Usurp others properties and hoard wealth. Will he ever create a rich and a poor society? What does all this show? His utter lack of faith in his own religion and god. But he will go on spending money with all sorts of false notions created by his own thoughts dumped on him by some Tom, Dick and Harry whom he does not know.
If you know your true Self you are in heaven. If you wrongly get identified to your body and a wrong self, you are in hell. Both are here and now. You can choose whatever you want. But one always chooses hell for mundane pleasures. Who can change him? He enjoys hell. How can you stop it? He does not know anything about heaven existing here and now. He has already rejected heaven by remaining in hell thinking that it is heaven. Excellent job done by man. Everyone thinks he knows everything, without thinking. Can there be a better joke than this? For him heaven is a joke and hell is true because it gives him pleasure. He buys a cycle, gets a little pleasure and gets caught in hell. But this hell says to him that it is heaven. This is another great joke. Why search for jokes in books. Watch people you will get thousands of such jokes.
Hell appearing as heaven. Heaven appearing as hell. He is also telling now that a man is a woman and indulges in homosexuality. Excellent ideas. Forget this useless chap called man. Women also think that a woman is a man and the only difference is “wo”. She removes it and that becomes a man and has sex with it thinking it is man. Wonderful sex relationship. They only deserve Nobel Prize and none else. Now the science has gone much deeper. You can select you sex. You can change your sex by certain surgical process. So you can be a man for six months and if you don’t like, you can become woman for another six months. You can go on doing this forever even in hell or heaven. Wish you all the Best.
Qus: Why people are like this and run only after money?
Ans: All your questions are answered in that book, “Truth Explained”. Your questions indicate that you have started the journey towards knowing Truth. I am extremely happy to find one more person who can reach Truth. Remain alert always. Watch everything without making any comments. Remember you were also like those people before you met me. The only difference is you were willing to LISTEN. No one else wants to listen. Even if they are prepared to listen who is there to teach them and guide them.
All most all the so called Gurus are selfish fellows who themselves don’t know anything. They only want money and fame. But people flock around them because of various attractions from them. What attractions I have? I am just like you. I am not interested in fame or money.
Don’t bother about others. You cannot do anything with them unless they themselves go to the one who has Realized himself. I am yet to come across one person who is Realized. All great bluff masters. People like them, including my wife, son and daughter. They don’t listen to me. I also just don’t bother. Who cares to read what I have written or what I say. They will only enter into an argument. Therefore, I avoid such people including my close ones and I keep silent. The whole world is like this. 99.999999999999% are like this.
In the whole history of mankind of several trillions of people, probably only about 1000 are Self Realized. This may come to .00000000000001%. You may come under this category if you continue your pursuit. Don’t stop it. Go on enquiring.
Remember, life is nothing but a continuous actions and reactions created by thoughts. Out of this, one has to gain experience to become aware of the falsities of such actions and reactions and give way for the reality to enter which was never known before.
Remember, Osho was poisoned for talking about the Truth. Many great people were killed for talking about the Truth. This is mankind without sense of understanding.
Wish the Existence will guide you.
One of the simpler forms of knowing Bliss by a village man is Tantra, but also difficult if one does not maintain awareness and not guided properly. Tantra is nothing but diverting sexual energy into divine energy or Bliss. Understanding sex, and going beyond it and not repressing it. Married people can easily do it with proper guidance but a difficult process, if one of the partners fails to remain aware. Initially it requires a partner and later on there is no need for a partner. Tibetan Buddhism starts and ends without a partner and it has become a very difficult process. Even a village couple can be made aware of this Bliss. But who is to teach them? One has to hear the methods of Tantra and practice for themselves, both man and woman together.
Most of our Rishis are great Tantra practitioners. This is one of the reasons why they had many wives. Unfortunately they used the woman as a tool and never made them realize. This was going on for ages and only women were affected without knowing Bliss. This is continuing even today and the only difference is both the partners don’t know what Bliss is while they are in sexual act. The practice of sex leading to Bliss, the highest experience, is Tantra. For the people it has become a mechanical process like animals without knowing its divinity. This is explained in visual forms in almost all the temples and no one had the guts to ask any question about it. The first book on sex to super Consciousness in the world was written in India by Vatsyayana. The name of the book is ‘Kamasutra”. It contains hundreds of poetical explanations based on which most of the temples were constructed. An example is the Khajuraho and many other such temples purely dedicated to the teachings of Tantra. Tantra was the oldest practice in India.
Tantra is a wonderful process of Spiritualism, if handled properly. Many false gurus misuse it and Tantra gets a bad name. The present day media does not know what Tantra is. People are thoroughly ignorant of this special Spiritual process. They think Bakthi is more important without knowing its meaning, simultaneously indulging in sexual activity. Bakthi is nothing but ritualism for the people. Bakthi is the merger of love with ‘What is’. Can anybody understand the significance of this? Ritualism and poojas are not Bakthi. Bakthi is the absolute merger of love with Consciousness or “What is”. Who is bothered to know all these Truths? The only expectation of the people is whether it will pay them and fulfil their desires. Are they dictating terms with the so called god without knowing what god is? What has happened to man? Is he sensible?
Anyway, nothing can be commented on the acts of senseless people. Let them go on their own and land wherever they want. I have nothing more to say. Let them do whatever they want without knowing what they are doing.
48.  MAN 
Man is nothing but an instrument or agent for the mind to know and feel itself as objects recognized by thoughts, produced by this instrument and living with a false identity as ‘I’ or ‘ME’. When in fact nothing is felt or seen or known. Man as an instrument of the mind does not know anything by himself. The knowing of a non-existent object only appears to happen in thought and mind. Since the Mind with the help of thoughts has concluded such forms of itself as real, a pseudo world appears to exist in Mind. 
Man recognizing himself as a separate entity with the help of thoughts is in absolute ignorance. This ignorance progresses in a timeless field, which are illusions, endlessly till self realization takes place. Seeing these illusions as worldly affairs are nothing but thoughts or based on thoughts and prevents the true knowledge of knowing the real ‘I’ which is Consciousness. 
Whatever that appears as Mind, thoughts, world or man are only Consciousness, which is Bliss, silence and peace. This is the only knowledge, which is existing. Every action, identification, recognition and relationship only prevents this True Knowledge. 
Mind is the body with senses and emotions identified with the help of thoughts. Man is only a shelter for such senses and emotions. He cannot say he knows them. How can one illusion be known by another illusion? Unless the illusion, which is a thought, itself understands its own original nature it is impossible to know the True Knowledge. 
This True Knowledge is available always forever. Only it has to be known. How can there be a birth or death for an illusion of the Mind which itself is an illusion? A mirage may appear and disappear. This mirage does not mean that something was achieved and something was lost. Who has gained the mirage so that he can lose it? 
Consciousness alone exists. There is no need to search for it in Temples etc. It is here and now. What a meaningless selfish search by the so called man? Can he ever find it elsewhere when he himself is nothing but Consciousness? 
Thought identifying itself as something with a name is the real culprit. This culprit should be found out and destroyed. There is no God who is killing a demon. The real meaning is this. Every saying only means that the real culprit who creates this illusion leading to delusion should be found out and killed. Killing means knowing it and understanding it. This understanding itself kills this demon which is thoughts. The will is available for everyone. ’What is’ required is absolute listening to the one who is Self Realized. Bogus Gurus who have only bookish knowledge can never lead any one towards Truth. But the world believes in such Gurus. In reality Master and disciple are one. They may appear as separate entities from outside which are not true. 
This understanding of thoughts leads to the realization of Universal mind which is nothing but energy arising out of Consciousness. (º¢Åò¾¢Ä¢ÕóÐ ºì¾¢ ¦ÅÇ¢ôÀξø). º¢Åõ means Consciousness in its unmanifest nature. ºì¾¢ means manifest nature of Consciousness as energy. They are both not Gods or Man or woman. Alas, man thinks or a thought thinks they are man and woman and are gods. This is pure Science. 
‘What is’ Consciousness or existence? It is singular. Singularity in nature. Non dual. Even to say this as single will be understood as one and a boundary to it will be imagined. May be it can be called as singleness or Amness.  
This singularity arises as duality and subsequently appears as multiplicities. Something like a trunk of a tree growing into branches. Arising from the oneness and merging into this oneness. This is just an outline of ‘‘What is’’ and the world. Man is something like a leaf appearing on the branch. The leaf is the tree or the tree is the leaf. Both are one. Without tree there will be no leaf or without leaf there will be no tree. Similarly the atom is the Universe and the Universe is the atom or like man is the hand or hand is the man. There is no separation in anything. When Consciousness alone is the pure existence whatever that appears or arises or comes is only inside it and out of itself. Even this will be misunderstood as Consciousness itself is creating it and therefore, it is similar to a Creator. This is ignorance, which is not aware of a broader reality and functions only in a confined or limited sphere. 
All such appearances in Consciousness are only temporary in nature and are not constantly remaining as a fixed entity. The concept of a place can come only with the concept of space. Therefore, these so called appearances or multiplicities are like a mirage which appears and disappears simultaneously. Something like wave and particle are simultaneous in nature as explained by physics. The speed at which such appearances seem to happen are only the appearance of Energy. Einstein had said that the speed of this energy is Mass of anything X 300000 X 300000 per second. A thought cannot conceive of such a speed. Actually any object that is seen including the seer appears to appear and disappear at this speed giving an illusion of permanency. The component of everything as Mind, thought, world, and man is only Consciousness. The illusion of a form or its permanency is given only by Mind. Therefore, every object that is in space and time are only mind in its manifesting quality or nature or whatever it be.  
Science today says that nothing is existing and all that appears as object are only due to the interplay of Energy. So man can be defined as a condensed form of energy who does not have a permanency even in his appearance, forget about his birth and death.  
Is it not a wonder for ‘oneness’ which is not two to appear as many? Why give a name for this ‘oneness’ which is formless. Giving a form to this ‘oneness’ which is Consciousness only shows ignorance. It is a paradox that even this ignorance is made of Consciousness. There is no separate entity that makes such appearances or disappearances. They simply happen only to the Mind. ‘What is’ seen, heard or felt is only the energy which is Mind. Therefore, the mind sees itself as forms, hears as sound, feels as senses etc. It is like I am feeling myself.  
The I, you, he, this, that are only separations created by thoughts of a moving energy which is Mind. Even this mind is an illusion appearing and disappearing in space and Time. Remove space and time. You will find nothing there. Can thoughts with its deep conditioning do it? It gets caught in its own actions, because action is a thought.  
50. DREAM 
With the eyes closed, which you call sleep, the mind is imagining itself as objects - which you call dream. With the eyes opened, which you call waking, the mind is dreaming of every object which you call wakeful stage. This wakeful dream happens through thoughts. These thoughts are not real and factual. So nothing is making the dreams? Can it be said what makes one’s dreams? Psychology etc. are based on this. Thoughts and its reaction as further thoughts do not exist as a permanent entity. 
51. ONENESS     
The Consciousness or existence or oneness appears to become dual. This dual part is the mind which is energy. The mind is a sort of ignorance for itself. In ignorance the multiplicities of objects appear. The objects are only mind in ignorance about its true nature. In ignorance or in this field each of the objects starts imagining itself as an individual entity. There is no individuality in it. It cannot be said that they exist for another objects. It is just an illusion or imagination of the mind. For such a thing great value is given by man who himself is an illusion of the mind. A fish cannot identify itself as a fish floating in water. It sees the other one immersed in water and it thinks it must be also be like them with the same identification. This is the concept of man without any knowledge of it. 
Man does not exist anywhere other than in the mind. He does not have the knowledge of himself. He is the abode for thoughts and senses to reside. Other than an accommodation for such illusions, he is Not. But the thoughts create another thought and name it as I or Me. By and by this thought of  ‘I’ gets firmly established and starts feeling or assuming itself as a separate entity. This is the point at which the so called Ego is firmly established and it starts thinking that it is the doer - Ahankar. What a sad conceptual conclusion? 
The body itself with all its organs are only illusion or imagination or dream of the mind. In this dream several dreamy thoughts are received and reflected. The pseudo ‘I’ presumes these reflected thoughts as belonging to itself. There is not a single thought ‘this I or man’ produce by himself. 
Every single object which appears to be in the whole universe is only in the mind including the world. The world is an illusion in the mind and not for world itself like man thinking that he is real. 
Unless one goes very, very deep into his own thoughts, ideas, concepts and mind it is next to impossibility to have a perfect understanding of what he is. Probably this is the meaning and purpose of a so called birth which is again an illusion in the mind. 
The Greatest treasure one can acquire is to have a perfect knowledge of himself. 
52. THE REAL ‘I’ 
This real ‘I’ which is Consciousness is always there - eternal. This ‘I’ perceives itself as Mind and this mind perceives itself as world and false ‘I’ through thoughts which is called man. Through this perception of man IT perceives everything. (This happens only when mind realizes that it is only Consciousness and not Energy) This perception starts from the point at which it was not perceived or it dreams itself as man. When this perception of Mind thro’ which the perception of Man stops, it is called sleep. There is no such thing as sleep. Sleep is only non perception of world and man by mind in its manifest state. The world, man etc. are only mere perception of the mind which itself is a perception. This perception does not happen at a single point of Consciousness. It happens in its wholeness. Therefore, nothing can be said as existing as objects. The one and the only thing existing is the real ‘I’ which is Consciousness. The rest are all only its dream or imagination or perception through its own Self manifesting as mind and energy. These perceptions cannot be a reality. So, whatever man perceives is not a reality. Therefore, man and world does not exist as such. A formless, matter less ONE appearing as matter and form. These forms are transitory. Temporary illusions.
What a great wonder. The pity is a formless form thinks it is Man. Absolute ignorance. 
There is nobody else to know anything. Man presumes he is ‘knowing’ is a sort of illusion. When this knowledge which alone is ‘True knowledge’ arrives or known, the whole is understood by nobody other than “‘What is’”. 
Can anything called man know this TRUTH? 
Consciousness is aware of this non manifesting pure Consciousness and it is aware of its manifestation which is mind. 
This mind which is manifestation, arises out of Consciousness as a dream. It further strengthens its dream into an interactive dream which we call waking stage. This waking stage is nothing but a stronger or deeper dream. It means man is a dream as an instrument and used by mind to dream the world with eyes wide open. 
From this stage mind becomes or enters non manifesting stage which we call sleep. Between sleep and wakefulness only non manifestation is perceived. There is no perception of the Consciousness as it is since it perceives non manifestation which is nothing. In other words Consciousness with awareness  can only perceive itself as manifestation, dream and wakefulness, which (the three) merges into one or merges into Consciousness and as Consciousness it perceives itself as world etc. only at this state or stage. Simultaneously Consciousness knows itself as Consciousness and there is no perception of anything else. It is by itself. It is by itself always. When this merger takes place the false duality fades off.  It may be said that mind appears as dream and wakefulness and disappears. This disappearance of mind can also be said as sleep. Sleep is nothing but no mindness and the mind arises afresh as dream and wakeful states and goes back into non perception of anything. This appearance and disappearance of mind appears to happen in time. Therefore, without time there is no mind.
When mindness arises or appears the manifestness begins. It ends with the so called sleep.  It can also be said that sleep (non manifestness), dream and wakefulness are only passing phenomena appearing on the Self or Consciousness. But Consciousness remains as itself always. These three phenomena are something like a passing cloud or shadow on Consciousness. 
Wakeful stage is only absolute dream stage. The world and man are only dream objects. Man is an interactive dream object. Similarly every object including an atom is an interactive object according to its composition and nature of dream or how an object is dreamt.  
These dreams are of various natures on the basis of its dreamful nature. An atom can dream according to its nature (which we call its composition). An animal is dreamt of according to its nature which itself is a dream. A man dreamt of according to his illusory nature which itself is false. But these dreaming objects are only projections of the mind. Or it can be said they are dream objects of the Mind. The objects themselves cannot know itself, since it is the dream of the mind. It can also be said that mind also cannot know itself, because it is itself is something like dream appearing in Consciousness. It can also be said that Consciousness dreams the mind. Everything remains as a dream object in relation to which dream dreams it. But the under lying factor or background which is Consciousness continues forever as itself without any attributes.  
When the three stages (sleep, dream and wakefulness) merge into one and this merger realize its own reality and ultimately merges into Consciousness. In this state, Consciousness and mind becomes one. The mind which remained as temporary phenomena by its appearance and disappearance all along now realizes itself as Consciousness. This is what we call Self Realization. 
In this realized state Consciousness and mind remain as one. Slowly, slowly the nature of sleep is also realized. It takes a long time to realize sleep as sleep.  
When one manifest as three - the seer, seeing and seen - it is called life. Life of everything. From atom to Man. 
This life is nothing but a movement of energy as matter. The energy is nothing but a movement in mind which is a movement in Consciousness. These are only illusory appearances, in Consciousness. All these appearances or dreams contain Consciousness as its components. 
An inseparable one which is Consciousness is separated or divided into many and an explanation is given by the mind. This can happen only after its merger with Consciousness which is called Self Realization. The Realization of knowing itself as Consciousness.
It can also be said that the world is another form of Consciousness. This form is an illusion which does not have any of its own components other than Consciousness. All that is there is only Consciousness on which an illusion appears and disappears at a tremendous speed for no cause or reason. 
Science and world are nothing but an illusory projection of mind. World means whatever is seen, felt and perceived. This seeing, feeling and perceiving are only illusions. Writing on water. There is no seer or feeler or perceiver as an object, because the object itself is an illusory perception of a subject which is mind. This mind itself is an illusion appearing and disappearing and not constant.  
Science says that nothing exists. All that appears to exist are only the interplay of Energy. Science also says that energy is nothing but emptiness. It also says that there is only one Electron in the whole Universe which appears as many - Like one object reflected by thousands of mirrors. The images appearing on the mirror are not real but only the projection of one Reality. 
Therefore, mind can also be said as a Mirror projecting one Reality. Since this Reality has no form, the mind projects it as Forms. This is a sort of endless explanation offered by mind using thoughts. 
Writing is not by a person. The mind uses a physical form of itself and writes using thoughts which is also mind. Mind is thoughts and thoughts are mind. Ordinarily the mind cannot do this unless it knows itself as Consciousness. 
Man as a separate entity does not exist. He is a projection of mind. He is himself a perception of the mind and this perception happens through thoughts.  
54. SLEEP 
Sleep is beautiful. It leads one to the Truth on one side. On the other side it leads to dream which we call wakeful stage. In both stages and always this Ananda stage continues. It is BLISS. In the wakeful state there is a knower of this Bliss. The known is also BLISS. But when Mind continues as man in non realized state the dream continues. The mind continues this dream in search of its source. Having falsities in wakefulness (which is dream) it continues with a break, which we call death. But this death is unknown. For the mind which is man this so called death is just a continuation of a coma leading to another dream of wakeful state which one calls as birth. Mind fears this gap and tries its level best to find its source, which is Truth. Instead of finding its source it indulges in action of dreams which we call wakeful stage. 
Mind floats as material or as man in this illusion of dreams. It feels this dream by senses and emotions which are thought based. Thoughts are the by product of the mind which does not exist. To understand we may say it exists as an illusion. It appears to see such things in the field of Consciousness. To such illusion, Mind and thoughts disappear and the Truth which is Consciousness is revealed. 
With the purpose of finding itself or its source the mind indulges in dreams of wakeful stage and appears as man and world. Man and world is nothing but a dream of Mind. But it gives an identity to man which is the ‘I’ thought or Ego. Through this Ego the mind can never find its source or origin. The paradox is, it also finds its source through itself as man and thought.  
Anything that appears to exist is within the ambit of mind which is illusory. Its real nature is the ‘Truth’ or Consciousness. Without knowing its nature which is Consciousness, it starts searching for itself. What a great ignorance? It has just to see itself or Realize itself that it is not a separate entity called Mind or Man but only Consciousness projected as something.
This seldom happens to the mind. It rarely comes to know itself which is also man. No cause can be attributed for its wrong separation or knowledge as Mind.  
This mind is nothing other than energy which is matter, time and space. See these illusions can happen or appear to happen only in time and space. When mind knows it is not energy, it knows its originality which is Consciousness. Man or world does not exist as a separate entity. It is only minds projection as Man and World. Therefore man and world is nothing but mind. When identification takes place it becomes thought. If there is no identification, mind remains as forms. A form unidentified.
Mind is nothing but sleep or sleepy activity. The example is somnambulism. Wakefulness is nothing but the dream of mind. Therefore, wakefulness is nothing but unconscious acts. There is no alertness in wakeful state and this state functions like a machine.
The enemy is the separation which is thoughts. These thoughts put together form the Ego. The friend is the Truth. Can this enemy become a friend? It is in his hands. So long as he considers himself as an individual or separate person he is the enemy. This enemy has to become a friend. Any force applied on him will only strengthen the quality of enmity.
The whole of humanity, except a few, consider themselves as enemies. Can this humanity ever live in peace? This enemy is created by nobody. It is an illusion. Man considering himself as a separate entity is just an illusion. This illusion is further strengthened by a so called family which is another illusion. It is further bound into bondage by a bigger illusion called children and relatives. It moves like wheels within wheels like a clock. This clock is nonexistent. An illusion for no body. This nobody is the so called Man. The man is created by his own thoughts, emotions and reactions when he does not exist as such. 
Man is nothing but mind and thoughts. But unfortunately he considers himself as body. Can he say which part of the body is man. He may say the whole is the body. Then it becomes an organization and not a single entity. If he considers the whole as a body why he is rejecting to consider the whole universe as a single body in which he is a tiny speck. This tiny speck thinks he is the controller of everything. This is the Scientist. A scientist is a mad chap who goes on digging into everything out side. He also digs inside. He is a Doctor. Can these chaps dig into mind and thoughts? Can they define mind and thoughts, its composition etc.? Can they say what pain is? Can they say what seeing is?  
By seeing I am known. By not seeing I am unknown. This is the knowing. The knowledge of the Self. This knowledge consists of seer, seeing and seen which is one. The seer, being the mind, is seeing ‘What is’ as objects, in its separated quality. This quality of seeing ‘What is’ as objects is an illusion or Maya. Just like seeing a rope in the night and fearing it as snake. As long as the fear remains the snake remains. With a light coming and exposing the rope, the concept of snake and fear disappears.  Similarly if the light of enlightenment falls on the mind, it comes to know what it sees as objects is only itself which is Consciousness. Then the process of enquiry and contemplation starts and duality disappears but at the same time the perception of objects continues till the body lasts. But a clear understanding arises that the perception of a separate object is only itself which is Consciousness. All along mind remains as Consciousness but it perceives itself as a separate entity which is not there. As it advances further the subject, object division also ceases. It becomes as oneness or togetherness. The beauty of existence lies in this togetherness, which is the knower is knowing the known. When this advances further and when the body drops the knower remains unknown.  This stage cannot be explained. It is something like beyond sleep. If anything is known, the knower is there. When the knower and known merge there remains only pure Consciousness, which is the Truth.  
56. WORLD 
The world is a continuous sequence of a bundle of thoughts which is the Ego. In sleep there is no perception of anything. But the Consciousness continues without perception because the mind is in an idle state in Consciousness. 
The world is not outside. It is inside. Because the perception of the world takes place only inside. The great beauty is, it appears to be outside. What a wonder? 
Consciousness of anything is not on anything. Consciousness of nothing is only nothing. You are only in yourself and not in the world. The world is in you but appears to be outside. This illusion appears when man identifies himself with the body, which is inside and the world is inside him. All actions taking place is only inside him and not outside. What a wonder? 
Consciousness is only a witness and not a doer. This is the whole Truth. ‘I am’ is the Truth which stops with Amness and it does not go beyond. When “I am” is in ‘I’ there is no perception of  I or I am. 
In song mind merges in Love. Mind cannot be love by itself since it is an identifying factor of objects with thoughts.  
In silence there is no action. You cannot act. Non objective action is no action. Non objective wandering is no picnic. Just witnessing without any perception. There is no choice in witnessing. The choice arises only when the object is identified and connected to the subject, which is the body. This identity of subject object is the product of Mind, when the mind itself is the subject and object. In silence this differentiation disappears. This silence is Dhyanam. There is no speech in Dhyanam. In Dhyanam mind is absent. 
Misery is created due to thoughts, which themselves create a differentiation as the one now and the other which is not there. In sleep there is no misery. Sleep is pure innocence and knowledge in pure light. In both nothing can be perceived. There is no perceiver to perceive anything. 
Every knowledgeable man is in the grip of intellect which is Buddhi which is thought in the form of accumulated news. Every man succumbs to this grip.  
Pleasure is a momentary sensation based on objects. It cannot endure once the object is reached. Till reaching the object only misery persists. What man considers pleasure is born out of misery. This is due to subject and object differentiation created by mind which is an illusion and does not exist. 
Mind is ignorant of itself and creates illusions of world, man, thoughts etc. The loss of ignorance is the birth of real knowledge. When mind merges with “‘What is’”, there is no duality. There is no person or individual. Every appearance is only a form without any identification and therefore, there is no meaning. But beauty exists. Beauty is not objective. The subject is beauty, which is Love. Beauty flows out of itself.  
Our activities have no separate existence, they are illusory products of an illusory mind. This illusion covers the True knowledge which is always there. This illusion is nothing but conditions which are thoughts which have no definite origin.  Every body is activated only by this origin less thoughts and man says ‘ He is acting’ What an ignorance? Will he ever wake up to reality?  
In a mindless or thoughtless state there is only peace and awareness. It is something like sleepless sleep or wakeful sleep. In this stage love appears as a sort of intoxication.  Many mistake this thoughtlessness as the final goal and stops with this which gives rise to thoughts again and they slip back. What a hurdle? What a hurdle?
Be as you are. A Guru is not a person. It is only knowledge arising out of the Consciousness. 
Man starts thinking of objects when he is healthy. If he is ill, he starts thinking about his illness, which is the subject. He fails to concentrate on objects. Therefore, health is the subject and object. Man is not health. He is a be-ing. From this health concept he has to find out his Be-ing. There is no health in Be-ing. You are what you are. 
Awareness of sleep is Truth. Non awareness is sleep which is dream which is waking state.  
Mind seeks only external knowledge. It does not know the internal unless it knows itself or its source which is internal.
Man is always solitary. He has to find out his solitude within himself. But he seeks it outside and gets into misery. 
64. MAYA 
Inseparable togetherness is everything. Religion and culture restrain the society which is Man. Separation is untrue. Understanding Maya is knowing reality.
Mind feeds on food, when the body is weaker the mind becomes stronger.
In dream one takes different bodies. In wakeful stage one dreams of different senses and motions. These lead to dreamy actions which results in reactions. It continues till the body disintegrate. The body’s disintegration is called death. This is nothing but going back to one’s own nature. 
Thought alone carries what we call life. In thoughtless stage you are yourself which may be called longevity. There should only be a single thought in action. When thoughts converge the result is confusion. 
Beauty is not in the things. When beauty is perceived by Ego which is thought based on objects, it changes. It is not constant.  The real beauty is in you. When things are seen, they are only you which are beauty, when the perceiver and the perceived are one.
Everything is nothing but Consciousness and therefore, they are bliss. Every man is nothing but Consciousness. Due to ignorance he separates himself. This separation is done by the Ego, which is a bundle of thoughts. This Ego, therefore, cannot know itself as Consciousness and fails to know itself or its source which is its content. Thoughts are not permanent. They cease to have its original existence. They are false. This falseness forms the core of mind which is also false. Anything perceived by this falseness has to be only false. 
Man’s real nature is only Consciousness. He cannot survive as an entity without Consciousness. If he is unconscious nothing can be perceived by him. In Consciousness he is allowing the Ego to perceive things. This perception of anything cannot be true. Therefore, the Ego drags the body into a non conscious state and starts perceiving things thro’ sensory organs. There is no direct perception. 
This direct perception can happen only with the realization of Consciousness which is the Truth. If the world is observed consciously without the support of Ego, the world is beauty and bliss. 
I see myself as objects which are reflections in Consciousness. But the objects see itself as another object due to Ego. Unless the direct perception from the real I takes place, the Ego which is the false I cannot have any direct perception. It will only perceive itself thro’ thoughts which are false and have no reality in itself as it is passed on from one object to another. These thoughts are blindly accepted as true by the Ego which is itself again thoughts thrust upon. There is no enquiry. A blind acceptance. This leads to absolute ignorance and the world is looked at as a separate thing. Can the world be perceived without Consciousness?  Where did the world go in sleep? One cannot say he was unconscious. He was only not conscious of himself. Because the ‘Me’ or ‘I’ is the product of mind. As no thoughts are present this ‘Me’ is not able to perceive itself, though Consciousness exists always, this ‘Me’ floats in this Consciousness unaware of the knowledge of itself. 
This so called ‘Me’ or Man is nothing but the product of Ego. The Ego itself believes that the body is this ‘Me’ or ‘I’. Other than the Ego there is no existence of a person. The meaning of a person is a sound arising out of a mask which is unreal. A mask cannot be a reality.
Thoughtless, choiceless seeing is witnessing. There is only Consciousness in this state. There is no person or mind or thoughts. One has to be in this state in wakeful state. This leads to Samadhi with eyes open. This state is neither sleep nor wakefulness. In between this witnessing is ‘‘What is’’. No recognition or identification. Forms may be there. But there is no knowledge of it. Just a child seeing and cannot give a name to what it sees. 
If you are not, there is no world. Therefore, the world is an object for you, you being the subject. But one is not bothered about the subject, which is him / herself and acts or bothered or worried about others who are objects. Your actions are based on getting a certificate from others. You live for others and waste your entire life to get praises from objects. These praises are false based on selfishness of the object. The object is expecting a return from you. You are caught in this web without your knowledge. 
When you appear, the world appears without your appearance there is no appearance of the world. Therefore, you are the world. The world is you. There is no duality. You and the world are one. Only the Ego creates an artificial separation. When one understands this non dual nature, this non dual nature itself teaches you. You will realize others are only you. Your own reflection in the field of Consciousness. With this knowledge you, he, they disappear. It is one. They cannot be there without you. You are only an observer, a witness of yourself. Any harm caused to object is the harm caused on you. That is why you feel when others are affected which happens without your knowledge. You cannot withstand a cruel act on others. A real man will interfere, others will close their eyes shut and walk off. 
Both are energy in different functions. Energy arises from ‘‘What is’’ which is Consciousness and starts manifesting in a zillion and zillion ways by way of appearing as matter which becomes forms including man. The main background on which such manifestations occur or projected is nothing but Consciousness.
These projections or manifestation starts an illusory journey of knowing itself, which is knowing the back ground on which it is projected. In doing so it gets into ignorance and loses its way. From an atom to man this is ‘What is’ happening. Atom or any ‘trons’ (electrons etc) does not know it is only energy and just appear to exist on a back ground which is Consciousness.  
Therefore, the search of itself continues in different forms. These forms are everything that is seen in the Universe. Having failed at each step, the process of evolution takes place only for the sake of knowing itself. This evolution expands in multifarious directions. In man, only in very rare cases, it started knowing itself. Religion is one such process. But the religions after its Masters, turned into a different direction due to the ignorant manipulation of other forms which are man. Unless the falsity in the Religion is removed man will continue searching for himself in a wrong direction guided by wrong and illusory thoughts. Instead of salvation he without his knowledge enters into extinction. May be evolution will continue.  
Man is slowly becoming machine which is energy taking over his place. He lives at the grace of electrons and fossil fuel. This will lead to another race being formed. Cyborgs etc. have already appeared. Men less events are taking place. The so called originator may be the man who is energy which is also mind and thought. This originator will dissolve in his own ignorance. 
This is neither pain nor pleasure.  This can be known only one knows himself or realizes himself. All activities are started only with this purpose. This search for knowledge started in a limited and restricted sphere. All efforts within this field are mind and thoughts. The search has to go beyond mind which is knowing the mind and thoughts with no doubts arising. 
74. MAN
Man is not a person. He is an instrument thro’ which the Universe or ‘What is’ or Consciousness experiences everything. Unfortunately he which is only the Ego creates an illusion of he is experiencing everything. There is no one who is experiencing. Only experiencing alone is there. There is no I, or You or He or this or that. The experience is not a single entity. It is the whole oneness. The seer, seeing, seen together yet not together because of the illusion of a non existing mind, man and thoughts.  
Bliss is Consciousness or ‘What is’. There is no experiencer. It is THAT. One who knows Consciousness he is THAT. The whole oneness. Unexplainable. Bliss is only just a word. It is the middle of everything. Whether the eyes are closed or open it is there. This is also Samadhi. Beyond Love and Beauty. 
Creativity arises in a thoughtless state. It is Love. It is beauty. The expression of Love and Beauty is creativity. It cannot be evaluated. Beyond matter and useless money. No meaning can be given. Because the meaning is a thought. Evaluation is a thought. Thoughts cannot perceive it. 
77.  MUSIC
Music is Love. There is no singer there. Only the song. It swallows the singer. Man sings or appears to sing without knowing it is Love. The moment one says I sang, the Beauty of Music is lost. One cannot claim ownership for music and creativity, because both come out of Love from nowhere. Love cannot be possessed.
Divinity is Truth. Unless the individuality and personality is lost, Divinity cannot arise. One has to lose himself. He cannot say he is a person. There are no persons. Humanity is one whole floating in the whole or submerged in the whole. All conflicts and misery arises only in dividing this togetherness or wholeness. Beauty or Love is intoxicating. This intoxication cannot be explained. In drinking man becomes mad. But people who do not know this real intoxication say liquor is intoxicating. It only produces incoherent thoughts and makes you go mad.  
Can there be a world without you? Only after you arise or wakeup the world arises or appears. The world cannot exist alone without you. It is only a shadow of you. But you give importance to the world and think it should praise you, accept you as whatever you feel you are. 
It is something like you and your image in a mirror. Can you stand before a mirror and ask your image to give a certificate to you. You will say it is only your image and it cannot act separately. Similarly compare yourself with the world. The world is only your image. The mirror is the Consciousness. You will not understand this simple phenomenon.  
You waste your entire life to get a certificate from this world. All your actions are aimed only towards that. Not a single action is based on yourself, except your ailment and your treatment. Even there the fear of death leads you towards that action. 
You are only interested that others should appreciate you. Like you. Obey you. This is the saddest part of your entire life. If they don’t recognize you, you are almost dead. It is you who is always recognizing the world, your friends and relatives. But you expect it vice versa. Can you satisfy your own shadow? Then why are you bothered about others who cannot be there without you? Why don’t you recognize yourself and find out what you are. This problem arises because you think you are the body. A tree appears to you. Can you say to whom you are appearing? 
This body which you consider yourself is the one made by your parents. The name which it has was also given by your parents. You were existing prior to your birth, which you do not know. Were you not in your mother’s womb prior to your birth? Do you know it? Were you not existing even prior to your mother’s conception? You might have been an egg and a sperm. Do you know the origin of these? You may say I am not interested. That means, you are not interested in knowing yourself. The priori of your birth is nothing. You as a person can arise only with your Ego which are thoughts.  Do you know you are a person when you were 3 months old? How did you suddenly arise as a person? Find out. 
       THE MIND.
After your appearance the world appears or after the mind’s appearance the body appears through which the world is perceived. Your appearance and subsequent appearance of the world is just a dream or illusion of the mind with many divisions, when in fact the divisions are not there. Know the mind and its behaviour, you will know yourself.  
The easiest thing is to know yourself, since you are with yourself. But at the same time it is also the most difficult thing as you are searching yourself elsewhere. You are chasing your own shadow. You cannot succeed. Remain as you are and know yourself. Don’t base it on the world. Don’t expect yourself out side you. Religions only teach you to search for yourself out side you. Go deep inside you. Close your eyes and contemplate on yourself. There is no God other than you. Don’t seek yourself in Gods which are idols outside and are the products of thoughts. Whatever is created by thought is based on externalities and not internality.  
You are enormous. But you consider yourself a small thing based on the body. Drop this idea that you are the body. Know the mind to its core. You will find to your wonder and amazement that the mind does not exist as a separate entity. 
‘‘What is’’ in ignorance is man who operates in the field of mind and thoughts. It is just an illusion. 
Man who is True Knowledge is ‘‘What is’’ but a part of the whole. This part cannot be identified with a boundary. When man in knowledge loses his individuality, personality etc. and becomes the Truth. He is ‘What is’. He appears from outside as an ordinary man with a body. He cannot be distinguished as “‘What is’” or Truth by others who are in ignorance. He appears from outside as a physical body which is only an illusion. Outwardly both illusion and real appear the same. The difference is only inward.  
Man, who is ignorant, where purely the mind and thoughts operate, is only an illusion. When the knowing of this illusion happens, knowledge arises and the sheath of illusion is dropped and it becomes the Actual which is Truth. At this level of knowing and not knowing, both ignorance and knowledge are one. This reality is not easily understandable till one undergoes or knows the process of his journey from ignorance to knowledge. Ignorance which is illusion does not exist. ‘What is’ existing is only Truth or Real knowledge. What a paradox? The so called ignorance is also within Truth but remain as an illusion. Just like a mirage. It is there but it is not.
82. TIME 
Time does not exist other than a watch or clock movement which is used for serializing events. The events are not dual in nature. One over laps the other without a gap. Therefore, events themselves or itself show the oneness. By the time you mention the time it becomes false as it has actually passed itself. The saying becomes false. You cannot pinpoint it. It appears to run. A running event cannot be singularized as a single event ending. But the thoughts artificially split it. This splitting is false. In this falsehood, thoughts are merged or overlap and assume a continuous flow as a single event, with an end.  
Time is thought, which is a movement. It does not and cannot know its own movement. When such is the reality how can it know itself as an illusion which appears to have come from somewhere? What is this somewhere which is also continuous from one person to another? Does it originate any where? It does not. Original thoughts can appear when this false thoughts stop. These original thoughts use the same thought without its conditional qualities. It is unconditional. Realities can only flow in this state only. Otherwise the conditioned thoughts will flow which are only derived from memory. 
Memory is only about a past event. Dead event. Such dead event arises as thoughts and makes the body act. Such action can only be a falsehood. This means someone having lunch yesterday and thinking he is having lunch today. From one angle it is a paradox. From a different view it can be observed how foolish it is to rely on thoughts on past so called split less event.  
You can call it an event only when it has a beginning and end. But there is no such thing except a flow of memory arising as thought and compares itself with the present. Only a conflict alone can arise out of it. There can never be a clarity. A conflict or a confused thought can only produce a confused action. So called Man lives only in a confused nature and blames it as fate.  
Fate is only his own creation or created by thoughts based on memory which appears to exist in a non existing time. The world or humanity unfortunately is found by this illusory Time. 
This time is History. A commentary based on past. This past does not exist today and tomorrow can only be today. All tomorrows are endless, a search for the horizon.  
Understanding is beyond time. There is no understander. He will have to disappear for understanding to happen. Otherwise, it is passing of news from one to another on a dead so called event. Can there be an understanding on a dead event? What purpose it can serve? Can I think of my father and run my family today? I will only be going on talking of a glorious past always comparing it to the present. Much water had flown in the river. You think you are stepping into the same river, when technically it is not so. Even man is not the same as he was yesterday. But he projects himself into a future which is absent. When he travels to the so called future it is only the present. Something like a shop keeper saying “Cash today, Credit tomorrow” This tomorrow never arrives.  
An ordinary shop keeper understands this as far as his business is concerned. But the buyer or his customer lacks this understanding and falls a prey. An error committed unknowingly. The same method he is adopting in every walk of his life.  
Only dreaming of a glorious future which is tomorrow. He plans for it. May he achieve it or fail, that is his headache. This achievement is only a happening. Beyond him. This happening which man considers as his own achievement drives him into desires to achieve, which he cannot guarantee.  
84. DEATH 
Death is a celebration. A living emptiness. One can be in death while living. In fact everyone is living in death and afraid of it. Living in death and fearing it is rubbish. Not the disappearance of the body is Death. The body may go. Where does it go? It becomes ashes and gets dispersed into myself. Myself means the real Me which is the Universe or ‘What is’. 
Why fear death when you are living in it? Therefore, death is a celebration. In death there is no knower and known. This is what everyone is in days sleep. The walking stage which is bigger dream is afraid of death because it cannot dream. There is no man there who fears death. Man is a trick created or imagined by mind. This is just a trick. A magic. A mirage. 
No body’s thought appears and disappears. Immediately a non existent ‘I’ or Ego which is a thought of nobody reacts. This reaction is emotion and makes the body suffers or another thought replaces it and makes the body to react.  
The body does not know its action. This reaction arises from memory which is another dead thought but stored in the brain. The brain acts as mind which does not exist. All such false nonexistent things create an illusion of action and reaction when in fact nothing happens. Pain, pleasure, sorrow, killing are the result of this illusion. How can an illusion be real? The mind reads it by another fictitious thought as real. What is this drama? The so called man which is a false body appears to the mind as a reactor.  
A nonexistent mind, a nonexistent thought, which is memory, acting on an illusory body. Ha, Ha…(I am laughing) What a wonder or a false drama. This drama itself is an illusion for no body. This is men, women and world. What to say of this, can the so called people understand this drama. No. Not possible, because the solid appearance of men and matter are only illusion and cannot be understood by people even intellectually. 
Will thought and mind which are illusions and nonexistent understand itself? They suddenly disappear and Consciousness or ‘which is’ appears to appear when it is already there and has never disappeared.  
From Rocket to a pin is not there or does not exist. It appears to exist in a nonexistent mind. People fight for rubbishes called Nations and richness. The world plunges into misery. Can such misery stop in the wakefulness which is only a dream? It is doubtful which itself is not real. Science will come to this end one day. Probably after a couple of centuries in Time which is bogus.  
What to do? Well nothing to do. Don’t do anything. Only earn your own food. That is all. This hunger, desire happen only in a full fledged dream which we call as waking state. 
The sleep, dream and so called wakeful state are again a drama of illusion passing on a background which is ‘‘What is’’, not knowing any of these drama. But suddenly comes to help as an actor of this drama. Who is this actor? No body. This nobody is called as man. If he disappears as a person and not physically, there is nothing to perceive. Perceived by whom? Again nobody. 
A blind man searching for a black cat in a dark room. If by miracle, he catches the cat, there will be no cat and a catcher also. 
Oh cat or catcher what to say of you?  
86. U.G.K 
Oh, my friend UGK are you converting this so called me into you. I have some question to ask you. I know you cannot answer. 
You said people should earn and enjoy themselves. Earn, Earn, Earn, without giving trouble to others. This useless Me is asking you – ‘What is’ earning and ‘What is’ enjoyment? Is it not relative? Can one know this? Did you exist so that you can become nonexistent? Are you a myth to forget about you calling mind is myth.
Losing of individuality and the concept of a person which is the false I which is Ego which are borrowed thoughts is Freedom.  
When the concept of a Me as an individual is lost there is nothing binding the body to make a claim. The mind and the thoughts are lost with it. ‘What is’ pervades. The Truth alone is there. There is nothing more than “That”. That or It alone is existence. Nothing exists apart from THIS. 
All appearances, the subject, object duality is the product of thoughts and mind. An illusory individual or a person appears as birth. Birth is the product of mind and subsequently gets caught in the web of thoughts. The origin of these thoughts, which landed on him, is unknown to the so called person. Actions and reactions, cause and effect are the product of thought. 
A world ruled over by such thoughts can only lead to chaos and misery. Unknowingly the person gets himself thrust into this confusion and misery. He finds no opening for him to get rid of such confusions. Whatever he tries will only add to confusion unless the knowledge of himself dawns on him. 
Consciousness always exists either in ignorance or knowledge. Either in sleep or dream or wakefulness. Since mind does not know it is Consciousness, it is not aware of it in sleep, though it is that. Therefore, its imagination or itself projecting as body hides the knowledge of Consciousness as all thoughts are produced either to recognize the body which appears as subject with senses or as objects as perceived by the subject as an illusion. In its absence as subject, which here is the body, there are no objects for it.
In silence and Shanthi (peace) only Consciousness is known and the perception of body as subject and its seeing the objects as objects is absent. 
Consciousness knows itself as Consciousness and does not perceive anything else. In wakefulness this is failed to be noticed and the so called man goes on telling that he is not aware of Consciousness though he is in it covered by ignorance. 
In realization there is no ignorance or knowledge. Only Consciousness exists with its pure knowledge revealed by its intelligence. Intelligence arises only in that state pouring Truth. 
Man who is himself love is not aware of it as he is more or less in an unconscious or non conscious state of Consciousness itself. Can he be conscious of anything else? The pseudo thoughts develop into actions and reactions thro’ the concept of a body utterly not knowing Consciousness. Every problem arises in such an unknowing state. All solutions which arise in that state only add to confusion. 
For a pure mind to exist, the thoughts have to stop. In that state the mind recognizes itself as Consciousness and loses its activities as pseudo mind which does not exist by itself. 
Consciousness is conscious of everything including the minds nature but it does not know it. When mind merges with Consciousness the Consciousness witnesses everything as a witness and no action comes out of it. The meaning of duality is this. Mind arising out of Consciousness without knowing its originality. But yet it is non dual. This unknown knowledge of itself is dual, which is the world, man etc. 
The mind gives a false continuity to so called events and objects by producing thoughts and the agency for it is the brain and sensory organs of the body. For this purpose the necessity for other internal organs. These internal organs are not meant for the so called man to continue his existence. 
89.  ALONE 
You are always alone. You never had anything to separate you from this aloneness. You are the subject who is alone. You are witnessing the objects. Any number of objects cannot become the subject being yourself. 
An object may be a subject for itself which you do not know. A simple fact tells you a thousand tales. 
Even after knowing yourself ‘You are alone’. When mind and thoughts stop, everything is a pouring like rain. Sufficient vessels are not available to store this rain. This should not get dried up and should reach the thirsty ones.
Science is within this.
Logic is within this.
Philosophy is within this.
Rationalism is within this.
Spiritualism is within this.
Atheism is within this.
Everything is within this. This is nothing but the Truth. Consciousness. Know that you are all this. If you know, this is THAT. That is the Universe. That is the existence itself. That is you. You are the Universe containing everything. Though you appear as a part, you become the whole with this True knowledge. No need to reject or accept. Rejection and acceptance is also you and you are THAT. That is THIS. 
Knowledge should be born out of experience and not by collecting information from books. This bookish knowledge will only create questions and confusion. 
You are pure Consciousness. You arrived into this world as a body for the purpose of experiencing yourself as multitudes. You lost your way because the mind and thoughts got separated in mundane things which are nothing but yourself as various forms and yet retaining your original state. This original state cannot be lost as all other things such as mind etc are within you. They are not outside you. This splitting of mind and matters led to conflicts and confusions and can never be compared to your originality which is Consciousness. This splitting is duality. This duality is inside you. This dual appearance which is only an illusion wants to get back to its original nature yet remaining Consciousness which is you, the real. Again this journey of getting back (which is not a getting back) gets split into sleep, dream and wakeful state. Again further illusion or dreams. The result is an illusory ever searchingness till the illusion of your own separation is found out. 
93. THE YOU 
As long as you don’t know yourself you are the so called man, a person as individual which is nothing but mind (Jeevan). When you know yourself all this disappears into oneness which is ‘What is’. The knowing yourself is the journey or the path or life. This is just an illusion caused by mind. To know yourself, know the mind. Till then all acts or action appear to be independent of each other. The subject object reactions. 
The false you as a person are nothing but action and reactions caused by thoughts which are not existential. False.  
Man searches for happiness throughout his life not knowing he is happiness. This happiness is Anandam. He comes across a momentary pleasure and thinks it is happiness or Anandam. 
This pleasure appears from an external object. No external object can give him happiness. Happiness is not a commodity which can be passed on from one to another. Can hunger be passed on to somebody? You can only remain with hunger. 
The birth right of man is happiness. He does not realize that he is happiness and goes on searching for it. It is not the man who searches, but the thoughts. Thoughts can never know happiness. But it goes on searching for it and utterly fails. This search goes on endlessly. To know happiness it has to stop this useless search. This cannot happen unless it knows itself. Not knowing itself is the root cause of pain and sorrow.  
For no reason it gets involved in sorrow. Sorrow and pleasure do not exist. It exists only as thought which is false. This unwanted sorrow which is a thought arises out of seeking something which is not there. From what he is to what he should be is sorrow.  
If he remains as what he is, he is in happiness or he is happiness. Without knowing love he cannot know happiness. Happiness is non material and non sensory. All that comes thro’ sensory perception are false. A thought of temporary satisfaction arises and it is mistaken as pleasure which is another thought. 
Thoughts have to stop for the revelation of happiness which is Love. Thoughts create sorrow endlessly till death over takes it. Man dies in sorrow. This again continues in a different illusory body which is mind. So endless products of dream bodies by mind. These bodies are the mind itself for the production of thoughts thro’ senses. The senses experienced in one body cannot be the same in another body. So endless illusion of bodies cry as illusory mind. When mind understands itself as nothing but a bundle of thoughts stored as memory in brain, it comes to know its original nature which is Consciousness. Once it knows it, It knows happiness or Anandam and remains as Anand.  
This cannot happen to a so called man as long as he considers himself as a body. 
A division between Consciousness and mind is body. It is a shelter for the abode of senses and thro’ it thoughts and not man. It is mind seeing or imagining itself as body which is called man. The illusory producer is the illusory mind. Man as a body is just a log of wood. The body is incapable of saying anything though it has a mouth. Only the thoughts have to activate it. Man thinks he is talking. He cannot understand that he is not the talker. Thoughts and emotions created by it make the mouth talk. There is no man there who is talking. Experience become thought and remains as memory in the brain. The brain is nothing but the hard disc of a computer. It will receive every thought and store it as memory. Whatever is stored is only to past, dead experience which is wrongly perceived as an event. The taste experienced by the tongue does not exist. It is momentary. This momentoryness becomes a thought and subsequently becomes memory and resides as neuron waves in brain. 
When there is an action, the brain releases a suitable memory which is thought to cause reaction leading to emotion. A doctor will give a thousand explanations for this useless process. He himself does not know this pseudo nature of mind. He thinks mind resides in brain and cannot show or find it. He can even find a thought as it is and starts treating the so called man. He is actually producing a chemical reaction in a neuron wave which ends up as thought on a past experience. 
They don’t know what these neuron waves are. They are only energy which is mind. A chemical reaction is nothing but a change of course of energy.
Accepting responsibility without expecting anything in return is a great quality. Irrespective of the fact whether he is affected by it or not. Man always shirks responsibility and finds an escape route. This leads to unimaginable argument. Such argument does not arise out of any knowledge. He shows it on other and the result is the development of a fault finding tendency. He simply goes mad with incoherent argument and will always refuse to listen. Any amount of sensible will only fall into deaf ears. There is no point in any act of convincing such a mind. It goes berserk. 
True knowledge brings in responsibility. He (one who has realized) faces it and acts in a prudent way. 
Irresponsibility has become the way of life. Two irresponsible persons meeting will lead to even murder or a total chaos leading to madness. Irresponsibility indicates a sick mind and leads to schizophrenia. A condition that could be set right by a talk or a conversation is unnecessarily being referred to a psychiatrist who puts him in a thoughtless state by tranquilizers which lead to addiction.
Seldom one comes across a heart to heart talk. Only one thought pervades. That is to escape from the present situation by putting forth useless argument. 
Nothing can be done. A man who always wants favours by going to Temples is most dishonest and irresponsible. Their aim or motive is to somehow get their desires fulfilled. The priests and so called false saints use this opportunity to fulfil their own desires. But yet people flock behind them.
These dangerous people should be avoided at all cost. But a man full of desires and irresponsible will run after him. The present day religion survives and grows at a rapid speed because of irresponsible people who want a short cut to achieve to sky.
A husband is irresponsible. A unit is also irresponsible. Both trying to find fault with the other. What sort of relationship will be there? Only animosity towards one on another alone will be there. This leads to separation which we call divorce. 
Divorces arise because of irresponsibility. There can never be any understanding. Misunderstanding will be the understanding. All this happens without any inner knowledge. But none wants to have inner knowledge. Everything is oriented around money and sophistication. What sort of people is occupying the world? The world is polluted by them. A compassionate mother world is disfigured and it tolerates them. That is a wonder.  
When someone who is singing inside himself, it can be noticed that there is no person inside who is singing with a mouth. Similarly the hearing alone is there without an ear and a hearer. Only singing and hearing together is there. But one thinks that he is doing in his mind and gets a false notion of he is the doer. 
Now don’t get a shock. The same thing is also outside. There is no singer or hearer. The body is not there. It is something like a smoke or shadow or illusion. Without a body the singing and hearing alone is there. Can there be a wonder than this? 
You don’t exist. The world you say you are seeing does not exist. The seeing, the speaking, the hearing, the doing alone is there. There is no doer. 
Without a doer the doings happen. Without a builder the home is building. Without a cooker or cook, the food is cooking. What are these end products?  Is there any? ‘What is’ there? You as a person, she as a woman, the building as a shelter. The food as an eatable, the body as a moving object are not there. But appears to be there. Everything appearing is false and is only illusions created by mind through energy.
Only Consciousness exists as Consciousness. The mind, the thoughts, the bodies, the objects do not exist. Only blissing, happinessing, silencing, peacing  alone exist. (Here you will get confused about the language used. They are verbs. No noun exists.) Hearing, understanding, knowing alone is there without a person. All the so called senses and five elements are the greatest cheaters. 
I (which is not there) is knowing myself (This is also not there). If the I and myself are removed ‘What is’ existing is only Consciousness. Know that you are THAT. Nothing more than this is real. This is the greatest TRUTH. 
The TRUTH alone is existing. Who is there to explain what it is? This true knowledge (you don’t exist, I don’t exist) came out of Telling a thousand times. Nobody understands this. What more talking can man understand when he is not there? 
Seeing is there. Truth is there. The seer is not there. There is no seer, no seeing and no seen. All put together as one is the TRUTH
What is available in Existence are Unconsciousness, Consciousness, Super Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness. 
Unconsciousness is the common man working like a machine. He does not even know he is existing, All his actions are thoughts based dumped upon him. That is, no sensible judgment at this level. Almost all mankind come under this category. Man is just a slave of circumstances and the society. 
Man is aware of the world and objects. He is not aware of himself. He is a machine plus something more. He is only aware of money and other sophistication of life. His objective is to attain a goal somehow or other over taking others and show off or according to him, to prove that he is much more than others. He thinks that he alone is capable of attaining to higher levels of living. He goes on competing with a single aim of creating an empire around himself. These are the business community and other higher salaried persons including bureaucrats. 
Super Consciousness
Man becomes aware of himself. Occasionally he is aware of the objective world. Many questions start arising in him. He starts seeking answers for all these questions through his intellect. Many time he gets stuck here for want of proper guidance. If guidance is available, he starts exploring himself. He wants to find out his root. He goes on analyzing everything on a rational way. He uses logic. He uses philosophy. He uses science etc. He finds they are not helping him in getting answers for all his questions. These are the philosophers, scientists etc. Here again they need guidance to go forward and not getting stuck at the subject level (which he learnt). He is stuck without a reply to his root. Sometimes a fleeting revelation takes place. But he goes on thinking on logical and rational basis. He has to take a leap here and drop his concepts and ideas and stop the flooding of thoughts and should become thoughtless. At this stage help pours from nowhere. He stumbles across Truths which he never knew or heard of. This is the state at which he has to stop his intellect. He comes to know what all he read or heard or experimented are of no use. Here he has to accept his failure. This is the place where he has to declare that he does not know anything and seek help by surrendering to “What is” or to a realized Guru who is nothing other than “What is”. 
Cosmic Consciousness
He gradually starts knowing himself. He starts knowing what mind is, what thought is and finally what he is. Tremendous amount of help and grace pours on him from Existence. He comes to know all the divisions are false. He comes to know about birth, death and Existence. He finds there are no divisions though he lives in this world. He comes to know that he is connected to everything in the Universe. He comes to know his originality, the root he is searching for. He comes to know he is a No Thing and forms part and parcel of the magnificent, glorious, enormous Existence itself. He knows he is That or That is He and all the rest are just dreams, passing cloud. 
Man has invented Gods for his personal satisfaction. He has to lean on something for his survival. He has invented rituals to lean on and expects that his own inventions will help him out. All these inventions are based on selfishness without knowing his real Self, he has started inventing so many absurd things leading to fights, wars, chaos, conflicts, sorrow and all the rubbish you see in the world, around you and also inside you.
Can man ever reach this state of Cosmic Consciousness with all his aims and goals which are material based? Foolishly he takes the outside to inside and corrupts the inside also. Who can save him? 
Desire is the outcome of sensations. A sensation of pleasure. This sensation makes man/woman to run after seeking pleasures and leads to a chaotic and miserable life. Always trying to make money, the limit of which they do not know. This sensation is translated into thought or in other words thought is sensation, a bogus thing. It is only limited and short lived. This sensation has created hatred in the world. One nation fighting against the other, one group of people fighting with another etc. on a larger scale of sensation for power. 
Power is another sensation. Power is thought based. “You be my slave or do whatever I say” is the idea. Unfortunately man is not aware that this sensation is creating slaves. These slaves also meekly obey with an ulterior selfish motive. Obedience comes with selfishness. Just like parents want their children to obey them. This has started from parents and goes on on a larger scale in the Educational Institutions which is given another name as discipline. What is taught in the form of discipline is only slavery. Can man ever attain freedom with this sort of  Education? A freedom from conditioned thoughts. 
More and more conditioning goes on as a child progresses in its education. Educating what? I am not saying about your maths or physics etc. The psychological conditioning goes on and the child gets caught in this dangerous web and later on goes on spinning its own web. “Go over the other child by scoring more marks and prove you are different. You are worthier than the other”. Will this not create prejudices among the poor scorers? What for this score? To go for higher Education or to get a fat salary. Can you understand the psychological effect this is going to create? Can you remain only with the subjects and stop creating or accepting psychological nonsense? 
Man seeks sensate values. Can this alter his psyche of his “Self”? Or can man be ever altered psychologically? But he takes such sensate values inside and corrupts the beauty of the inside world instead of allowing the inside to project outside with its own beauty and its own immeasurable divinity. 
Sensate values can never make one happy in whatever way he tries, using conditioned thoughts. On the other hand it will only create jealousy. Is it not going to create an inferiority complex in others who have scored lesser marks or one who has performed a little poorly? This complex will create a division as one is superior and the other is inferior. Can such a man or a child can consider the humanity as a whole entity? The world and all its contents as one whole including god.  Is it not going to defy your Religions which proclaim god is one and humanity is one, both inseparable. By this division you have separated god from man. The whole bringing up of a child or an adult by parents, school etc are against the religion and its teachings provided you are able to see the original Religion and not the rubbish which you see in the form or rituals. You are defying the whole sayings or the Truth. The Truth is one and not many. All your activities and attitude only shows and proves that you don’t accept god but go on worshiping absolutely with a selfish motive. To get your desires fulfilled by something created by thoughts, a million and one gods. If you are not satisfied with one god you can jump to another god. Who is doing all this rubbish? Have you ever thought of it? Is it not the conditioned thoughts which are doing the trick and not you as a physical person? 
The whole system, the humanity’s system is all rubbish and nonsense. A man with a little understanding and common sense will see this truth. An ordinary feeling of pleasure goes to this monstrous effect. Will you understand this reality and contribute something for the uplift of the humanity as a whole? Can you stop all this rubbish ideas and concepts so that it will not interfere with the psyche of man/woman so that your real god which is the real You can be realized?
I have tried to show this writing to several persons and felt so sad that none is understanding this truth and they rubbish this. What can I do though I am doing something for the betterment of the whole human being? But I will keep on doing it just like Jesus, Buddha and others (remember I do not claim an equal status with them). I am absolutely different, going on my own. The whole Existence is helping me. Why should I bother about these stupid mortals?
What is richness, can you explain? Richness according to you is only on the basis of comparison. For one who lives in a forest, who had not seen a town in his life, what does richness mean to him? Do you say he is dead to richness? Is he not living – eating, sleeping, procreating etc. In what way you are richer than him? You also do the same thing. Do you have the peace which he may have? What for you are running towards becoming rich? Richness for you means possessing money, huge money, and the limit of which you do not know. What for this huge money? Because you are afraid of the future and you predetermine you will live forever. The forest man and you are going to die one day. Can his poorness (which you assume) or your richness save you from death? May be he is eating the roots or fruits of some plant and trees and you may be eating biriyani. When is this eating going to stop for both? When there is no hunger, he eats roots because he feels hunger and you eat biriyani because you feel hunger. The hunger is the same for both. You run for richness but he does not. 
Hunger is common for everyone in the world. We share hunger. It is not yours or mine alone. Hunger comes and eating takes place and why this running after riches. Is it not natural, the nature showing a way for eating? What is this nature? Is it thought based? Hunger comes to the forest man and side by side eating also comes. It also comes to a tiger or a worm. Is it thought based? Thought tells the body’s hunger. Why do you take it inside and make it psychological? Is it possible? Please observe this. One may beg and the other may go to a five star hotel. For what? To eat. Eating is common to everything. But why take it inside and run always chasing money. A child gets fed automatically when it feels hungry. It does not run or cannot run. Remember you are also a grown up child. You are also fed automatically and the way for it is shown to you by nature. But you refuse to notice it. You get confused and feed the ego about your five star hotel lunch or whatever it may be. This applies to everything – your clothing and shelter – the way is shown by Existence. But you think you are doing and create conflicts and chaos. 
Stop this running towards riches. What you need for your basic living comes to you automatically. A way is shown for it. Can thoughts become financially rich or can your body desire richness? In both, it does not happen. You are unnecessarily creating pain for both – the thought and body. Show me a financially rich thought. Can you say that your thought is rich and my thought is poor? Have you ever contemplated on this aspect, not verbally but existentially? 
Your existence does not ask for richness only your ego does it. The existence feeds you and looks after you. Are you aware of this fact?
Mortal is a thing and immortal is No Thing. Mortal is a condensed form of energy reflecting out of mind and immortal is beyond energy and mind. Mortal knows death (at least from outside) which is the ending of everything which is ego. Immortal is not ego and therefore, there cannot be an ending of anything to it. It does not know death which is the ending. One as a condensed form of energy (which is man/woman) has to take a deep leap and go beyond mind to know the state of Immortality.
Mind is movement and Time, which is energy. One has to go beyond this, when even the dropping of the body is unknown (which is called death). Not knowing death is not death. For example if you don’t know something how can you say it is there? Even if you know something it is only a past knowledge. What is this state? You are just now in that state, a state of Consciousness, not knowing death. This Consciousness is a no thing and at the same time without it nothing can be known. The known is perceived only through this, but the known is also gone, a dead event. What you see something dead is not you and you cannot have the knowledge of death right now but you are afraid of something which you will never know. Every moment dies for the new to arise to continue the knowing. Every moment is only knowing and not known. Now tell me what is death? 
You will come to know something only when it passes you. For example if you want to see a train you will come to know the train only if it passes you. Otherwise you will only see a portion of it which you cannot call a train. When something is gone, you will come to know of it and not while it is happening. Death is assumed to be known from outside only when it is gone and not for the one who is said to be dead. We are living in death and life passes and you come to know of life. You are living in death that is why you don’t know death except for the fear of it. Wakefulness can be known only when it is gone just like you know of dream only when it has passed or gone. Just now your wakefulness is unknown to you. Each state has to be known when you are in it. We just miss this. You say an event is pleasurable only when the event is over. When you are in it you do not know the pleasure of the event. You will have to be absolutely conscious of it, each moment of it. Otherwise you are only aware of a past event. The question is, in such an absolute state of Consciousness can you know anything? All your blabbering that you say you know is false. You presume that such an event had taken place mentally.  
You will not understand this because your very existence is being questioned. 
In Existence past is not repeated. This means there is no continuity. Every time it is new and fresh. But man has invented words to give continuity for everything. You don’t like someone. There is continuity. Psychologically you have invented this nonsense. You have given continuity to everything. Your husband, wife, children or whatever you see. The reality is they are not continuous. Can you prove they are continuous? You have taken this continuity inside you.  Outwardly, externally everything is non continuous. You cannot see an old one. This is the mystery of energy. Everything appears and disappears at an amazing speed. The cinema shows, the TV shows are only non continuous. You run the still photographs of cinema film at a rapid speed and it produces an illusion of continuity. A man running from here to there in a film is non continuous, still pictures. You can examine the full length of the film and find out this truth. They are still pictures of different, different movements creating an illusion of continuity. If something is continuous you will never become old. You will remain as a child always. 
On the editing table bits and bits of pictures are pasted together to make it appear as a continuous one. Your TV shows are much faster. Electromagnetic waves moving to create an illusion of a continuous moving which is something like a cinema show. As a matter of fact just now you are  like that appearing and disappearing including your wife/husband, children and what all you see. In reality you are seeing them newly every time but thoughts presume it as a continuous one. A continuity of the past. 
I challenge Science to deny this. Memory is the culprit which makes you run amuck. This memory itself is false. I have repeatedly said this, but who is going to listen when the listener himself is a non continuous nothing. 
Your cinema shows will prove this. Any number of repeated shows will make it appear as if it is present now, happening now.  What is Energy? Ultimately it is a no thing, empty, but appearing as matter which is an illusion. This useless matter is creating havoc and at the same time producing a mysterious and marvellous effect. 
Nothing is repeated in the world. Show me another person who is exactly like you either in the past or in the present. This person himself is a changing phenomena appearing as stationary. Close your eyes, touch anything solid and concentrate on it. You will find it disappearing. In the inner world everything disappears. This is what is called Dhyana or if you want, you can call it Meditation. 
Your Cosmos is in a great flux. Changing every moment and not repeating. You are just a tiny speck in this changing Cosmos. With the Cosmos you also change or you are also in a great flux and you cannot claim that you are a stationary object. 
Every object you see is like this. The eye deceives you. The thoughts deceive you by interpreting it as stationary when the thoughts themselves are in a flux moving very rapidly. They are only electromagnetic waves or Theta waves. Your brain produces only Theta waves and not solid objects. You brain is nothing but a generator of Theta waves. You cannot say you are seeing the same thing again and your brain does not say this. 
You never existed as a solid object. You don’t exist as a permanent entity even for a single second. This shows that your very existence itself is questionable. Tell me who are you?
Zen anecdote about a Zen master who lay dying. His monks are all gathered around his deathbed, and the senior monk leans over and asks the master for any final words of wisdom for his monks. The old master weakly says, “Tell them Truth is like a river.” The senior monk relays this message on to the other monks. The youngest monk in the group is confused, and asks, “What does he mean that Truth is like a river?” The senior monk relays this question to the master, and the master replies, “O.K., Truth is not like a river.” 
Understand this and go into it.
I AM  Consciousness. When the eyes are closed I am Consciousness of myself. When the eyes are open I am Consciousness of seeing the Self (myself) as world. The world is nothing apart from me as Consciousness. The only difference is, there is no mind to divide or segregate as forms. Just like you see a painting as a whole without identifying anything in it and separating it. You may just say the painting is good. No specific comments are made on the contents of the paintings. There is no thought for any identification. There is no identification and no separation of forms. Everything is one whole. In this wholeness the body moves as an illusion, through which I become conscious of myself and conscious of the world. There is no relationship, no comparison. The world is the mankind. It is a whole oneness. But thoughts appear and separate it as I, YOU and ME. This separation is created by the ego which has no independent existence. It is something like the air passing through trees and creating flutters of leaves and branches. The tree remains as non movement in a movement of its borrowed flutters. It cannot make a single leaf move by itself. Air has to come in. This air is the ego consisting of thoughts which appear and disappear. Thoughts are not constant and stationary. Man flutters emotionally when the breeze of ego arrives. He calms down emotionally when the breeze of ego passes away.
Here I would like to quote Zen Master Sekito.
“My teaching, which has come down from the ancient Buddhas, is not dependent on meditation or on diligent application of any kind. “When you attain the insight as attained by the Buddha, you realize that no-mind is Buddha, and Buddha is no-mind; that no-mind, Buddha, sentient beings, both, and klesa, are of one and the same substance while they vary in names.
“You should know that your own no-mind essence is neither subject to annihilation nor eternally subsisting, is neither pure nor defiled. It remains perfectly undisturbed and self-sufficient. The same is so with the wise and the ignorant. Your no-mind essence is not limited in its working, and is not included in the category of mind, Consciousness, or thought.
“The three worlds of desire, form, and no-form, and the six paths of existence are no more than manifestations of your mind itself. They are all like the moon reflected in water, or images in the mirror. How can we speak of them as being born or as passing away? When you come to this understanding, you will be furnished with all the things you need.”
This ego in humanity is so deep rooted; resulting is the wholeness being made into divisions which are called man, woman, trees, mountains etc.
The humanity has lost its divinity to see itself as a whole oneness. The religion and politics are the root cause of it. Masters arrive in these separated groups to unite them. When they pass away it further gets chaotic. This leads to religious wars, caste wars - endless wars.
But in reality, which is Existence, this is just a passing wind and nothing to flutter. Existence is “as it is” without any division. The flutters, religion and politics are only illusion or Maya. But for the man who is himself an illusion physically, seeing such illusions he thinks they are real.
A cube of ice floating in water thinks it is a separate entity not made out of water till it merges with the water or till it gets dissolved into water. Water getting dissolved into itself. This appears like merger when it is divided and seen but it is actually not so. The water never gets separated from itself.
This separation is the illusion which ruins humanity. When a human form realizes this then the whole episode becomes an illusion. Single handed one cannot unite this chaos. This chaotic condition develops and goes deeper leading to untold sufferings.
Humanity has started accepting sufferings for want of self knowledge. This knowledge has to come from a proper source. But such sources are very rare. The pseudo sources further disillusion the humanity. The world as a whole has to change. But is it possible? Let it perish or survive, it is nobody’s problem.
No one is interested in seeing the world as a whole oneness. Each one is only worried about himself and puts up an act of unification. This so called unification when based on castes, religion and countries will only lead to deepening of sorrow and chaos.
What is possession? It is nothing but claiming ownership of something. Just like you say I own a car. You can also say you possess a car. But we have taken the outwardly things inside us and corrupted the inside psychologically. The husband says he possesses the wife and the wife thinks she is possessing the husband. Now, who is possessing whom? I leave it to you to answer. It is like you saying you possess the car and the car saying that it possesses you. As a matter of fact the objects only possess you because you were running after them. It is simply keeping idle sitting somewhere. You waste your energy etc. and run after it.
You are applying the same principle in inner world also. A girl thinks she possesses the boy because she has paid a heavy dowry to him to work as (or) become her husband. By giving dowry the girl feels subconsciously that she owns the boy. We Indians are in this sort of culture today.
This condition is not prevailing in developed countries. There is no dowry system existing there. Therefore, no one possesses the other leading to free divorces etc. They say ours is a free society. I don’t want to comment on this now. A girl going from India to US carries the so called Indian culture and is shocked to see the Western culture. There is a conflict. The girl becomes very much confused. She feels that the husband may drop her at any moment. To get over this confusion she has to start adopting to their culture. But her ego will not permit this. What happens ultimately is a soured life. They will start producing children who will adopt Western culture. This is the reality prevailing in
almost all the houses of Indians in the West. But when they come here they will boast of West. They may start talking about the cleanliness, earning capacity etc. and will not talk anything about their children going out on dating and having fun with different, different partners irrespective of their age. I may also say here that married people also do it in the West. Of course, Indians also do it here, but that is a different question. Just for fun I am telling that we don’t select the same bull for our cow every time for breeding or the bull is not allowed to select the same cow every time. I had seen parents who are conditioned Indians, sending their daughters to India before their maturity for studying and getting married to a boy of their caste and take both of them out of the country later on.
Don’t you think this is a funny world?
Existence is so very compassionate and helpful to lift a man from his psychological sorrows. But he is not willing to cooperate. Just a calm hearing will lift him to the sky. But he is afraid of himself. Instead of knowing himself, he is afraid to know himself. This fear of knowing himself arose from pseudo religions. They propagate an easy escape route of fulfilling their desire by various methods of rituals, worship etc. After all such rituals cost him only a pittance. By throwing a pittance he wants a greater favour from the so called gods in temples.
“I AM” is the Truth. This “I” exists as manifest and unmanifest. This “I” exists as pure Consciousness. The subject and object together is one manifest Consciousness.
Between sleep and waking states “I” exist as manifest Consciousness as subject and object. The seer and the seen. This manifestation of Consciousness is the world and everything. “I” appear in the manifest Consciousness as seer, seeing and seen.
Other than this Consciousness nothing exists. They are only illusion such as ego, doer, world etc. Sorrow and pleasure and all divisions are false happenings in their field of illusion. This is illusion in the screen which covers the unmanifest from manifest.
With the disappearance of ego and doer ship this illusion disappears and “I” as unmanifest, which is silence, peace and bliss and beyond the sleep, dream and wakeful stages reveals itself to the seeker who is nothing but this “I”. The seeker is the sought. This is the simple truth.
Manifest to unmanifest alternate within itself. Two sides of one coin. Togetherness. This is simultaneous. Mind and thoughts cannot reach this Truth. With the merger of everything the Truth is revealed to itself. With this revelation, birth and death ceases to exist. Nothing is born and nothing is dead. Fear dies, falsities die.
To explain this there are more than 300 religions and billions of books are there, all leading to confusion to the ego. There is no man as such who is the sufferer. Body is mind which is matter and which is time.
Everything appears to happen on its own in the manifest Consciousness. The world cannot be rejected. If the ego and doer ship disappear, a choiceless witnessing alone is there. The cosmos witnessed. “I” am witnessing myself as cosmos which is Consciousness.
(This so called ME always calls the Existence or Consciousness as Mother. This word has a beauty of itself. None to equalize it. The word god appears shabby in its presence.)
Oh, Mother, how to thank you
For all the compassions showered on this tiny useless filth
How you have been so careful in nurturing this living thing
When this tiny thing was only ego and assuming as doer            
How meticulously you have removed the ugliness out of this tiny bubble
How passionately you have selected this tiny thing and guided it
Can the word master or guru can ever replace Mother
You knew where it was paining this tiny thing
And how carefully you removed the pains of ignorance
What can be said about the way you brushed off the ego
And doership from this tiny bug
Can a trillion trillion words explain your grace
Showered on this tiny speck
What has this speck done to deserve
All these compassion and grace
How wonderfully you have saved this rat
From the vagaries, turmoil and turbulences
Of the so called journey of life
How smoothly you have removed the thorn
On the entire surface of this tiny spec
The thorns of desire, anger, comparisons, jealousy
This tiny thing appeared as a bubbling Consciousness 
Not knowing anything
How these undesirable thoughts of a wrong self
Descended on it, it does not know
It is because of this not knowing ignorance
You were and are showering your solace and grace.
Oh, Mother! Tears flow out of your own eyes.
When this reached you and thanked you
How jubilant were you.
Oh! Mother day by day this merges deeper and deeper into you
And loses its identification
The loss of identification is the greatest offering
This submits to you
You are sculpting this inch by inch
And converting it into a precious diamond 
This is offering this diamond
also to you
Back to you
Don’t say I don’t want them
Then who else can accept it
You have already owned it.
You have owned this melted tiny bug and smearing on your forehead
You have made this intoxicated by your Love
Is this love yours or belongs to this tiny bug
You have made this tiny bug to possess every bit of love
You have made this tiny bug
To contain only love, peace, silence and Bliss
Without expecting anything in return
Why have you become “one way” only giving and not taking?
What can be offered to you except this tiny bug itself?
Can you accept this tiny thing?
Your acceptance will make the journey completed
Oh! Mother! Thank you, thank you for all that you have done
To this worthless tiny thing
You have made this worthless tiny thing
Into a very very precious thing with
your knowledge.
Thank you, thank you, my dearest Mother
A formless, nameless Mother
Mother is not a name
It is the birth place of this tiny thing
In every song this sees you, in the dances also
In every creativity this sees your beauty
You are beauty Love and Bliss
You have made this the same out of your compassion
Let this be merged into you forever.
Humanity is single oneness (one unit) dreamt or imagined by mind. Though it is one, its projections are many. One such projection is called man who is a Universe by himself and he is also embedded in it (you will find this confusing) which is Self or whatever it is.
No two men can have a similar vision or hearing or feeling etc. Therefore, the mind appears as many objects to know itself and not for man. From each angle within an imaginary globe, the seeing etc. takes place for the illusory  mind. There are such endless points or viewing platforms called men etc. A highly complex system of illusions which is a dream by itself to the mind when the mind itself is an illusion.
Today’s science accepts the theory of Universe within Universes and called them baby Universes. This is the field of operation of mind. An endless complex variety of searches for ‘itself ‘ goes on. This false mind can vanish only if it comes to know it is searching for itself and need not go on a wild goose chase or hunt for a horned horse.
One man sees the world and presumes another man is also seeing the same world as seen by him. It cannot be. Each one is a different mould and as per the mould the sensory experiences vary. But in its (his/ her) utter ignorance, he/she thinks that experiences are the same for everyone. Can man or science understand this?
But the whole bunkum is, an illusion of the mind having lost its track from its source believes it as an independent entity through the help of thoughts (which is not a fact). From another angle it wants to see itself as objects not knowing its original source. Therefore, mind becomes energy, matter, man etc. This peculiar projection of the mind has to collapse one day or other which you call death and again will start at a point of time which you call as rebirth. (Time here is false)
The reversal process (to go back to the root) of a single man’s (mind and) thoughts lead to its own realization which is otherwise called Self Realization. This is to happen on its own accord by making the mind understand its true nature and all intellectual talks or searches made amounts to hunting for a horned hare.
The realization of the Self itself waits to guide others or a Self Realized man waits to teach others. Unfortunately every man who goes to him goes with a purpose of getting his stupid desires fulfilled. Therefore, a variety of seekers not knowing what they seek. Out of lakhs of real seekers one reaches the goal of realization of his own self. The rest get caught in the path of this journey and forever lose the track.
The continuous search or enquiry into himself, is a tremendous process both mentally and physically. Therefore, many seekers take  ganja, drugs etc. Some may be successful others may not. Once a start is made it goes on till it reaches the goal which is to know itself. No one knows himself though he proclaims he knows himself. When the realization takes place mind and thoughts merge with its origin. This merger is another great physical and mental endurance test.
Everything is odd in this path. People sticking to it are remarkable. It is because there is always a push from the Intelligence to make him calm and clear. If this happens it leads to a formation of a Religion. But that Religion also fails after its founder’s merger with ‘What is’ or Consciousness. Every great scripture created by these founders of religion falls into the hands of ignorant and worse still, cunning persons, who start manipulating the scriptures to suit their own selfish needs. The scriptures die with its founders. That is why millions of books arise on religion, psychology, philosophy etc.
None of these books or scriptures can ensure a successful completion of the journey of a seeker. He has to toil on his own. Only a ruthless killing of the ego alone will help. This killing of the ego is another great wild goose chase. This is something like hunting for a horned horse in an unimaginable course towards Reality, but all the time help flows.
What more can be said about the mystery of mere illusions of mind turning into matter and appear to become something else and project as real.
What is science? What is medicine? Can it ever come to an end or say we have reached the state of absolute alchemy?
It is not known as to how this knowledge can help an ordinary man lead a normal life in this world, unless he knows what Self Realization is. He is only guided by non realized men with bookish knowledge for his own fame and wealth. Every time the thoughts persuade men to achieve wealth and fame.
113. CHILD
A Child comes into the world as a pure Being. He is attacked from all directions in the form of conditioning.  The child does not know what they are. It is made to meekly accept them or dumped on it. The ego is born and the child dies.
The Man has killed the child for no reason and feels that he has achieved something which he does not know. He thinks he has done something good for the child.
The parents, the school, the friends and relatives do this unkind act. They only ‘think’ they have achieved something which they don’t know. They do not know that they do this by comparisons. Without this comparison they are lost. The comparison alone is made to exist by killing the child.
What an uncompassionate act? Can the existence forgive them? yet by its boundless compassion it forgives them. Cannot they look back and say Thank you?
You are watching the T.V or cinema. Do you think it is real, a reality happening in front of you? You are simply watching and emotions in the body are created by the mind/thoughts. You are also just watching the emotions of the mind or thoughts just like a TV show in the world also. They are the real culprits but you get attracted and attached to the scene. When you stop seeing, mind or thoughts which were showing emotions do not show it again.  It is just gone. Never think of it again and exhibit emotions. You may remember the comedy scene and laugh. You do not recall a violent scene and start reacting to it by crying. Laughter! Yes, the scene is recalled and you laugh that is all to it. Just laughing, never crying.
Similarly you can remain in life just as a watcher. Never react. It is only momentary. You don’t recall your dead relatives and start crying now. Be with full of funs, all these funny acts can be recalled and laughed at. 
Treat life as a laughing ground. Don’t react. In laughter there is no reaction. Just laughing.
You sing and dance. There is no reaction. There is only just singing and dancing. Reacting to a situation causes misery. This misery continues as long as the reaction persists.
Just remain as a watcher.
The real I is the Truth or Consciousness or What is or Existence.
The false ‘I’ or ego arises out of the mind which is also Consciousness and dreams or imagines or creates the world and the body through this false ‘I’. The ‘I’ is not aware of its own falsities. The mind takes a long journey in its own imaginations of the world through the body. These imaginations are nothing but Consciousness but perceived by the mind as separate and real entities. Whatever is perceived by the mind as object or subject is nothing but the true ‘I’ or Consciousness.
All the objects are nothing but the projection of mind done through this false ‘I’. From atom to man are only mere perceptions of projecting the Consciousness by the mind as the objective world. Though they appear separated as multiplicities, they are one and the same, containing Consciousness.
This mind which is an illusory Consciousness arises and merges unto its source. This appears as the mind arising in wakefulness and merges into the Consciousness in sleep. This rising and merging of the mind is day and night. The mind creates thoughts, which is ego. Even the mind cannot understand its own process of illusion. Thoughts are required for recognition and identification of objects.
The mind on its own cannot create thoughts and therefore, it creates the body which produces and receives thoughts. The body cannot also do this. Therefore, sensory perception is required. Therefore, senses appear in body.
The body on its own cannot know what emotions are. Thoughts cannot know anything without the senses. Therefore, thoughts become senses.
When the realization happens the thoughts and mind merges unto one, but the perception of the body and the world continues. The perception continues by the mind and it also remains as a Witness. At this state the world with all its components are understood as dream like a cinema show.
When a child is born, only the mind is born as a form with thoughts which lie dormant.
When everything merges, it is known that “I am the Truth” when the mind is purified and the thought is purified. Everything becomes one wholeness.
I remain as a witness without knowing anything, but known. The perception of Consciousness which is ME or the I as objects continues. This identification, recognition continues. The mind becomes the active part of Consciousness. The Consciousness remains as it is forever beyond the body and mind and inclusive of it also. That is, they are included in Consciousness. Nothing gets separated. Everything is one wholeness.
The world and man is a play of energy which is mind. Therefore, for this play to happen Energy becomes matter. Matter is everything that is perceived as subject and object which is duality and multiplicities. 
This true knowledge happens with Self Realization as “I am that Self”. “I” remains always as Witness and Mind after its purification due to Self Realization, continues its journey. They go together. This will continue till the body is dissolved in the whole which is wrongly identified by thoughts as death. Death is false. Nothing is born so that it can die.  Birth and death are only mere perception by the mind and recognized by thoughts.
When this truth is known in Self Realization the fear disappears, the thought as separate entity disappears. “I am” the body, thought and mind. Everything becomes divine. This divinity is nothing but pure Consciousness which is me, you, he, she, it, that, this.
The perception continues without any perceiver. Only perception prevails. The perceiver cannot be the Consciousness as it does not perceive anything. The Consciousness and the mind together. This is the TRUE KNOWLEDGE. All the rest of the so called knowledge is nothing but accumulated false thoughts as memory in the brain.
The brain is nothing but condensed form of energy playing a drama by producing thoughts as per the dreams of the mind. It can also be said that the mind is playing a drama of world and body through the brain.
Mind is energy which is matter, which is the world. They are all nothing but Consciousness, perceived as illusory objects by mind with help of the body and thoughts. The world is nothing but a thought. Nothing has an independent existentiality. They appear and disappear every day. The day is nothing but an illusory state between sleep and waking. The sleep is nothing but disappearance or merger of the mind into its source. The waking is nothing but the appearance of the mind or its arrival from Consciousness but does not and cannot get separated from Consciousness.
The so called man who is nothing but the mind calling himself a separate entity is nothing but ignorance. Therefore, ignorance is man and world, though they are there as an illusion or Maya to the mind.
This illusion or Maya is nothing but Consciousness which is the real ‘I’. The duplicate ‘I’ after realization becomes the I-I. The real I which is Consciousness and the purified duplicate ‘I’ which is ego, which is thought, which is mind are together as one wholeness. This wholeness is Divineness or godliness without a God. An absoluteness which pervades everywhere.
116. MIND
The active part or material or matter or energy or time or soul is nothing but the Mind. Once the mind gets uncovered by its own thoughts it discovers that it is nothing but Consciousness and remains together with Consciousness or merges with it.
But in this togetherness (like H2O as water) the quality of what it dreams or imagines or creates, whatever it is, continues. Sakthi merging into Sivam and becoming Arthanareeswara is the Hindu spiritual word for it and we go on imagining that they are gods having forms as persons. This merger is not a separated entity like water remaining as a whole but it contains H2 and O. This water that is Arthanareeswara is the Consciousness containing Sivam and Sakthi just like H2O.  Just like water is water though it contains H2 and O.
The Absolute Consciousness contains non matter and matter. Action and inaction together. It may also be said that action and inaction together is Absolute. This Absoluteness always pervades which contains matter and non matter like water containing H2O. Sakthi or Energy part is the cosmos, the world, man etc, but remaining with non energy or non matter or Siva. This union can never get separated. Two sides of one coin.
One cannot deny the world and cling to the non world or non material. It is impossible. Even if one runs away from the society he is still in the world. Even if he escapes into space he is still in cosmos. There is no need to run away when the whole thing is here. The ‘Water’ is here and Now. Where to go and search? This searching outside one’s self is madness or ignorance. All people, except a few are absolutely ignorant.
There are no persons, trees etc, separate as single, single entities. They are all made up of energy which is matter and the mind views it as forms. This identification and recognition happens with thoughts.
If a child were to be born in a jungle and not knowing any language, it can only see forms. It cannot identify such forms. This identification process is thrust on the child as thoughts (conditions). Who is thrusting and who is receiving is the great drama.
The nonexistent ego which is a bundle of thoughts plays the part of giving links to thoughts. Just like saying “I saw a similar tree yesterday”. This link is false.
Man or women are nothing but these links. What a sheer madness to think that I am these links?  Who is the thinker? Let him find out. He will find himself missing and only such links appear to exist. Let him ask to whom this links appear. He will find “for no body”. If at all it can (the links) appear only to the thoughts. Can thoughts see? What is the form of thought? It is just a wave of some sort appearing and disappearing. From where does it appear?  From the brain. From what source? From a past event recorded as memory? What is the form of this memory? Unknown. So something unknown or non existing is only manipulating the body or appears as such. What silly actions are performed in this world? Who is the performer is the big question everyone should ask to himself?
Man is not a separate entity. He does not have an independent existence apart from mind and is made to operate with nonexistent memory which appears as thoughts.
What are the memories? They are nothing but electromagnetic waves stored as neurons in the brain. What is this brain? The brain is nothing but matter which is energy. This energy is not a static thing. What is energy? No one knows. But we have a reply through Einstein. The reply is E = mc2. E is energy, m is mass and c is speed of light. This mass itself is energy. The light itself is energy. Who is the observer? This itself is energy. Is the energy which is mind true? No, No, No. It can only remain in combination with non energy. Therefore, the beautiful saying “Siva or Sakthi can never get separated so they are together like Arthanareeswara”. There can never be a positive without negative (+ and -). They are together as mind and no mind. In the no mind region one comes to know that nonmatter and matter are together or Consciousness and mind together. Otherwise he cannot be conscious of a thing which is form, which is matter.
In this dissolution of matter and nonmatter or merger of both there is Absoluteness pure Consciousness, which Tamil calls as Sathasiva. This is only Silence, Peace and Bliss or Sat, Chit, Ananda together or Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram together.
Whatever is seen, felt, heard etc is nothing but the one Absoluteness as different sensory perceptions. One cannot say he saw, he heard, he felt, he thought etc. as independent agencies.
What sort of foolish life man leads? Can’t he remain with this oneness? Just being a witness. A choice less witnessing. This does not mean inaction. Allow the action to rise from this witnessing. The action will be perfect.
Man says he invented everything. Can he do it without thought and mind? Which is the operating factor? The world praises them without thanking the mind and thoughts. But the problem is inventions can only happen in a thoughtless state. They are happenings and no one can claim responsibility for it.
When the whole material process is the mind, where is the single individual? This will be said as a philosophical or logical conclusion by unrealized people, but one can feel it, experience it. How can this be a logical or philosophical theory? Can a theory be experienced?
Man/women wake up now. Enquire about yourself. Don’t enquire about others. Know yourself and not about others. This enquiry will lead you on a perfect path.
Stop all this sensual comparisons. This is the worst enemy. With whom are you comparing yourself? A tamarind tree comparing itself with a neem tree. Is it possible? Does not it look silly and foolish? But you go on doing it throughout your life and die like a dog or mosquito.
Know yourself. Know your enormity. Why do you think you are small?  No, No. You are enormity itself. An ocean thinks it is a small drop of water. What sort of useless thinking is this? Who is thinking? Can you as a man ever think? Your so called thinking will only be confined to a small territory which contains only limited thoughts.  Can you say whether these thoughts are yours? Go into it deeply. You will find that they have been dumped on you by your parents, school, friends and relatives. Did you accept it willingly without comparison? Did you ever ask them from where they got such thoughts?  If you ask them they will only point to someone. You ask that someone, he will point to another. This will go on endlessly, so are you not allowing your body to be used by thoughts which might have arisen from a source which you don’t know. In effect your body is used by some Tom, Dick or Harry whom you do not know. What sort of rubbish act is being performed? You will never accept what all said here. You will only say “my way of living is perfectly O.K with me”.
O.K. Go ahead and live in this stealth thinking.  If you say you are happy not knowing what happiness is, I have nothing to comment. You are a King a Maharaja and not a beggar. But you will not accept this. You will only be going on telling that you are a beggar and not a King. Go ahead who is preventing you. The whole world is caught in this psychological illusion. Man is yet to be born as a being. Human being. No doubt a few are there.
Who is preventing in knowing yourself, unless you are yourself doing it. Good, die like a dog.
All questions arise in ignorance. It requires a very, very deep search to find out the answers. Many times you get a wrong answer either from books or by listening. Do not stop this pursuit. It may take days or even years. You will get the answers. It is not somebody a person who gives you the answers. The wholeness or Existence gives it to you. Your job is to patiently listen in silence.  Mind or thought which are limited cannot understand the answers. There is something in you which is seeking this answer. Let it seek. Don’t ever imagine that you are the seeker. Because you don’t exist as a person with reference to Truth. With reference to mind or this world, ‘yes’ you are a person.
When you cross the border of Mind you cease to be a person. All your individuality is gone. All the rubbish stuff which has been occupying your core just flies off. They are just dreams and imaginations. You have at this stage woken up from your deep slumber. You start realizing how foolish you had been all these days. The foolishness or ignorance is wiped out. You are just pure knowledge but not a person. The person is dead.
118. PAIN
You know pain only when you come out of it to no pain state. If you remain with a state of pain, no pain could be observed. Similarly if you say there is no pain now you are actually in pain. It so quickly alternates, you fail to notice it and get stuck to one state. It is nothing but a thought. A thought arises and calls it pain. That is why you don’t feel the pain under anaesthesia as the thought producing centre is numbed with a drug. If a drug can put you off from thoughts, then what are you? Are you dead? You don’t know anything. If your thoughts stop you don’t know anything but the being is known. You can’t ever say with a thought you are experiencing BEING. It is beyond senses.
All sensory perceptions are false. They have to be interpreted by thoughts. Thoughts do it in comparison to something else. For example if you eat a Vadai the thoughts immediately makes a comparison of the experience of having eaten Vadai long ego which is not there now. Today’s taste of Vadai is not known. This is what is happening in your sensory perception. They are false. This false now is what you call your desires and ambitions. In fact you don’t know anything now by yourself. This is bound to create a rude shock.
Man lives in vain and thoughts manipulate to such an extent to give an impression of reality. But ask the question who is the experiencer? For whom it is appearing as real? But no one does it. They get caught by thoughts. This ‘They’ is also only a thought of the mind.
Thoughts are pain and pleasure. It can never show you happiness which is beyond thought and mind. That is the real ‘You’. Happiness is forever. Now analyze yourself. Tear it into bits and examine every bit and get to know the root of it.
If there is pain you be that. If there is pleasure you be that. Don’t allow the thought to make comparison. You will find there is no such thing existing as pain or pleasure. By and by you come to know all that you say you are experiencing are false. The thoughts have taken you for a long a ride. This ‘you’ is nothing but the ego which creates the I. this I do not exist, nor the ego. The real you is surrounded by falseness or falsehood.
Enquire and analyze yourself and don’t bother about others. They don’t exist but for you.
119. DOER                                           
Who is the doer? You may say I am the doer. Please go into it very deeply. This doer which is “me” or ‘I’ is the root cause of all miseries in the world. This I or Me is only the ego which is a bundle of thoughts which have been thrust upon you by x, y or z. Therefore, this I or Me is only x, y, z etc. The action or reaction is caused by this unknown x, y, and z. This action or reaction can only arise through a body. So your body is operated upon leading to action or reaction by unknown   x, y, z etc. What a sort of shameful act is this. I am allowing my body to act as per the wishes of somebody whom I do not know. This is not a philosophy. This is actuality.  All your actions are nothing but reactions of the thoughts which has occupied you. This ‘You’ or ‘I’ or ‘Me’ is absolutely false. No knowledge of logic or any theory is required to understand this simple fact. Therefore, all my actions are carried out by somebody whom I don’t know. I have been living for several years not knowing this simple fact. Therefore ‘I’ am the action of only others.
Why don’t you throw away this x, y, and z? Why allow them to cling to you? Use your common sense. Can the thoughts which are only electromagnetic waves produced by neurons of the brain be the executor of any deed? If so, one should say that the electron waves or whatever they are, did it. How can you say I did it? What are you just now? If you understand what I say, you will conclude that actions are nothing but reactions caused by thoughts, therefore, this I or Me is only a bundle of thoughts, which are electron waves. These waves again emanate from neuron waves which are only electrical or magnetic waves. This is what I say is energy. The electrons or neurons are part of energy.
If you dissect the mind, you will only find energy in the form of waves or quarks. This is what physics says. It further says that energy is nothing but emptiness. A bubbling No thingness which is called emptiness which is not actually empty.  It further says, nothing exists as the world or cosmos. It says that the cosmos including world is an interplay of energy and nothing existential. You are, therefore, interplay of energy appearing as man which is just an illusion. You can never accept that you are nothing but a condensed form of energy. If you reject this, which you cannot, then you will know you don’t have any specific identity. Something calling itself as man who does not have any original identity.
This identity less thing calling itself ‘Man’ causing havoc in the world. Why don’t you understand facts? Why do you refuse?  Of course you as a person will be lost. Therefore, you cling to a nonexistent person. Is this not an imaginary way of existing? Come out of this rubbish and start knowing yourself. Don’t bother about the world and others and waste your precious life and die like a worm.
People talk so much about god. What all they talk is with reference to a form of an idol and the philosophies built around that and subsequent explanations about those philosophies as stories are mostly the so called scriptures. Once man gets caught in these stories, he is doomed forever. Very rarely people who started with scriptures became aware of Truth and that too after discarding those scriptures and philosophies. How can you give a name to the one or oneness without form and attributes? Maximum you can say Existence or ‘What is’ and no further explanations can be given and giving a name such as god is meaningless. Holy cow dung. Bhagavat Gita says “To Love is to know the Truth (ME), its innermost nature of  ‘Truth is I Amness’. This I Amness or the real Me or the I is the Truth”. (Gita 18.55)
All the Religions say only this, not the present day Religions. Who is bothered to know all this when gods by dozens are available by spending money or performing meaningless rituals.
Buddhism, Jainism and Charuvaka arose out of this basis and they totally denied the existence of god outside that what is appearing as Existence. Science exactly says the same thing. When every experiment either mental or physical lead to total ‘No thingness’ what name can be given to that ‘No Thingness’? A recent scientific article that appeared is reproduced below:
Finding a Sustainable God.   Physicist Stephen Hawking’s new book, The Grand Design, says that a God has no role in creating or running the universe. Is God dead and gone, then? Yes and no. We’re faced with the inescapable necessity of denying the old God and reformulating the concept; a kind of updation to suit the times. The old God, the ‘outsider’, is simply not sustainable.
I have seen only reports on Hawking’s book. But even without Hawking, the old God is unsustainable. We know now that space has no borders; it has no ‘outside’. Suppose there is a borderline for space. A question pops up immediately. What is there beyond that? For anything to be, space has to be there in the first place. Without space, nothing could be. So space has no end, it is infinite, and it has no ‘outside’. Therefore, a God cannot exist outside space.
Physics shows that both space and all that fall within it are made of the same stuff, the world stuff. The world stuff started expanding at the Big Bang. Because of the density fluctuation in that expanding world stuff, regions which were denser than average slowed down on account of the extra gravitational pull. Eventually they stopped expanding and were left behind. These regions made the galaxies that make the material universe. Thus all that fall within space are its own warps or disfigurations. Therefore, a God cannot exist within space as well - because a God within space is and has to be just a warp or disfiguration of space. Thus a God cannot exist within or without space. And if a God cannot exist within or without space, he does not and cannot exist at all.
Can God stand in the mind? No, for both space and mind are one and the same. The Upanishads say that. Spinoza said, “Substance thinking and substance extended are the same substance.” So God has no foothold in the mind, either.
The only sustainable God, therefore, is the universe itself. There is no denying the existence of the universe. Take the universe itself as God and there is no denying God. An ‘outsider’ God does not make or run the universe. The universe makes itself, runs itself and dissolves in itself because of its own mathematical or geometrical necessity.
When we take the universe as God, we have to subtract from it all aspects that are prone to change and decay to arrive at the world stuff which is what expanded as space right at the beginning, at the Big Bang. Before that, it was zero volume - that might have been the contraction of a previous universe. Otherwise there is no explanation for the presence of such a zero volume universe. Ultimately, we get a world stuff perpetually cycling between expansion and contraction. If there is a God, it is this world stuff.
The God of Vedanta, Brahmam, is that world stuff - perpetually cycling between expansion and contraction, between nirguna and saguna - “yato va imani bhutanijayante, yenajataniji- vanti, yat prayantyabhisamvishanti”. The Chandogya Upanishad says: All that exists in space come out of space, live in space, and dissolve in space in the end. What make them come out of, exist in, and go back to space? It is the mathematical or geometrical necessity of that space, which is called Prakriti or Karma. Physics is marching towards Vedanta.”
“The inner Self (Atman) is the soil in which God has sown his likeness and image and in which he sows the good seed, the roots of all wisdom, all skills, all virtues, all goodness - the seed of the divine nature. The seed of the divine nature is God’s Son, the word of God. The Bible.”
This is in contradiction to what Science says and therefore, the West has lost importance in true Religion and imagines only Materialism alone exists and the result is a chaotic world and wars. It has not gone beyond mind and thoughts. The so called Atman is nothing but mind and thoughts since there cannot be an inner self and an outer self in a divisionless wholeness. In an ocean one cannot say this is the inner ocean and that is the outer ocean. The ocean is one whole oneness. To realize this wholeness is the true knowledge of Truth which can be realized.
All these holy cow dung of Science is only in the wakeful state and not before that. This too is only in the mind and thoughts and not beyond it. Where was this so called world stuff existing for it to expand and contract?  If one world stuff is expanding and contracting then there must be many more world stuffs. Let the Science march towards Vedanta or Bhuddism. It will finally come to Consciousness, but it has to stop all this divine bullshit. It has to realize Consciousness even in sleep when it can know what is what. Science must meditate and come to the state of Samadhi when Truth will be automatically revealed.
 I told some girls who were going to the temple that I can show them the real God with whom they can speak and see him. They looked at me as if I am mad and were wondering how this man can show real God, a physical God.
I told them that the conditions are that they should listen to me in absolute silence and are free to ask any questions at the end of my talk. The second condition is that they should spend at least 3 hours every day for about a year or till they understand what is what.
None of them evinced any interest and are only interested to go to the temples as a matter of routine and are satisfied with the rituals.
For them God is a person, matter as Idol. How can one see the reality when he/she is so much conditioned to believe that Gods are only in temple and nowhere else? They go to various temples and listen to some lectures given on Gita etc, by a guru, whom I doubt, does not know anything about Truth. Telling this is not self proclamation that I know but yet I know.
They feel just by hearing and not knowing the meaning is enough for their salvation. This is what the Puranas also say. Repeat the name of God you will go to heaven. This is what religion says today. No one speaks the Truth and none to listen. The lies are sweet and nice to hear. They are sugar coated poison. People willingly take this and preparing themselves to die enriched with this poison. Poison is sweet for them. Any amount of persuasion will not work.
So, on one side they are terribly scared to meet God and talk and on the other hand they happily go to temples where they fully know that they see a dead God, a stone God, who cannot see or hear but somehow fulfil all their desires.
All the religions today divert people to deeper ignorance.                
Body contains a certain ratio of condensation of energy. When excessive energy builds in the body’s growth, it has to be exhausted or neutralized. Hence action as sex. Sex serves two purposes. One for the neutralization and other for reproduction.  Only man considers this as pleasure and goes on indulging in it. Other living things have seasonal sex.
No doubt it produces a certain feeling or stimulation which the mind wants to find out what it is. The root of it. It forgot that the root itself consists of Energy- Mind complex.
Bliss is beyond this physical stimulation. It is the explosion of this stimulation which cannot be explained. Man is not aware of this Bliss. It springs out from Love. There cannot be Bliss without Love. The merger is Consciousness. Everyone is naturally in that state, but unaware of it. He is Bliss, he is Love, and he is THAT.
What a paradox. Man is That which he does not know. This knowing is the path. Religion has to lead one towards this path. Otherwise it is not a Religion but irreligion and can only lead to the gallows.
Tantra is nothing but leading one from sex to Bliss. Not the act of sex or sexual performance. Some teach this method and unfortunately get caught and indulge in sexual activity. He does not know what is what. He learns some sort of yoga and gets caught.
Aalinganam or Embrace is the merger of negative and positive - masculine energy and feminine energy. Everyone is a combination of this, but they do not know.
Consciousness can be compared to a family. From Consciousness arise several off shoots such as Mind, Thoughts etc. These off shoots do not know their source. Knowing the source is Self Realization. For example a mother gives birth to several children. The children do not know the mother but they are told and made to believe that she is the mother. The off shoots or children are not known to themselves and their activities are also not known to themselves as they remain totally conditioned. What a wonder everything not known appears to happen. Can there be a miracle more than this? All the so called miracles, one sees are unreal as they are conceived by mind and identified by thoughts.
Ignorance has become very large. Before it, true knowledge is a tiny speck. Before this speck ignorance runs away. This speck has to engulf the large. Is it possible? Yes. It is possible if one takes pains to know himself. However hard the ignorance is, it runs away before knowledge.
These thousands of years produced a handful of Self Realized people called Saints through whom knowledge spreads. But unfortunately, since the ignorance is so vast it has enveloped the knowledge. But the knowledge is not affected. With reference to the world and humanity it is difficult to find true knowledge. Not even one in a million knows True Knowledge. All the rest are in absolute ignorance. A few may boast that they know the Truth or True Knowledge. Watch them. They preach rituals and superstitions. Not even a single person comes out from them with True knowledge.
What to say about this. Even if it is offered free, no one takes it. It is worthless for them.
The body is an object or instrument through which other objects are perceived. You see everything as object in comparison with your body which itself is an object. You start seeing ‘What is’ also as object and hence idols. If you start knowing ‘What is’ as non object, then your journey towards truth starts. Object and non object or material or non material together. If you go deep into material you will know it is non material. Material and nonmaterial are illusory reflection of “What is” or the Absolute. A name divides this material and nonmaterial. There is no matter or material or objects as such. These are the illusions of energy created through mind. Mind and matter are one. The brain appearing as a lump of matter is nothing but the mind creating an illusion of consolidation of energy which itself is a shadow of ‘What is” or Consciousness.
This may appear as confusing but it is not. The confusion arises because you consider yourself as body which is matter, but in reality you are not the body. It is an illusion created by mind as object. They have no permanency. They appear and disappear with the so called you. When you arise or appear the world arises. When you disappear in sleep the world also disappears. You are simply caught in this illusion. In reality there is no you existing as a person. The person is perceived as a body by thought as ego when the ego is discovered the person or the body is also discovered as nothing when you actually come to know what you are. Just now you are a combination of the real and the unreal. The real is Consciousness and unreal is the world projected on Consciousness. This projection cannot be there without Consciousness. Consciousness appearing as body on itself is a truth. No amount of explanations by books and talk can reveal this fact. But they are also needed. It has to come from the one who has known or realized. Till then it is going to be a struggle between thoughts.
One has to wake up to the reality by absolute listening from the one who has known it. This one may have a name as a Master or Guru. In fact they are mere words explaining ‘What is’. This explanation has to be taken very seriously without trying to find out whether there can be any benefit in the world. The only benefit is the knowledge of true Self. But a million and one interruptions arise to prevent you in knowing the truth. These interruptions are the product of yourself by leading your life full of conditions and imaginations.
It may be a difficult process for you to come out of such conditions. These conditions are strengthened by the false religion of today. This false religion is only teaching you to get your desire fulfilled. It never teaches you or guides you towards your real goal. The true religion is nowhere. You have to find out the real ‘One’ who can guide you.
The real I or truth is ‘What is’ or Existence which alone exists as real. In this reality a smoke like appearance is the sleep. There is no cognizance or perception of anything. Out of this sleep an illusory thing appears like a fluid which is called dream. Here the perception is limited without any links. These perceptions are haphazard. This fluid like dream projects itself as a solid state dream which is called the waking stage. All these dreams or the so called waking stage is only a passing phase of illusion without any link. But a link is perceived by thoughts in the waking state as yesterday and today. This again is an illusion of illusions or dreams within dreams. In fact nothing exists except as illusion. The world or cosmos are perceived by thoughts through sensory organs occupying a space called man. This again is an illusion of an illusion of illusions and goes on as activities. These activities again based on several illusions such as desire, attachment, expectations, demands, anger etc. But each of these illusions creates another illusion of emotion. For nothing a nothing called man is suffering. Unless existence itself reveals the reality one cannot know it. A very deep enquiry irrespective of time and place is required. But the so called man is not prepared to do this to find out himself. If and when he starts, the Existence pours its reality like divine nectar. But he has to simply accept it and not indulge in intellectual questioning.
The questioner is absent. He has no permanency even for a single second. But he or the thought perceives the man as real and permanent.
If one can remain still, absolutely physically and mentally then the veils of these illusions disappear and ‘what is’ is known. Even to know this, is difficult unless he is absolutely aware and watchful.
128.  I
The ‘I’ which you think as man is only an instrument containing sensory organs for the purpose of perception by the mind as a subject seeing an object. It is not you who see. Your saying as ‘I see’ is false. There is only seeing present. If you realize this or know it you will start knowing yourself.
Realization is the blossoming of a bud. The bud slowly opens itself. The full blossom cannot be known by it. Only the previous state or point alone will be known. Because you cannot say you have reached a fullness. It is a way, a path. The destination point is not there. You cross a point and come to know it only that point or up to that point. This is an endless journey without a known destination. When the journey is over every other thing will come to an end and you alone will be there not as a person but as Consciousness. Even that aloneness cannot be recognized. Because there is no recognizer. Everything into oneness.
Just a witnessing of the Self alone will be there without any knowledge of it. You cannot say. Because to say, you need the mind and thoughts.
Mind and thoughts alone cannot reveal the truth. Only on its merger as One, it is known.
You cannot say you are realized. If you say the saying is the mind and thoughts. You can only be That. That is all.
You can be still and know. Any movement will affect. But you cannot be without movement in life. This is a paradox. Cannot be clarified.
From non movement to movement this has to be there. Otherwise you will not know non movement. That is life and living. That is why everything appears as opposite. But they are not.
Sleep is the most Blissful thing but you cannot remain in sleep always. It alternates between the so called wakings which is actually not a waking but a dream appearing as real. In non movement this togetherness of sleep and wakeful stage is there. That is all. Enjoy it. This is Bliss.
You can be in Bliss always in stillness. When you shut the world the recognition is not there. It goes beyond everything. That is the Absolute. The union with ‘What is’. Absolute Samadhi or Thuriyatheetham or Nirvana.
Mind cannot see itself. So it sees itself as objects and subjects. There is only seeing. There is no seer and seen.
The Consciousness sees the mind as itself. The Consciousness cannot witness itself. It can only be aware of itself. It sees mind as itself. The mind to see itself as subjects and objects, thoughts are required. Therefore, thoughts are produced by mind as brain and body. Nobody exists as anything. It is only the mind seeing itself as subject and object. The knower to know himself the mind is required. After its knowing nothing is there.
When Realization takes place the subject of the mind which is also Consciousness becomes everything and nothing (No-thing).
You are dual. The real and the false you. The false you alone indulge in worldly actions and reactions and pursuits. This false you hides the real you. You don’t know this real you of yourself. You are only identifying with only the false you. This false you is the product of the ego, which are thoughts not belonging to you.
When you know the real part of yourself the false you merges with the real and all actions arise out of it. Know the real ‘You’ in you.
In searching there is a searcher and a thought. Dual. This is where the duality arises. The searcher is the mind. In actuality it is not the mind but it is Consciousness not as a separate entity because the contents of mind are only Consciousness. This something which you may call as mind got polluted to cover this Consciousness with thoughts and you cannot find a reason for it.
The root is Consciousness from where it developed as an illusion or Maya as mind and progresses as energy, matter, atom, earth, water, plants, man etc. In all these levels of progress (?) the mind is either non conscious or semi conscious of itself. It realized a bit of itself as Consciousness only in man and not in other forms. Very, very rarely it realizes itself as only Consciousness in man and starts searching for its root. When its starts knowing its root is only Consciousness and it is not a separate entity Wisdom dawns on itself, all the rest of its progress (?) such as subject and object will be known as false but appeared as real for itself.
It may also be said that Consciousness itself develops as an illusory mind if there were to be any observer. There is no external agency to verify this, because everything is inclusive.
This journey of mind knowing itself as nothing but Consciousness is Self Realization. This realization has to happen inside where duality ceases. But in intellectual understanding which is based on externalities this realization cannot happen. But in 99.99% of the cases the mind (man) understands it intellectually and develops a fear of losing whatever it thought or dreamt as real. The mind gets stuck here unless it develops extraordinary courage and endurance which it can achieve only by surrendering itself to Consciousness. On its surrender, this is rare, its starts discarding its own illusions gradually. Help is available always to it. But it fails in 99.99% of the cases to accept it by virtue of its habit (?) or whatever it may be. A stubborn mind to know the truth alone can succeed.
Man/woman should first understand that they are only an instrument in the hands of mind. The body is used only for the purpose of sensory perceptions by the mind and it creates an illusion that the man himself perceiving everything through the senses which is absolutely false and leads to sorrow, war, fights, desires etc.
Man by himself is a separate world for mind and its thoughts. Every object is a world by itself to the mind. World within worlds or dreams dreaming.
Unless the mind has gathered sufficient intellectual knowledge and understands and drops it, such knowledge alone cannot help it succeed.
This search for itself goes on endlessly till it reaches its source. It tries through all its manifestation from energy to man and goes on failing and may carry on its own evolution further.
Whatever material object we see (?) are only the products of mind seeing itself as objects and not created by the so called man who is only an instrument for such production or creation or whatever it may be.
Various multitudes of these manifestations as subject and object is only the false projection of mind and not as man and as other objects (such as fan, car etc.) The mind projects itself as objects using the body of man which itself is a projection.
There is no question of a separate entity existing as man without mind and thought. Thought includes memory, senses and emotions. Unimaginable web of activities or movements of energy which is mind.
As long as man considers himself as a separate entity the real knowledge cannot reveal itself. This knowledge is the knowledge about the Consciousness which alone exists and all the rest are the illusory products of a false mind which appears as real.
What the eye sees as object is not the man who sees it. Mind perceives it through the brain of the instrument called man and makes it appear as if the man is seeing by creating a non existing ego as ‘I’ which goes on telling a falsehood that it is a doer.
When reality dawns on man he or the mind comes to know that there is no doer. The doer is an illusion of mind.
Can a man who is established in this falsehood ever understand and make the mind (?) realize itself or drop the ego and allow the mind to realize itself?
133. THING
You cannot give a meaning or make out an idea or concept out of something which is at a greatest flux or movement. The thing itself does not move as a whole. Only a part which cannot be divided appears as an illusory movement. Whatever that appears to move comprises something which itself moves at the same speed. Something like a man moving in a train at the speed of the train. (Technically the movement is stopped, though both man and train move) When there is no consistency or permanency in a thing what name can it be given? When a component of a thing cannot be separated, it can never stay at rest at a particular point of time when the whole component appears to move. Analyzing it is impossible.
If per chance a point is segregated and subject to analysis then the outcome or result is only on the point and not on the whole thing. Therefore, arriving at a conclusion of the thing cannot be true. If bit by bit a thing is analyzed, then the consistency or component of the whole should be stabilized, which is impossible in a state of constant flux. Therefore, any assumption arrived at can only be hypothetical and not true. Chemistry fails here. Because the result of a particular point cannot be said to be equal to other points (the whole) when it is in a flux. The result predicted cannot remain constant for other points.
The dispersal mechanism itself is subject to interaction and change and is never constant.
Mind is an illusion which assumes an illusory projection of Consciousness as objects. In its purity (which is Consciousness) mind comes to know it is only Consciousness and nothing else. This knowledge is togetherness of the so called non existing mind and Consciousness. This oneness is togetherness of matter and nonmatter. When ‘IT’ sees itself as matter, it becomes object to the mind. The objects are nothing but passiveness appearing as activeness. Nonmatter or nothingness or emptiness is passiveness. Things or matter or object is activeness.
In passivity there is no activity. That is in inaction there is no action. Love is inaction. It is passive. When activity raises ego automatically rises. All that is required for its arisal are accumulated in the form of thoughts. Thoughts are waves, which is energy.
Passiveness is beyond energy. It is the background on which a picture of energy floats or moves. This movement is time. The floating place is space. Now is time, here is space. In now and here is ‘What is’. Now and here and what is together. There is no division.
This togetherness is there because of the body and its constituents. When the body dissolves this togetherness becomes oneness. This Oneness is always there. The togetherness appears to get the knowledge of the Oneness.
You are a split personality. You came as one whole and got split into two. The real You is hidden in you unknown, undiscovered. The false you which is the split one performs actions. It reacts to action from another false split one.
This false split personality is the ego, which is made up of thoughts not belonging to the real you. It belongs to someone whom you can never find. It has started from an unending chain of actions and reactions which are based on thoughts or they are only thoughts appearing as action. This false split personality runs a thing called life always making comparisons. Without this comparison it cannot survive.
So what is in reality happening is only a comparison which runs as life. This process is only a movement and limited. It does not have its original existence as a single entity. It is non existential. Therefore, the real ‘you’ is absolutely covered by the false non existing ego. You are running around yourself and say you have covered a distance. Even this sentence you will not be able to understand unless you start searching for the real ‘you’, which is hidden in you. You have hidden it by comparison which are made up of thoughts. In fact you don’t exist at all. The body is there. The owner of the body is hidden. But the thoughts of its source are unknown. Some Tom, Dick and Harry are ruling the body. Therefore, all actions which were forced on the body will be only chaotic. Occasionally it may appear perfect, but in reality it is not so.
Trace or discover this original ‘you’ in you. Do not search out side. It is absolutely foolish. I know, whatever I say here will only fall into deaf ears.
Unless you are with the one who had found out, the real in HIM, you will never know the real in you. It may take thousands of years. But you may not be there as this body and as this mind and as these thoughts.
It is time every sane person should start the journey of discovering the real I in him instead of wasting a precious life and facing death.
Wake up to realities and do not sleep. It is enough of sleep you had all these years and performing actions in sleep which are false.
The only job for you in this birth is to discover the real You or I in you.  Do not run mad on externalities.
The body just floats in an ocean of thoughts which is the mind. The brain in the body goes on receiving and transmitting signals which are thoughts. But the whole field of thoughts appears to the mind as world and man. It is only a wrong perception. (May be wrong or right). This perception of thoughts as objects goes on endlessly through a jungle called humanity, simultaneously creating a sense of individuality.
Can you now say whether this individuality is true? The concept of being a person as individual is absolutely false.
The only problem is, he is not willing to go deep inside himself. Probably he does not know. But he has to allow himself to know this. But fear surrounds him and makes him move away. He is helpless and starts seeking solutions from this turmoil through religion.
Unfortunately the religions are dead and gone except one or two. All his gods have died. But he clings to a false religion which is nothing but a game of rituals and formalities. A past time or entertainment. He thinks he is satisfied. What a foolishness of the one who THINKS that he is satisfied.
Oh! God please help them. Come out of your grave. 
You are only a function. A tool to function. An instrument to create action. An instrument cannot say it created a function or action by itself. A tool cannot function by itself. But the truth is there is nobody who makes it to function or act.
You are simply a thought of the mind, a tool or instrument. A tool does not do anything for itself. It just performs a function and it cannot claim that it did it. But ‘you’ say I did this and that. A screw driver telling that it tightened a screw on its own.
You are a tool in nobody’s hand. The hand is a thought. Function is a reaction to a thought. This again is a thought.
Matter in a denser form is world and body. In a slightly denser form matter is a thought. Just a wave, interpreted by a word, which again is a thought.
The body is submerged in waves of thoughts. They seem to appear and disappear. For whom? Seek the answer. You will find there is no ‘you’. An illusion of thoughts produced by nobody.
138. BRAIN
The brain is a micro processor, made out of self replicating cells. They are again molecules and atoms. So is a micro processor. They are both the same. Made of same material. It is just like a hard disc of a computer, which goes on storing whatever it receives not producing anything on its own. The intelligence produces it. It is beyond body-thought complex.
Unless you know what Consciousness is you cannot know what Intelligence is. Thoughts hide the Intelligence. Unless thoughts stop, Intelligence cannot operate. Intelligence is the one that created the powerful processors of computers. It has created super computers. When thoughts stop the whole brain was available for the Intelligence. The whole Universe is available for it. It is Consciousness. All the rest done by the thoughts created by brain are only very mundane things. It cannot go beyond.
Seldom people allow Intelligence to happen. Because they only stick to known thoughts which are borrowed.  Not original. Originality arises in creativity. Whatever, it may be. Art, music etc. But the man, an instrument says he did it. Will he ever know this simple truth of science which is nothing but Spiritualism?
The greatest “Thamasha” is, there is no sleep or wakefulness. The rising of the mind is called wakefulness and its disappearance as sleep. O. K. we can accept this funny philosophy, but know that the mind is nonexistent because it appears and disappears. What rationality is this, in this? Nothing sleeps and nothing wakes up. What is happening is nobody’s imagination. Who is fooling whom?  The “I” (that is me) just laughs when a non existing person looks in bewilderment. What a wonderful game is played without players?
This game is called “¦À¡ö ±ýÈ ¯ñ¨Á” (The truth of the falsity). A funny name.
Your life is only a memory. Nothing more than that. Without this memory you are absolutely lost. You are lost in a very vast desert of emptiness. You cannot even move. If you take one step forward, you will go two steps backward. This memory makes you function mechanically. Watch yourself. You will be repeating what you did yesterday. This, you call “you are moving in life”. Nonsense.
Everything is Love. Find out Love. You will know you are Love. It is not apart from you. Your very existence is Love. Once you know Love, be in it. It will lead you beyond it to Ecstasy. Once you know what love and Ecstasy is, you will know ‘What is’.  It is just before you, surrounding you, inside you, above you, before you. This is Truth, Consciousness and Ecstasy together. Sat-Chit-Anand.
What you consider as objects only reflect this Truth. You are neither sleep nor awake. It may look like a sort of intoxication. You are intoxicated in Truth, by Truth. You may give any name to it. The name, a word, cannot express this. They may give you a hundred and one explanations. These explanations cannot be ‘It’. ‘It’ is not experienced with senses. ‘It’ is in seeing and ‘It’ is in nonseeing. Whether you open your eyes or close your eyes, ‘It’ is there. Be ‘It’. Remain in ‘It’. Melt into ‘It’. You are ‘It’. Know this. This knowing is the journey you call life. You will know that the entire life bubbles in ‘It’.
What all books say are redundant. You can discard them only when you know ‘What is’. Till then it is a sort of experimentation. Experiments to know the Non experiencer. Everything becomes one ‘Whole’.
Always remember ‘It’. Never move out of ‘It’ even for a minute. Remain in this Bliss always. The one which appears as remaining in Bliss will also disappear. Only the whole ‘Is’. Nothing to say or explain ‘It’. The sayings and explanations come out of love and compassion. This is direct from the ‘Whole’. Not based on any books.
Let every manifestations share this.
When love happens, it is an experience of that was not known all these days. Something unusual from all the known experiences. Man is puzzled. Something beautiful, so for not experienced. Man does not want it to escape. He wants to cling to it. The only way for him in his urgency is to possess it. He makes it his possession and kills the beauty of love.
Love has to happen to everyone not only between a boy and girl. Both would have known something new, unusual. They don’t want to remain with it and be it. They both want to possess it, when it cannot be possessed. It just happens. The result is a wed lock. They want to lock it within a certain confine, a prison. When they lock it with a marriage then Love becomes a prisoner, a slave. The beauty of love is lost leading to conflicts in life.
Marriage becomes a conclusion of possessiveness. Be with Love and it may or may not lead to marriage. If it leads to wedlock it is life long journey. Otherwise, it fails and remains as a memory.
Love is the firstborn,
Loftier than the gods,
The Fathers and men.
You, 0 Love, are the eldest
Of all, altogether mighty.
To you we pay homage!
In many a form of
Goodness, 0 Love, you
Show your face.
Grant that these forms
May penetrate within
Our hearts.
Send elsewhere all malice!
(Atharva Veda9.2.19-20, 25)
When Love is possessed it turns into sex. Man does not want Love to remain as it is. He is in a great urgency for sex. For him marriage is nothing more than an approved sex by the Society. He can indulge in it whenever he wants though he may not need it. For him it becomes an action and reaction. But love is there available for him always. He fails to watch it. He is in a great urgency to kill love and jumps into action by leading to sexual act. It is an act. It becomes an act. He becomes an actor. After the show is over he becomes a log of wood and he will never feel the presence of Love.
Is it possible for sexual act in Love? Yes, the object is only love and not sexual act. The body needs sex and Love allows it. Love leading to sex is divine. Unexplainable. It is not a physical action because love is experienced in sexual act also.
Both Love and Divine sex is killed due to mechanical and animalistic sexual urge. All the statues in temples preach only Love as sex or sex as Love. In all the Hindu temples this fact is depicted as statues. But nobody wants to know how such statues have come inside temples. The Siva, Parvathi embrace (Alinganam) is nothing but this. Love as sex. The two merging into one and finally even that one is lost.
Man does not know to be a witness of his own merger into one and finally as nothing. In olden days Love happened after the marriage. There was a chance of its continuance lifelong. Very few had this unique opportunity. All the others who treated Love as an instrument for sexual act failed in their life, rather the so called family life.
This truth has to be known to youngsters. They should be made to be aware of this reality. Almost all the so called love marriages end in disaster. Had they known the truth, such chaos would not have happened. They should know that an impulsive sexual urge is not Love. Because love is not an urge.
Temples existed for teaching what love is. You will always find such depictions all over the temples but you did not ask any questions about it or there is no one to explain. You are lost completely forever.  Love is God. Love is Sivam. No one asked any question .They remained as cattle. They were indirectly told that marriage is for sex and production of offspring.
This was looked down upon as an ugly subject, when all the while man was indulging in it. How can it become ugly? The society has made it to look ugly. Then why marriage at all? They allowed prostitution by Devadasi system. The priests and Kings were supporting it. Most of the children produced by Devadasis through priests became kings or atleast a small king like a Zamindar. History was manipulated to suit the needs of the society. No history contains absolute truth. All falsified accounts to cheat the people.
Be a witness in sex. You will know what love and Bliss is. You are killing both love and Bliss. This has developed into a great Marga or system, the Tantra. The true meaning of Tantra is this. Not to suppress sex. Be a witnesss to it. It is not ugly. Otherwise you would not have been born. If sex is ugly, then marriage is much more uglier.
Sex and Love has to remain as the embrace of Siva and Parvathi. Siva and Parvathi are only metaphors. They are not persons. Symbolical portrayal of the beauty of Love.
When a mother loves a child there is no impulse of sex in it. It is divine. This is the same love a boy or a girl has. Allow them to be with it. Don’t convert it into a mechanical sexual act. Let Love remain and be a witness to sex. You will find both merging, the love and witness. 
You become what you think. To become what you think you have to travel in an ocean of sorrow and pain and ultimately when you are about to reach your destination you will start changing your thought. This becoming cannot be ensured in this life. It may or may not continue.
Stop the thought of becoming something else. Stopping means watching your thoughts. Become a witness to your thoughts. Do not react. Let the thoughts flow and die. Remain a witness. It is a beautiful game to watch the thoughts appearing and disappearing.
You are not conscious of your body unless it troubles you. In such a state watch the thought. You are not the body or thought. Because you are witnessing them. You are now yourself. That is all. A simple method, but difficult to adopt.
Very few succeed in this small attempt. If they succeed, from that point onwards they are automatically led towards Truth and they will know everything happens automatically. A painful journey, of course. Because you will loose yourself as a person or individual. Don’t be afraid. The fear is not for you. Submit yourself to this journey towards endlessness which is the Truth.
The knower is known.
The seer is seen.
The seeker is sought.
To realize this, to know yourself a whole life time is needed. This time is the movement between the so called birth and death. When the knower and the known are the same what is it that is sought? What is it that is obtained? What is it that is achieved or possessed?
A clever play by the mind does all this and ignorance itself succumbs to it, when no such thing as a second person is involved. The first person itself is endless and beginning less, at which point the pain or sorrow cannot be recognized if the mind is not there.
A cognition without a recognizer but appearing as something cognizing. Even so, only the cognizing is there as an illusion and perceived by mind and thoughts as real and creates pain and sorrow for itself. The pain and sorrow is for the knower or perceiver or the so called man to know himself and nothing else.
Man gets lost in the beauty of himself. What a paradox? A tiny man who is himself the Universe or Consciousness or ‘What is’ remains unknown to himself. Is this a mystery or miracle or beauty? What could be said and by whom? A mega merger alone results which cannot be explained by thousands of books.
One can be ‘It’. If he starts explaining, it becomes endless. To the one to whom it is explained starts self contradicting the explanation, with his limited knowledge and experience within time which again is a thought. It is a great benediction and favour or whatever it is, bestowed on the one who comes to know himself.
Oh, nature, my Mother what is it that could be done in return
Except to sacrifice one’s individuality or ego or whatever it is.
A feather starts floating without any air
The whole ocean runs towards a drop for a merger
The fragrance of perfume starts flowing.
When there is doubt, there is duality. When there is a question seeking an answer, there is duality. In acceptance or rejection there is duality. A truth need not be accepted. It is there. Everything which arose from ‘No-thing’ is there. Where is the question of acceptance or rejection? It is just there. This Being has to be discovered. That is the greatest duty of mankind or humans in life. When discovered, humans become human beings. Not being. Only a Be-ing. Always Be.
In teaching, ‘It’ is teaching itself which is in ignorance. The Knowledge is teaching the ignorance. The ignorance is so vast. It refuses to come near Knowledge. This is because it has accepted duality which is false.
In individuality, as a person, he should disappear to discover his original nature. You can call this ignorance as mind and thoughts. But mind as such is not made up of any other substance. It is Consciousness in deep non Consciousness or sleep or give it any name.
The mind has to awake. The ignorance has to awake to know itself. This is the paradox ignorance is facing. It has to come out of its own clutches to discover it is non dual.
There is no person or man existing. It is only ‘What is’ which is existing covered by a thin screen of Mind which is the body. It is through this body which is Mind, it perceives itself as objects. The screen, the body and objects are only Consciousness or ‘What is’ and nothing more than that.
This screen which is Mind has to know this truth and know its existence as Consciousness and it is only ‘What is’ and not a separate entity as Mind. It is on a wrong perception of itself as the Mind which leads to all miseries and sorrow. Once this Truth is known to the Mind it subsides unto itself and the past knowledge of everything disappears and it remains as ‘What is’ and not as Mind though the body may continue to exist through which the Truth can be spread.
Each and every thought has to realize this Truth. The perception of man and through him the world is only an illusion appearing as real to the Mind when in fact the only thing that is existing is only Consciousness and nothing else.
When the truth is known, Consciousness witnesses to all the perceptions of the mind which does not act as an independent entity. It merges into the whole and loses its identity as a person-subject and object. Even as mind and thoughts. This and That become One. Subject and object become One. It is realized that the seeker is the sought.
Truth is Oneness, the Wholeness. In it appears a split as an illusion which is duality. It is an appearance and not existential. This duality consists of activeness and passiveness. The activeness is Mind .The passiveness is no Mind. Matter and antimatter, both together. This togetherness when becomes oneness it is Truth, while it always remains the same. As truth it exists always. As duality it is an illusion arising as matter. The form is a wave, yet it remains as matter.
The whole Universe, the World, the you, the I are only forms but yet Consciousness which is the Truth. Nothing gets separated at anytime but appears as separated. Nothing as separate but as separateness. Something like sweetness and not sweet, because both are one.
This wholeness is No-thingness and referred to as emptiness or Shunya which is not vacuum. This No-thingness contains everythingness (everything). Like a matter which is simultaneously a particle and wave. A string on a Veena, when played is simultaneously a wave and string. The position of the wave is indeterminate like a zero. A zero is nothing but when combined with a one it becomes something. It is something like a catalyst. 
The Consciousness itself is a catalyst. Not getting affected or not affecting anything. It is just a presence. In this, the activeness and passiveness appear to exist. The Consciousness does not support any of these ‘nesses’ (either active or passive) and realizes itself as only pure Consciousness.
This activeness which is the Mind is the energy. Out of this flows matter and forms endlessly. Occasionally this flow retraces its movement and comes to know it is nothing but Truth or Consciousness and all of its journeys are only an illusion and not real. But at every stage it appears as real. This is the greatest mystery.
Man considers himself as a separate tiny wave which is just a thought. He forgets he is enormous as an Ocean. He is just a form inside this enormous Ocean. But he does not know or cannot say to whom he is appearing as a wave or form. It is something like water by itself cannot say water being poured into it. The recognizer is another form or wave. A form recognizing another form is only a thought which does not have any existential quality. Will man ever know this fact?
148. THE ONE
The one that is asking for the proof and evidence is itself the proof and evidence. Know this truth. The moment it is known then the seeking of evidence and the proof of itself disappears. Only the One is evident to itself. The knower is known. The seeker is sought. The process of seeking and knowing itself is the process of known and sought.
Nothing is apart from this ‘One’. Everything is inclusive but appears as exclusive which appears as a separate world and man. Man himself is the world. The world itself is the man. Therefore, know the knower. The knower and the known are one appearing as different. This appearance is false. “Thou” is false. “Thy” is true.
Remove the mind and thought and find out what is there. You will come to know it. Thoughts cannot interrupt this. Mind cannot do the judgment. Duality is only due to mind and thought, when in reality it is not so. The real exists as real without falsities. This is not a process which can be explained with words which have limitations. The unlimited cannot be explained by limited.
The Whole or ‘What is’ is non movement. Within this non movement, a movement appears to arise. This movement is energy which is time space and matter. A fourth dimension to a three dimensional matter. This movement to appear as matter or objects the fourth dimension of Space time is needed.
The world or man is nothing but a three dimensional object appearing in a fourth dimension as illusion. This fourth dimension creates a false reality to objects when the fourth dimension which is a projection of energy itself is an illusion when observed or seen at the non movement level. Otherwise one goes beyond the mind, which is energy or the fourth dimension, he cannot know it. Just like a pen cannot know itself as a pen. Man is very similar to the pen which is not bothered to know itself and remains unknown. A state where the body is activated by thoughts. This activation happens through senses contained in the body and interpreted by thoughts.
All actions performed by man remain unknown to himself. He has to go deep into himself. Blast himself into pieces and analyze each piece. Of course a difficult task for him. Unless he has extraordinary will it is almost impossible for him to know himself. Unless he knows himself he cannot talk about God. Whatever he says now about God is meaningless. They are only his imaginations created by thoughts.
God is only a thought or concept for a man. He does not know it. It is only hypothetical and not true. Anything done by man in the name of God is only absolute ignorance based on his own selfish motive. Man falls a prey to his selfishness and gets caught in a tight web of ignorance from which he cannot escape.
His thoughts are only confined to a particular level or dimension which is his own prison. He has to come out of his own prison to know his freedom. Living in slavery, he thinks he is in freedom. His freedom is only the welfare of himself and his family, selfish. Nothing more than this. Even if it comes to the question of himself against his own family he will only choose himself and he will be prepared to sacrifice his family. Very rarely a man sacrifices himself for the sake of his own family knowingly. If he knows what he is doing is at the risk of his own life, he will not do it.
Knowingly risking life or accepting death by himself is very, very rare. Either he will be brain washed or forced to do it. How can such a man know himself as non movement or inaction or as an action in inaction?
All the religions only indulge in brainwashing instead of exposing or explaining a man to himself. Man is also not bothered. He readily accepts his brain washing. He will never ask a question to know what is what. He is almost dead but living unconsciously. Has this living any meaning to it? It is just an accepted routine, mechanical operation by a social programme.
He is worse than an animal though he has the potential to know himself and become a Buddha.
It or I or ‘What is’ or Consciousness knows only itself. It does not know anything else. This knowing of others or things is due to an offshoot of ‘What Is’ which is given a name as mind, ‘the Universal mind or the Cosmic mind’. When this offshoot retracts to itself nothing is there except that which is. Naturally the logical mind will ask several questions in the form of thoughts. These doubtful thoughts have to be answered by another set of thoughts arising out of true knowledge. Unless there is absolute stillness of these doubtful thoughts, the answering thoughts will never arise. In other words doubts prevent clarification.
Throw off these doubts. Be still and listen. You will definitely know something coming as a clarification. Your doubts will disappear in no time. Keep the cup empty so that something can fill it. Your cup is always full of useless knowledge which is not yours. All your doubts are with reference to that which has been thrust upon you.
The contents of your doubt, is only falsehood. This falseness prevents the entry of truth.
The experience of senses expressed is thoughts. The experiences through senses get converted into thoughts. If not, it is something like coma, or unconsciousness. Without sensual experience there is no thought.
Only Consciousness exists. Whether the eyes are closed or open the Consciousness of the Self is always there. You got used to something telling “you are there”, only in an objective world around you. If the objective world is not there, when you close your eyes or in meditation, nothing tells you with reference to outer world that you are there. You yourself know it. Your Existence is known to you always. But you want something to tell you about your own existence. This habit continues. 
Do you need something to tell you, you are there? What is this something which is doing this identification job? It is only the Consciousness to the outer or inner which makes you know yourself. Therefore you are known to yourself by this awareness. This awareness is nothing but Consciousness. If you are not identified with reference to something outer or inner, you are Samadhi and not in Samadhi. This happens even when the eyes are open or closed.
When you do not identify yourself with reference to an outer or inner world you are Samaadhi.
152. MAN
Man is nothing but a varying combination of neutron, proton electron etc., which put together appears to form a structure called atom. This atom has no specific shape, therefore, formless. Within it, only movement is there. This movement due to its own interactions gives a pseudo form. This further develops into unexplainable complicities of various forms appearing as movement. In fact movement is inside the form and makes the form move.
The controlling factor of the movement is thought which is energy. They are Theta waves slightly slower in speed than light waves. These Theta waves are nothing but a fast movement. This movement appears as thoughts which in fact are only Theta waves.
Man is waves put together and controlled by another sort of thought waves. Everything inside him as organs are only interacting waves of different lengths.
What are these waves? They are nothing but string movements. What are these string movements? They are quarks, which has a length and no breadth. Unimaginable. Practically a no-thingness with a great flux of movement not seeable. The combination of this nonseeable, invisible thing or whatever it is Man.
The characteristics of Man are just an unexplainable illusion. Man goes on thinking he is great when he is in reality nothing. This nothingness is visible and can be experienced in meditation and Samadhi. Therefore, Man is only Samadhi which alone is experienced as a reality. The rest of the experience of the Man is just an unexplainable illusion without any reality. These illusions go on endlessly on a background of Consciousness. No illusion can give you a definite picture of itself at a given point of time.
This unreal man goes on creating countless miseries for himself and for others. This man as a self and others as selves do not exist at all. Only sufferings as movements appear to exist for nobody.
Samadhi is beyond these theta waves etc., which is only thoughts and mind. Thoughts and mind are waves not existing in reality but appears as a fast movement. Samadhi is no movement - all waves coming to rest or disappearing into itself. Stillness or silence or peace is Samadhi where everything is at rest, absolute rest and no movement. Hence it is described as emptiness. Empty of what? Can there be such a thing?
When the beginning and end are the same, can there be a movement. Then what is this called movement which is energy which is matter. You move and roam about to come back to the same point. This you call journey. Do you really move at all? If you move you will land somewhere else and not at the starting point. Therefore, this movement though appears as real is only fictitious. It is very hard to digest this. But your logic cannot refuse them or deny this. Therefore, it becomes a non movement in a movement. You can test it. Close your eyes and move your hand. You will see no movement and the hand will be movement inside non movement. Be alert and check. When you open your eyes everything is topsy-turvy. How can it be? Whatever is there when the eyes are closed must be there when the eyes are open. Meditate on this ‘Why this difference?’ Is there a difference at all? If there is a difference is the eye cheating you? Go deep. Don’t stop. Find out the answer and let me know the answer. Whatever your answer is I will accept it, but with a question. I know you are preparing to run away. But remember wherever you go, that is the Start. 
Do you know yourself? I mean for an ordinary man. How can you know yourself fully? If you have headache you know the head. If the headache goes, you forget the head or you stop knowing the head.
If you have high fever, you start knowing something as a whole which you call the body.
If you are not able to see properly, you know the eyes. If somebody touches your back, you know your back even without seeing it.
By all the pain and pleasures you only start knowing yourself. Otherwise you forget yourself.
You start knowing yourself wholly only in meditation. In meditation you know your whole self not as a body. There is no boundary. It means endlessness. The thoughts may perceive the boundary for a short while. When the eyes open and look at the body, the mind creates a boundary of the body. As body, from where it starts and where it ends? The starting point will be the end point. So the beginning and the end are the same. In between something appears to be there. Just think. If the start and end are one, can there be a between? This between is an illusion created by the mind. It creates a false permanency by a thought which itself is false or an illusion.
You are always without a beginning and end if you are conscious of your wholeness. But the thoughts fragment this wholeness and create separateness. Again, an illusion. Think seriously and deeply. Can you be ever separate as a single entity? You are always the whole. But you don’t know it. Somebody has to tell you that you are so and so. Otherwise you don’t have a knowledge of yourself.
Having knowledge of yourself is Self Realization. You realizing your own self and not some other thing. You are self realized but you don’t know it. The thoughts go on manipulating this wholeness which is the realized self into fragments. It cannot do this rubbish act by itself. Therefore, it falsely creates the ‘I’ or ‘You’ and makes it accept its own false fragments.
The non existing I or ego also believes it and thinks that they are apart from it and names it as that tree, this house, my son etc. Go into this sincerely and deeply. You will find yourself as a person missing. How much of problems this missing and non existing person is creating and for whom? To another missing person.
This is a great joke and fun if you understand it. Enjoy this joke of yourself and laugh. For others you may appear as if you have gone mad suddenly. This laughter on a joke appears as madness to others. Who are these others? And who is mad among others and you? This again is a joke. Don’t bother about others. Simply laugh. A  Buddha’s laughter. I will join you in this laughter.
Suddenly a question will arise in you, ‘Who is laughing?’ Well, that is your headache to find out. Don’t disturb me because I am laughing.
I am laughing at everybody and they think I have become God. My question is ‘Can God laugh?’
155. MAN’S DESIRE    
Man is keeping one leg in the world and another leg in religion to get his desires fulfilled. That is all his religion. He does not want to know the real meaning of religion. He is just a mechanical animal holding very firmly his borrowed thoughts creating desires and tries to make it a reality. He does not know the reality of his desires which he is seeking is a false reality to the mind. He does not even know this mind and its falseness. It is beyond imagination as to how he fell into this rut.
Life long this goes on adding misery after misery. Sometimes he gets a short break from this misery and feels a momentary pleasure which he thinks as happiness. His life becomes a little advanced animal life and ends without knowing anything. The purpose of his coming into this earth is absolutely forgotten.
He revolves within a small circle of countable people who are known to him as relatives and friends. Beyond this group he does not know anyone though thousands pass before him daily. He can only identify this small circle and is least bothered or interested in the wider world. For him thousands getting killed in a war or earthquake is only news for gossip or he may try to get fame out of such massacre in the guise of social service. Just for fame and to be recognized by others. If this recognition is not there he is almost dead and his so called social service turns into hatred against the same humanity which faced this massacre.
Even the one, who is close to him, if dead, is just a passing phenomenon. He only fears his own death though he may not know his death. This fear makes him run and run seeking fame and pleasure which are short lived. Even this he does not know unless it is recognized by others. If unrecognized there is no fame or pleasure. What sort of a muddle he has entered into. His own fame and pleasure has to be recognized by somebody and not by himself. The animals do not seek such recognition. The birds and plants do not seek such recognition. They live at the present though not knowing. 
Unless you are conscious of yourself all your actions are the result of a programmed thought. It goes on in cycles and you are never aware of it. But you say ‘I know what is going on or what I do’. Watch yourself closely. This programme will disappear.
Nobody wants to know what God is. Because they think it is a form like man. But they pretend they are great baktas of God exhibiting it by various rituals and other mechanical formalities without knowing the meaning. The deeper inner meaning.
They go to religious places to see something as a person, a form or shape and start imagining that they are seeing God. They offer all sorts of things to gods created by thoughts. Some time humans also (human sacrifice). He has offered his imaginary gods with all sacrifices from fowl to horses because there was a ban on human sacrifices. But yet we hear cases of human sacrifices. They do not understand the meaning of sacrifice. Instead of sacrificing their ego, they indulge in animal sacrifices which are also banned now. Now the law has displeased thought oriented gods.
Make God a reality by not clinging to forms which are thought oriented and start searching for the real which is always with you as Consciousness. You are made up of that real one. Know it and don’t search outside you. 
“London: God no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the Universe due to a series of Developments in physics, British scientist Stephen Hawking said in extracts published on Thursday from a new book.
In a hardening of the more accommodating position on religion that he took in his 1988 international best-seller ‘A Brief History of Time’, Hawking said the Big Bang was merely the consequence of the law of gravity.
“Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist,” he writes in ‘The Grand Design,’ which is being serialised by The Times newspaper.
“It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going,” added the wheel- chair-bound expert. 
Hawking has achieved worldwide fame for his research, writing and television documentaries despite suffering since the age of 21 due to motor neuron disease that has left him disabled and dependent on a voice synthesiser.
In ‘A Brief History of Time’, Hawking had suggested that the idea of God or a divine being was not necessarily incompatible with a scientific understanding of the Universe.
But in his latest work, Hawking cites the 1992 discovery of a planet orbiting a star outside our own Solar system as a turning point against Isaac Newton’s belief that the Universe could not have arisen out of chaos.
“That makes the coincidences of our planetary conditions - the single sun, the lucky combination of earth- sun distance and solar mass - far less remarkable, and far less compelling as evidence that the earth was carefully designed just to please us human beings,” he wrote.
Hawking argued earlier this year that mankind’s only chance of long-term survival lies in colonising space, as humans drain earth of resources and face a terrifying array of new threats”.
My observation
This is exactly what great Masters have said which is the Mind arises on its own as an illusion in Consciousness and enters into a dream of energy, matter etc. and disappears. This illusory appearance and disappearance happen at an unimaginable and unperceivable speed. The whole world including yourself is nothing but a dramatic illusion appearing and disappearing at an unimaginable speed. This happens to every man everyday but he fails to notice it. Spiritualism teaches pure Science not thought of till today but revealed as Truth several thousands of years ago and this long time is also in illusory time. What Hawking says is “There is no doer or creator”. This means there is no Ahamkar - There is no doer.
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion that is based on experience, which refuses dogma. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. Albert Einstein
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. TheDalaiLamaXII
Einstein accepts that the perception is through the mind (when there is no perceiver as such there cannot be “our mind” existing). He should have come to the East to know this. But he missed it. Why complicate religion? Why can’t it be made simple and easy for a common man to understand as envisaged by The Dalai Lama? All the rituals and the complicated procedures only lead to strengthen ignorance which is Ego.
What is Society? It is the outcome of one’s relationship with another. If your relationship is good with another then that relationship produces pleasure. If it is sour, it produces the same effect. Therefore, what you are with reference to someone is only reflected. If one is not sour with someone then the pleasure continues and one wants to remain in company with another. Your liking for another is the cause of these sour or good feelings through relationship. Now hold on here for a minute. Has this sour or good feeling towards another come on its own or is it based on what you have been told or learnt through other sources? You will find it never came from you directly and is based on how you have been conditioned by various sources. Therefore, these various sources alone are reflected in your relationship and it has nothing to do with you. This is the major cause of the breaking of your married life.
I just want you to examine whether it is possible for you to have relationship with another from your own center not based on your conditioning. It is possible if that relationship arises or occurs on the foundation of Love where there is no place for sourness or goodness in relationship. Touch your heart and tell me whether all your relationship blooms out of Love. If not how can you expect a relationship to last longer or forever. This is what is happening in your so called love life. There is no Love at all in your relationship because of your possessiveness which too is not your own. You have been taught or conditioned to be possessive. Can you come out of this conditioning and start a relationship out of Love? For this to happen, you will have to find out what Love is. Don’t make it verbal or on the basis of physical attraction which can only be a temporary phenomenon. It is true that this blooming of Love has to arise from both sides to last. Please check up whether this is the case with you and your spouse.
Even if one is in Love and the other is not, the relationship can never be cordial, that is mutual. Cut this possessiveness and start feeling the love relationship. You will find an enormous difference. Your so called life is only thought based which is sensation oriented and has not bloomed out of Love. You always want to do something out of comparison like ‘he is having a car so I should have one’. You never ask the question whether you need it. You will find most of your possessions are only needless and obtained just for the heck of it or for the satisfaction of the ego. You will find they have no value and therefore, lie in a corner or in your cupboard. If you need something, go ahead and get it not based on comparison.
The mind does not want to feel its own nature which is emptiness. It fears its own emptiness. To escape from this emptiness it gets attached to various objects.  To ward off this emptiness it starts producing thoughts of known things or objects and goes on endlessly chattering. Meditation is nothing but to stop this chattering of mind and make it realize its own nature of emptiness. Superficially it appears that man is doing all this and there is no chance of himself knowing it unless he is guided. Just sing a song within you and observe it. To your amazement you will find that you are not the singer and the song comes on its own and disappears. This is the same case with your thoughts also. Watch your thoughts and you will find these thoughts come by itself, on its own and get disintegrated. Meditation is only meant to take you to your root of emptiness where all thoughts stop. (And also arises, which is a different matter and do not bother about it now) In that thoughtless state many creativity arises on its own and man cannot claim any ownership or right for them. Because of your ego you succumb to these conditioned thoughts and think you are doing it when in reality there is no doer at all. It may be difficult for you to accept this. Please give a try and find out the reality by yourself. You will find your thinking is nothing but escaping from one thought to another thought based on your conditions. It does not belong to you. Some one’s thought is operating your body. How funny to be in this false episode. Can you wake up to reality of thought is only sensation and not Love?
To know what Truth is one has to know what false is. Negation. If you are able to see the false as false then the Truth is. The trouble is you do not know what false is. Why you did not know your own nature is the question? You will have to find out an answer for this. The answer is you are operating from the source of conditioned thoughts. Someone says something and you believe it to be true or real. If someone says that by possessing a Benz car your status will improve, you simply jump into it without even considering for a moment whether you need this car. Your life goes on a false track always trying to achieve something or other so that you will get fame. You do not know that this is an endless journey. You may or may not succeed. It comes on its own and till then you live in sorrow and turmoil. I know people give credence to such possessions not knowing its trials and tribulations. If one does not seek fame where is the need for a Benz and having led a miserly life for several years to get it? This sort of thing is going on from our King’s days for thousands of years. Even great Emperors like Asoka, Alexander and others found that their life is empty in spite of these so called achievements. We still follow the footsteps of those useless chaps to find out at the end that you do not have anything to achieve.
Organized belief is religion which is an idea of mind projected through thoughts. “Oh my god! Help me to get a costly Villa and I will put a thousand Rupees in your hundi or shave my head”. This is your religion. God has become a commodity to help you to get whatever you desire. He has become an agent to make you achieve whatever you want. You never for a single moment considered whether it is possible or not. If it is possible then naturally everyone who desires something can go to this agent and seek whatever they want. You have pushed god to a secondary level by making him an agent without even waiting for his acceptance to oblige you. First find out yourself and then seek the favour of the so called god to help you achieve what all you want – expensive car, luxury apartment etc. Who knows you may get them. For that to happen, first know yourself and then start searching for god to give you all these bullshits. I assure you, you will get these bullshits once you know yourself. But the doubt is whether that desire is going to be there or not.
A crowd attends a funeral. Except the one who appears to have died all the rest of the crowd think that they will live long and it is the misfortune of the one who died. This is a superficial scenario appearing as individuals thinking. But there is a truth in it. Don’t be shocked if I say that what is said by way of a thought expressed through a so called man is true though it appears that a man is thinking like that without knowing as to when he is going to die. Stop here and go deep into this episode called death. One has to find out as to who is telling or giving this statement? If you come to a conclusion that it is the thought which says this, then one has to find out from where these thought arose to give this statement. You will naturally come to mind. It is the mind which makes the thought to make such proclamation which is true because the mind knows that it is going to fail to know itself or its own nature or its source of origin through a particular body which is nothing but a self projection of itself and going to continue till it reaches its source. So what appears to be said by man is true in certain sense. The mind knows that it is going to prolong for a longer period through a particular body. If it comes to know its real nature, it gets a shock to realize that it never existed as a separate entity all along and that it has been projecting itself as a body for the sake of searching its own nature or its own source of origin which is Consciousness. This is the point at which the concept of death disappears or death dies.
1.    Sex is love converted into physical pleasure to get relief from pain of accumulated energy.
2.    Being peaceful is to be with what you are and what you have and not to complain on anything which you don’t have.
4.    True happiness is experienced only in Freedom.
5.    If by solution we mean an end to an issue, then there is no issue at all. If you seek a desired end or result then there will not be any solution at all.
6.    The world would be more religious if all the religions are removed from it-S.Radhakrishnan, (Former President of India)
7.    Music is not from conditioned thoughts. It is from the source of love.
8.    Whatever that is witnessed becomes a witness or merges with the witness once the truth about itself is known. The witness, witnesses through this and that. When the contents of this and that come to know that they are not different objects, they become the witness and realises that it is already a witness.
When identification of the Self or True ‘I’ with the body and mind disappears, it is known that ‘This’ is already Realized without a separate knower and this ‘I am’ is also not there. Only the existence of Consciousness alone is known which is already realized. For you to understand this, I have to say that I come to know that I am already realized and it is not a new thing which I have achieved. This identification of ‘I’ and the separateness is lost. It is something like “Going from here to here” and “I don’t read, but it is being read”. Can you make head or tail out of this? If not, it is time you start the journey towards getting real knowledge of Truth.
I would like to quote one of my friend’s (who is a newspaper Editor) own observation which is given below:
“The audience is a myth as many writers rue, what’s the point of the pursuit? The antidote suggested by some miserable souls is that one should write for one’s own consumption. Any readership is a collateral bonus!
I am a firm believer in the concept of a cosmic Consciousness or universal mind, not just in a religious sense but also as a scientific fact. All thoughts that can be thought are present in potential form in that all-pervading, albeit abstract, realm of flux. Individuals only pick them up according to the capacity of their mental radars.
‘You just said what I have been thinking’ is not just an expression of coincidence but a statement that carries the authenticity of arithmetic. A professional writer, therefore, by sheer compulsion will be tuned into many of those frequencies. But if every writer were to judge himself honestly, it would be apparent that he can hold no copyright nor claim propriety to any idea. Instead, we often witness an idea passing through and vanishing, landing probably in some other lucky bloke’s mind and worse, as matter in ink!
So, at best, a writer can pat himself for some style. But in these days of brevity warranted only the idioms change with the times. Authorship is a conditional tag, subject to verification!
Many writings are indeed peerless and revelations. But the point is they are often revelations for the writer himself if he cares to introspect. There are confessions from creators of great works that they knew not what possessed them from the moment they positioned the pen. Many have talked of a sudden inspired spell after long bouts of head-scratching and nail-biting. Spontaneity is the hallmark of good writing and that is rarely the handiwork of just human effort. A great writer is at best a finer extension of the pen; that he is a tool, there is no doubt. The sepia-toned parchments of the past may seem profound but seen in their contemporary light; many may be shown up as plagiarized versions of the works of an earlier era. Reason why scriptures that have survived time and tide still hold sway over all literary works. Or why book writers, barring fiction wherein anything goes, cannot finish a book without quotes from authorities who even outnumber the author himself in terms of verbal contribution to the book. In reality, all ideas are eternal.”
Love is spontaneous. It arises on its own. It is not a man made stuff. But we say “I am making love towards a girl”. When you say ‘I am making love’, you mean you are indulging in sexual act.
When love arises you know something is happening to you. But you think it is coming from an opposite side. The opposite side may be a girl. A mother feels the love arising in her when she is with her child. But she is not aware of it. Similarly when it arises in you, you think that it is coming from an object.
The real meaning of bakthy is true love. Realising the true Love in you. Knowing love in you and not outside. Therefore, it is said love is god. But you are not aware of it and indulge in empty rituals which have no meaning by itself. May be there is a deeper philosophy in it.
I am reminded of the talk of Osho which I am reproducing below:
“I am against rituals, but that does not mean that a religious person cannot go into a ritual. But when a religious person goes into a ritual, it is not a ritual at all. His heart is in it; then his words have wings. I am against the ritual when there is no heart in it.
Here’s a story about Moses. He was passing through a forest. He saw a man praying. But the man who was praying was saying such absurd things that he could not go further. He had to stop the man. What he was saying was profane, sacrilegious. He was saying: “God, you must be feeling sometimes very alone - I can come and be always with you like a shadow. 1 will give you a good bath every day. I am a shepherd. And I will take all the lice from your hair and your body like I do with my sheep...”
“Lice?”- Moses could not believe his ears: “What is he talking about?”
Moses stopped him and said, “Listen! What kind of prayer is this? What are you doing? To whom are you talking? Lice in God’s hair? He needs a bath? And you are saying ‘I will rub your body and make it absolutely clean’? Stop this nonsense. This is not prayer. God will be offended by you.”
Looking at Moses, the man fell at his feet. He said, “I am sorry. I am an illiterate, ignorant man. I don’t know how to pray. Please, you teach me!”
So Moses taught him the right way to pray, and he was very happy because he had put a man on the right track. Happy, puffed up in his ego, Moses went away. And when he was alone in the forest, a thundering voice came from the sky and said, “Moses, I have sent you into the world to bring people to me, to bridge people with me but not to take my lovers away from me. And that’s exactly what you have done. That man is one of the most intimate to me. Go back! Apologise. Take your prayer back! You have destroyed the whole beauty of his dialogue. His love is true. Whatsoever he was saying, he was saying from his heart. It was not a ritual. Now what you have given to him is just a ritual. He will repeat it but it will be only on the lips; it will not be out of his being.”
Don’t learn empty gestures. Let your gestures be alive, spontaneous. Otherwise, deep down you know that this is a ritual, deep down you know that this is just a formality you are performing. And if that is your feeling inside, what is the point of going into it? I am against rituals because they have killed the spirit of religion in the world. But I am not saying don’t pray, but let the prayer arise. Let it be of your own from the heart. Don’t repeat it parrot-like. I am not against rules, but the rules should arise out of your understanding. They should not be imposed from the outside. I am not against discipline, but discipline should not be slavery. All true discipline is self discipline. Only disciplined people become free, but their discipline is obedience to their own inner voice. Let your own awareness decide your lifestyle, life pattern. Don’t allow anybody else to decide it. If you do, your life will remain superficial, it will be hypocrisy.”
You will have to come out of this hypocrisy. Let love arise on its own from your heart and not through a thought or mind. Thoughts cannot understand love. Mind does not know love. Love is beyond mind and thought. It is better to pick out the lice on the head of god than performing a mechanical ritual.
The following news taken from a leading News Paper will show that the world is waking up to the realities of the present and the concept of a single institution of marriage is disappearing. Man/woman wants to free themselves from the clutches and clutters of an organized wedding freeing them from the so called social customs and the conditions of a false society. This may not be accepted by the old timers who are wedded to falsities and want to stick to them. Thrusting their ideas and views can no more work and the present day generation is getting free of forced conditions. But in this they take a wrong route and get more identified to materialism not knowing it. This is the pathetic condition of the present day youngsters. They need proper guidance and the WAY has to be shown to them and not thrust upon them forcibly. The knowledge of the real has to be shown to them for their own self evaluation. I am confident that this will open their eyes and make them awake to realities and facts of the present or the NOW.
We will have to search for them or collect them who are already searching. This is the only service that can be rendered to humanity by those who have come to know the reality. I earnestly and sincerely feel this journey will be a success.
I. ITCHY WICKET (Is the seven year itch a myth?)
It’s been seven years into wedded life and you’re waiting for the much- dreaded itch to creep in. Only, that might not happen. For, if a new study is to be believed, the seven-year-itch is a myth. But wait, don’t be too thrilled yet. Because the ‘itch’ is bound to surface in another three years and eleven months. Yes, the researchers behind the study explain that married couples begin to grow bored with each other after ten years and eleven months.
There has to be a good reason why the time period has stretched, but sociologist Raman Rangarajan feels that this is no reason to rejoice. He explains, “I suspect this phenomenon is more because couples now have lesser time to be ‘itched’ about each other and it takes them more years to realize that they’re in an unsatisfactory marriage. With men and women equally career-minded and competitive, time for flings is hardly there. Most professionals are just happy to have a person who they can call their spouse, with whom they can spend their free time. The real problem in young India is that partners have, absolutely no time for each other - be it for sex, romance or friendship.” The survey suggests that a decade into marriage, the romance has often died and partners become bored with daily routine. Saras Baskar, city-based psychologist, retorts, as a Chennai-based therapist, I have a different viewpoint on marriage. Marital boredom or the so called itch could start even before marriage, after engagement, in our society. In fact, after 10 years and eleven months, partners come to terms with each other; the itch has been learnt to manage.”
Educational counsellor Maria Paul, who’s been married for ten years agrees and adds, “Even in love marriages, after a point, the magic fizzles out and monotony sets in. For example, when you’re just married, one of the best feelings is that of waking up with your loved one every morning, but after some years, you get irritated because you have to see the same face every single morning - you start yearning for some variety. But in our country, most people don’t usually do anything about the itch; we just ignore it and move on. Separation or divorce isn’t immediate thoughts.”
One of the other reasons for the itch has been found to be that after ten years, spouses no longer bother going out together or making romantic gestures. Kumar S, civil engineer, shrugs and admits, “You just start taking your partner for granted after some years. I know that whether I go that extra mile in making her feel special or not, my wife will still be there. I guess it is this attitude that kills the magic. Even as far as sex goes, the frequency reduces as the years pass, and this really affects the chemistry. While it is not a gargantuan task, marriage does require some working on to make it successful.”
Saras points out that to avoid the itch, preparedness for marriage have to be there in both parties. ‘And since in India a marriage is between two families, they too will have to be sensitised and educated on the topic,” she concludes.
Being in love is an amazing feeling. It is everyone’s secret fantasy to have that special somebody in life. Even Bollywood survives on love. Almost all movies centre on this theme. People fall in love for a number of reasons and many relations break down because they are all the wrong reasons for being in love. Some people get into relationships because they feel empty or worthless when they are single. Some people get hooked because their friends are in relationships and they feel left out in the game of love. Some might be repeatedly questioned by family as to when they are settling down. So there is pressure, either direct or indirect, on both men and women to fall in love.
 Nowadays, it’s very easy to fall in and out of love. Often people mistake lust for love. When the lusting is over and done with, people realize that they were never in love. It is not uncommon to hear couples say that they share a great chemistry and that’s the reason why they got together. But relations started on the basis of chemistry and not commitment stand the test of time. A lot of people believe that it’s natural to fall out of love. Although it is common, it is not natural.
However, there are relations that start off on the right note, with the right intentions that run into rough weather. People often make the mistake of promising the stars to their better half and later back off from fulfilling that promise or completely deny making such promises. This is one of the reasons why people fall out of love as their expectations have not been met. It also leads to hurt, anger and resentment as your loved one may feel cheated. Another common complaint among couples is that their partners have changed over the course of the relationship; the truth can be that they haven’t changed. It’s just that people tend to take each other for granted.
No matter what the reason, all issues can be resolved if a couple is willing to commit to each other and work towards building and strengthening their bonds. Men and women should not think their partners are mind readers. You have to talk to each other. Relationships flourish only where there is trust, understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness. It is important to be truthful to yourself to be truthful to your partner. Love heals every scar.
In what could bring some solace to the millions of lonely hearts worldwide, scientists have developed a robot which they say can fall in love with its owner. Invented by German designer Stefan Ulrich, the bizarre blob like robot- christened Funktionide by its creator - has special sensors that react to human touch to show when it is happy - or in love. It can also wrap around its owner and even give them a cuddle, The Sun reported. According to Stefan, his invention could one day completely replace the need to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Stefan further said: “If robots and other objects can fulfil all our emotional needs, why do we need other humans?”
So where is the need for a boy or girl when machines can imitate them? There are so many sex toys available both for men and women now. Can there be Love in a machine? What sort of love it can be other than a mechanical reaction? Right now are we not like this robot doing things in a mechanical way including the so called love, sex and relationship? This leads to possessive nature and inadvertently or without awareness we become machines, robots. Wake up to realities and discover that you are a being.
To someone who is confused and wanted guidance.
Qus: Thank you for talking to me during the weekends. I am trying to do what we talked about, watching my thoughts. Here is what I am experiencing so far. When I close my eyes and want to observe all the thoughts that are going on, I am not able to completely do it because there is something always talking in my mind. It is talking non-stop starting from, “ok, now I am closing my eyes, going to start monitoring the thoughts, is this a thought, is that a thought, is this what I am looking for, what am I experiencing, what am I going to tell when I am asked a question etc. etc.” and it keeps going.
What I am confused about here is, whatever is talking, is this also a thought? Is that something that I have to watch for as well or is it something else? Whatever it is, it is continuously talking and I am not able to do anything deeply because I have to keep on listening to this. I don’t know how to stop this or control this so I can understand and watch my thoughts. Am I alright? Is this something weird that I am only experiencing? How can I overcome these? If not now, how I can control this at least for now so I can concentrate on watching my thought. Please help me understand.
Ans: You are just now watching the thoughts. Otherwise, how can you say something is talking continuously? It means you are watching the thoughts and you are unnecessarily getting confused.   You watch the thoughts. Don’t react. That is all. Let the thoughts go on blabber all sorts of nonsense. Watch it. Don’t try to answer. You are just now a watcher but you are reacting to thoughts. Who asked you to react? Simply watch. Don’t react. It may be difficult in the beginning but as days pass by, these stupid thoughts will disappear slowly and you will become thoughtless. This is very important and that is the reason one should meditate.
Don’t try to stop or control thoughts. You will fail. Just watch these idiotic thoughts. Watch, watch, watch. Don’t do anything. I repeat “don’t do anything to stop thoughts”. Meditation means doing nothing and thinking nothing. With the eyes open you cannot be in Meditation. Therefore, close your eyes. It will prevent physical attraction towards objects through seeing. Watch the movement of thoughts. Meditation is not an exercise. Watch the movement of thoughts. It will be jumping like a monkey. Here you don’t think. You simply watch. Go ahead. All the best. You can ask me a million questions without any hesitation.
Don’t think that you are troubling me. It is also a thought.
Reply: I spent an hour on your mail and I analyse it below:   
1.   You are not able to do something when your husband is at home.
2.   You are possessing your husband.
3.   You are carrying your anger against your husband all the time, particularly when you see him.      
4.   He will give you a look like “for how long you are going to continue this” which will make you  go mad.
5.   Now he is here, so you are going to go mad again.       
6.   You want to go back to your old happy occasions.
Am I correct? Now go into these once again. I find everything is centred on your husband and you feel happy when he is not with you and now you want to use Spiritualism to get rid of this situation.
Here I will ask you some questions. Will you be happy if he is not permanently with you?  Are you not comparing your present situation with an imaginary past? (The past was happy because you were young and not married. Are you the same today?) You say that this is a happy occasion. What is this occasion and what is happy about it? Remember it is always the other side of the river is greener.
This is absolutely the misunderstanding existing between you and your husband which both of you should solve, not in a hurried way. You want to use Aanmeegam or Spiritualism for this purpose. You will not succeed.
First stop your possessiveness. Who possesses whom? Can you possess a man like a pen or pencil? Rubbish. Suppose if he sits at home kicking off his job, will you take care of him throughout his life?
I don’t mind if you ask any question about knowing yourself and let us forget about others. You created a rut for you and jumped into it and now you want to come out of it because you don’t like it. You may have millions of likes and dislikes. You can’t expect everything to be according to your taste or desires. My advice to you is to know about yourself first.
You have accepted your anger etc. Be aware of your anger etc. Always. Don’t react. Just watch your emotions. This awareness will destroy it. Take life easy. It is just a dream. Don’t be serious. After all life is a passage to know yourself.
Don’t summarize anything happening there because that summary will be based on your conditioned thoughts. If you Love your husband where is the question of possessing him? Do you know Love? Tell me what it is.
Qus: I wanted to understand why all these anger, possessiveness, thoughts etc are bothering me like this and wanted to escape from those. Is intellect the first necessity for knowing oneself?
Ans: What is intellect? Knowledge about the outer - the world, people etc. But do you know the inner world? Intellect is necessary to rubbish it after you come to Intelligence. But here one has to be careful to drop unnecessary knowledge. But I accept it is difficult and therefore, you need the help of a real one who is Enlightened or Self Realised. It is also difficult to find one among thousands of bogus Gurus.
Some are Enlightened without the help of intellect like our Siddhas, Ramanar and the list is long. But one day, one has to drop the intellect. Otherwise you are stuck. This is the case with most of our Samiyars here. They are no doubt intellectuals - bookworms, parrots. What they have read, they will repeat without any personal experience internally.
Having entered intellect one has to pass it gracefully and not to get stuck up. This is where OSHO comes for help, a great help. I am happy to know you are progressing. Meditate. Don’t stop. May be you feel lonely. You are utterly confused. Go through your mail again. Do you understand it now? I don’t understand what you are saying. You are jumping from one to another refuting your own statements. I have nothing to say except to ask you to meditate till those thoughts slowly disappear. Read the eBook I sent you.
Qus: You say to accept everything, now you are asking me not to accept, ponder over it. Isn’t that funny and confusing?
Ans: This means accept the world as it is without any comment. Accept others without any comparison. Just like you have accepted your children and your parents. But don’t accept what I say blindly and what you hear from others. Do you accept the world as it is just now? No, you go on the basis of your conditioned thoughts to possess something or in search of something to fulfil your desires. If you accept the world as it is where is the need for you to go abroad or any other place. This means you don’t accept the world as it is here and now and you want it to be different. You don’t want your own native place and therefore, you go to some other place for what? For making money, to enjoy the sophistications of life as if you will die without them. We, here must be mad otherwise we would have also gone to Timbaktu in seeking money. According to your formula all we Indians living here must be mad fellows because we have not run to Timbaktu to make money and enjoy sophistication. This is what is happening now among youngsters but I accept it. Let the mad be mad as long as they don’t interfere with me. Jesus, Buddha and others have accepted even death to help others to come out of this madness for wealth and fame. Mahaveera, Buddha and many more have thrown away their kingdom to teach Truth and not for any personal benefit.
Qus: Hope you didn’t misunderstand what I said. I was just trying to be funny and informal. Please forgive me if I was offensive.. But I am definitely understanding the points you are making with “pondering over anything” and “negating” to analyze any thought and to throw it when it is not correct. I absolutely understand the meaning of “accept everything” and now “do not accept, ponder over” and “negate”. Thank you for helping me in resolving my ignorance.
Ans: I don’t misunderstand. Never. Please be funny. Full of fun and laughter. I am also like that sometimes because I don’t find anyone to swallow my fun always. My jokes will make you go mad. May be sometimes sexy also. What, are you shocked? Go ahead. Enjoy. Don’t be serious. Laugh, sing and dance.
Qus: Just for your information choosing to come to US or being in India or wherever in the world to make money or to do something is not my decision. Nothing here is mine, just have gone with the flow. Just like how you are staying in Chennai. Some of the decisions may be of my parents or others, but not mine. Because I didn’t even know what I am doing and why I am doing all these. Tomorrow if I come to India to settle also, that’s not mine. Just going with the flow. Whatever decides will make me to come and sit in India when it thinks that I should be in India. I am expecting it to be soon.
Ans: Do you understand what you have stated above. It means you are just a slave acting according to the desires of others. This is exactly what everyone is. Each one wants to please others to get fame and wealth. You are talking as if something is responsible for what all happened and you are not responsible for that.
That thing you are talking about is only YOU. Find it out. It is not a controller of your destiny. Your ignorance controls you. As it is man/woman is a slave of circumstances. The pity is he/she does not know it. They have been conditioned so badly, they have lost their originality. The purpose of Spiritualism is to know one’s originality. Find it out. Discover it. It is not something somewhere. You are just now Original. All the rest are duplicates, false but appearing as real. A dream appearing as real.
Qus: But on the culture and further about it, I was not able to quite follow it. May be more progress need to happen to understand.
Ans: What is your question on this? Is it not simple English? It deals with one’s false assumptions about himself. What is culture? From where did you get it? Can this culture fight against money power? If one is rich he/she can go on changing the partner or do whatever they like not bothering about the so called Society. Without money one is forced to accept the other. It is a compulsion and not out of LOVE.
We are all leading a pseudo life. We are trained to be like that and we find it very difficult to come out of it. While abroad a girl may take a peg of whiskey or wine with no one raising a little finger. But when she comes here she will not do it and comment how bad that women are drinking in US. Is this not a false life? No one wants to talk the truth. Because he/she is afraid that they will be condemned. Is this Freedom or living in fear? We are all slaves of circumstances and forced conditions which we call the Society and its Culture. While dealing with animal there is no culture and while dealing with people suddenly culture comes in. From where?
Let me not go deeply into this bullshit called Society and Culture as I am not a Social Reformer. No Reformer has ever reformed the so called Society. You look at the people around you, you will agree with me. Several reformers came and gone but the world is still in chaos and in wars. For me these are all illusions of illusions, dreams within dreams.
Qus: And it is more confusing these days because when I attend some so called preaching or Satsangs or gatherings, I am not sure what we are coming together towards for. All the talk or whatever was done was mostly around that Guru itself, rather than something more. If I am not even able to pray what we call god because my intellect says whether this belief is right or not, there is no one hearing our prayers and making things happen based on who is praying more, who is offering more etc. etc. How can I pray or give false respect to someone just because I started going to the meeting. He/She hasn’t told or done anything so far which would change my thought process or my behaviour. On what basis am I supposed to pray or give false respect to him. But I keep going to those meetings expecting there is something yet to come or maybe I am missing to get it, but I finally get tired and stop those. Even if the guru was real experienced (which I am not sure), it is very hard to understand the real goal because of the great deal that the people around him/her make and also because of the large group addressed. Definitely 1-to-1 or less audience makes more sense and ask our questions without any fear.
Ans: Do you know Buddha was able to get only three (some say four) Enlightened during his physical existence and not a crowd. A crowd is nothing but a refined group of animals. As someone said man is a social animal. Transformation cannot take place. The Tao or flow can happen much more easily with one to one. But that also depends on who the seeker is and what is he seeking. Is he a real seeker or seeking something to get his desires fulfilled? You will find a crowd is this. So the false gurus go on talking some nonsense to satisfy this crowd. You will always find a group around him proclaiming that they alone are close to the guru thereby showing off that they alone are capable of understanding the Truth and the rest are all dummies. They just want to show off their intellect. Is this not a great injustice done to mankind? Yet this goes on endlessly and both the guru and the so called disciples thrive. They live on wealth and luxuries. What more can you expect out of these chaps?
Most of the real teachers never revealed themselves. You will not find any one hanging around them. They cannot go near the real one. But people are guided by publicity and fame and they think that by attending such discourses their life will turn to be a paradise without knowing what life is. It is better to avoid such places. Just a publicity stunt for the audience and the guru. By attending a few discourses one cannot arrive. These discourses are something like a lecture given by a Professor. A Professor can talk about atomic explosion without any personal experience. These are all empty talks. May be useful in the outer but not in the inner world.
Qus: Now I understood that you said in dreams one takes different bodies and in waking one dreams of several senses. When the dreams will stop?
Ans: When you realise what YOU are. Even then the dreams will be there till the body drops or disintegrates which you call death and you will know these are dreams like a cinema and you will not come to a false conclusion that they are real. If you realise yourself you will come to know death and birth do not exist but YOU continue as Consciousness forever. Always remember that the body is just an instrument of the mind. You are not the body or the mind but beyond. You are absolute CONSCIOUSNESS.
Qus: I realized that knowing Spiritualism or about it more, even to think about it now, it is very thrilling.  Honestly, scary too.
Ans: Let us go slow from here. There is no doer. No Ahamkar. It means Aham-I, Kar-doer. No doer. No listener. No perceiver. No seer. No hearer. All nouns disappear. Only verbs appear to exist as illusions. Let us stop with this and go deep into this. Now you (?) can start thinking. The thinking will now only happen. You are correct “Scary too”. Don’t bother. You will not die. You will remain hale and healthy with your body, your job etc. I guarantee this. Now ponder over this scary thing which will break you into pieces as “I am the doer”. Who is this something else listening carefully? Any identification? Only listening is going on without a listener.
Qus: When you say ”The perceiver is not known but the perceived is known” and based on what I understood and experienced yesterday, am I going to (or my goal is to) find out, know and experience the “perceiver” or is this the truth that I have to accept and proceed further?
Ans: Go slow. No running business. See the above answer. Only perceiving is going on. Nothing is perceived only perceiving goes on. Knowing alone happens without a knower. Seeing alone happens without a seer. This seeing, knowing, perceiving is through CONSCIOUSNESS. Without this Consciousness nothing can ever happen. You cannot explain this Consciousness but you are experiencing it right now. Here you are bound to ask a question “Who is experiencing”? Think over and give me an answer. Go slow. I know this will be a rude shock. Don’t run away. Go deep. You will not die.
Qus:1. Do we need to drop intellect after we understand things and get our questions cleared or we need to start dropping it now itself by not asking rubbish questions?
Ans: 1 is correct. There is no need to drop anything. Just negate. Discard all the falsities. No need to search the Truth. Throw away all falsities. That is all. Neti, Neti-This is not correct, this is not correct or this is false, this is false. Drop all nonsensical conditioned thoughts by going into them deeper. If you go deep by enquiry the false will disappear by itself. No need even to throw it off.
Qus: How would we know that we have come to intelligence and how we need to drop intellect?
Ans: There is no need. The knowledge about the Truth is Intelligence. The knowledge about the false is Ignorance. Truth is to know yourself - the real Knowledge. Ignorance is what all imagined by the mind and thoughts all these days from your childhood till now through conditioned thoughts. Enquire them. It will automatically drop. For example to know whether something is clean is to find out whether it is dirty. Negation. If it is not dirty it should be clean. Therefore, no need to search for Truth. Negate all falsities.
Nothing is constant in the Universe. Everything is in a great flux. Tremendous movement. Therefore, there is no noun. All are verbs in the Universe. A river is not a river. It is not ending. It is rivering. Similarly there is no tree, it grows, therefore, treeing. But we don’t use such words because of ignorance and intellect. The intellect will fumble here. You are growing every moment. You don’t stop growing. Your cells are constantly being replaced. As a matter of fact you are not what you were in the previous moment or yesterday. Strictly speaking you should be called womaning. But the mind thinks everything is constant. In fact there is no person who is thinking. It is the mind with thought doing all these nonsense. Your body is just an instrument for the mind for perception. You as a body is just a dummy. You don’t exist as a person at all. You are nothing but a bundle of thoughts, actions and reactions for the mind and not for you which is false or ignorance which is ego. I know this will create shock waves in you. Don’t worry. You will be fine.
Qus: “Why should I know myself?”
Ans:  Excellent question. This means that you already know yourself and you do not want to know it again or you do not know yourself and you want to remain as it is. Now I will ask you another question; if you know yourself please explain what are you - either the body or mind or something else. You cannot say “all these put together is me” because the body does not claim by itself that it is me. Then who is it that is making the claim through the mouth? Find out who that chap is and finish him off.
Now coming to the second part of it, if you do not know yourself what is the harm in knowing yourself. If you say “no, no I do not want to know myself and I will live like an idiot” well, I have nothing to say. How can I talk to someone who is denying his/her own existence? Here you indirectly accept that you have been living all these years without knowing yourself, your kids your job etc. like a machine. But you say I know them. How? The perceiver is not known but the perceived is known. Am I correct? Do you understand this statement to its core, the enormous significance of this statement? Do you accept that the perceiver is unknown? The knower or the doer is unknown. This means there is no doer, the doer is absent. The perceiver is absent. A thing which is not known or does not know itself says that it got married and produced children and now working in the IT field.
YOUR COMMENT: The other points, I will go over and get back to you with more and more questions.  But this is really bothering me a lot and I want to leave this whole thing now, at this very moment. But something is not letting me to do it.
Ans: My reply is as follows which I am doubtful you will understand. If you want to drop it please do so. No compulsion. I accept you as it is with your ignorance.
The seer, seeing and seen is one wholeness without any separation. But the mind perceives it as three separate entities and not you as a person. This wholeness of three as one cannot be explained just like you cannot explain what sweetness is. It can only be known. The quality of seeing is Consciousness. At both ends it contains a false seer and seen. As a matter of fact, the Truth is the seer is the seen. That is you are me and I am you. What you see is your own reflection. But thoughts perceive it as different individual forms and expresses it through words as sound produced with the help of the mouth. Verbally your useless mind cannot understand this fact. The thoughts cannot understand this Truth. The false thoughts have to die or disappear for the Truth to be seen. This knowledge will make the thoughts understand itself and the brain will automatically mutate accordingly. Till then the false one which is nothing but the ego which is a bundle of thoughts is at the clutches of false thoughts. Your job is to be aware of all these facts. Be watchful, be aware, and be alert. Your mind has thousands of years of such false accumulated knowledge and projects it through thoughts expressed through a body. Trillions and trillions of manifestations of the mind. All these arise and subside from non manifest which you call waking and sleep. All these truth has to be known to the mind and thoughts should know about its own falsities. This will happen automatically as you progress in the right direction. What is required is unfailing perseverance, a passion for true knowledge. Your intellect will utterly fail here. This is Intelligence. The failure of intellect is Intelligence. The disappearance of false thoughts is due to Intelligence. There is no need to search for Intelligence. It will automatically happen. Only thing is you must continue the journey without any break. You may find it difficult but you will get used to it (Here I am using words to make you understand). The rest is left to you, at your disposal.
Be with flowers and trees. Enjoy the beauty of nature. What all you like just enjoy them. Go to a park, a beach or a place of entertainment. You will be perfectly alright. When you discover love in you then everything around will take a different turn.
Physical attraction or hormonal activity is not Love and certainly not “Possessiveness”. You never bothered to ask questions either here or even there (US). Your Dollar currency says “We trust in God” What is this trust and what is God? You don’t ask questions to know them. Even here when you go to temples you will find big boards in which “Anbe Sivam” would have been written. You or people never bothered to ask questions about this Anbu (Love) and Sivam. They just go on mechanically. Read the book I sent you today. Love is not a thing which can only happen between a boy and girl. It is UNIVERSAL. I can be in love with a flower etc. In short I am love. Similarly you are Love. You cannot say I am in love with someone. If you say that, it is not love. Without knowing this basic Truth we go on saying “I love this and love that”. Don’t you love your kids? That love should be there with the husband and others also. Is it there? You will find you possess your husband, children etc. Love is dead in the present world. Discover Love, Anbu. It is already there with you and every one. You cannot be in Love with a particular person only. It is Universal.
Qus: Without finding the real happiness, if the park, trees and nature makes us happy, aren’t we trying to find happiness outside. Then if they are not there, I will not be happy right. I am just trying to understand whether this concept or whatever is right. Or am I just overly thinking and it is ok to enjoy them.
Is the nature real? Seems like the Truth is the next person I see, my kids that I see are not real, it is all perception of the mind. Is it the same way for nature, tree, air everything too. I just want to understand what is real and what is not, as I don’t want to find happiness in something or anything which is not real. Please help me resolve my ignorance.
Ans: I am just using words to make you understand. Do you know what happiness is? You are happiness but you search for it and call a little pleasure as happiness. Why I asked you to be with flowers, trees etc. is for a change. To calm the mind. Because you cannot operate within the field of comparison or expectation when you are with plants, trees and flowers. You become thoughtless here, if you are alone without any companion. Find out whether they are real or not. If I say something it will be only your intellectual knowledge.
In continuation of Hiroshima bombing (Radiation is supposed to continue for thousands of years, but Hiroshima is a modern town now - How?)
Your question answered. Don’t you think this energy or radiation or whatever you call is just bullshit because you don’t know what they are? This is exactly Spiritualism “To know yourself and come out of such material illusions and Realize you are not the body or mind”. Science accepts that nothing exists. Then why this question about radiation existing? Stupid questions and answers. But materialism will block it. You are attracted by Benz car, Villa etc. This is the block. Let it be there but don’t attach any importance to them. We can participate in it without attachment. We waste our life in getting caught by them giving importance to them and die like a mosquito. I find you are more attracted to them. Will you understand if I say “I married myself and gave birth to myself”? You will say I am a mad fellow.
QUS: I am telling this to myself now. What masters have said is what important and not getting myself tied to those places. I wish I can only read books full time. As far as I am concerned, I am one of those intellectuals too. That’s why I have never believed or followed anyone so far because I really don’t know whether those people are fake or not. At the same time, I couldn’t surrender myself to the statues as well because I wasn’t sure whether they existed or not.
Ans: Read any book of Osho published by Osho commune either at Poona or elsewhere and certainly not by any other private publications. Read his talks on Upanishads, Geetha, Zen etc. No one else in the world either now or past would have left such a great treasure of true explanations on Religion. His talks have come as more than 1000 books but he never wrote any books. Now people are building organisations around these books and started calling themselves as masters. This has spread now throughout the world.
The places have nothing to do with what you should know about yourself. You may think that something will come to you by visiting these places. NO NO. Don’t get tied to the places instead understand yourself. When a time comes you will be automatically led to some places and not according to your plan.
Visiting such places will amount to visiting temples. They had a meaning when the Masters were present in their physical form. Your job is to understand what the Master has said about Truth and realise it instead of planning to visit places where they lived. By going to Himalayas don’t think you will meet Siva. That fellow is right here sitting by my side.
I am not known. Unknown. Therefore, ‘I’ become birth. As birth ‘I’ know myself as Consciousness. When ‘I’ am known fully, ‘I’ drop the body and consciously remain as myself.
I am unknown. ‘I’ arise as a dream. A semi Consciousness of myself dawns. This leads to full Consciousness of myself which is called wakeful state.
Once when I am known absolutely as Consciousness ‘I’ drop the body and remain as known Consciousness forever.
From unknown state, I move to a known state which is called birth and death.
I am born as a body to know myself. When I am absolutely conscious of myself I become pure Consciousness and drop the body which is called death.
Sleep is my original state. Unknown state with awareness. To know myself I am born. But yet I do not know myself as several bodies. I slowly become conscious of myself in the body state. To become conscious of myself I become the body, world, the seer, seen, seeing etc. When I am fully realized as Consciousness I drop everything of myself which is the world etc. 
To know myself the start is the dream. From dream I pass on to a wakeful state where I become fully conscious. To become fully conscious of myself I become the Subject and Object. This object is the world, you, it, that etc. But I remain as a subject. I go back to my original state of not knowing every day which is called sleep. This knowing of Myself happens in  time and not knowing of myself as a body happens in no time.
The beginning state of knowing myself is dream. The middle state of knowing myself as Consciousness is wakeful state. When I am fully conscious of myself all these states of birth, dream, wakefulness, objects, everything dissolves into Myself as Consciousness. Till I am realized as Consciousness this chain of process goes on from sleep (I am unknown state) to dream (I am slightly conscious without will) and I move into wakeful state (fully conscious of myself as body and myself as subject and objects) and the dropping and the disappearance of Subject and Object to Absolutely Consciousness of myself. This is not nothingness. A No-thingness.
The world happens or appears. The good and bad happen. The sorrow and pain happens. The pleasure and joy happens only for knowing Myself and I come to know because of Consciousness. (Can you make out anything from this?)
Otherwise there is no meaning in Birth and death – the world and people. What all I become (the world, birth, death, subject, object, seer, seen) are only an illusory helping phenomena to know myself. When I know myself as something which is worded as Consciousness, I drop all of these and remain only as Myself.
This knowing of Myself happens in uncountable manifestations. From only a few I know Myself. The rest moves on in space time till I know Myself from every manifestation. This goes on forever in time and space without which I can only drop back to my unknown state which is worded as sleep.
When I know Myself, I come to know that what I am searching is Myself. Till then I do not know what I am searching. All my manifestations as world and people are only searching for Myself. I am searching Myself as others and get disillusioned in my searches. These searches are rituals, Religion etc. They cannot know themselves as a single manifestation appearing as many. Very, very rarely one of those manifestations comes to know it. All the rest of these manifestations think they know and only spread ignorance which goes on for thousands of years.
The simple fact is that the unknown coming to know itself. I progress from an unknown state to a known state. Every time it slips and I fall back to the unknown state which is worded as sleep. Then I start again which is worded as “the next day”. I get stuck in my appearances as the world, man etc.
Again I fall back into the unknown state. This goes on forever. Very, very rarely I come to know Myself. Then I am known as Consciousness. Till then in all my manifestations which is called “Human” etc., I only search for Myself and get caught in my own manifestations as world etc. This will go on for millions and millions of years till everything knows itself.
This search for Myself leads to birth, body, mind, thoughts, ego, Science, Philosophy etc. All the happenings in the so called world which is my manifestation lead to misery, killings wars etc. I cannot prevent it because they are ME as unknown in its search.